MCCC Course Index Record (Minnesota)

The Minnesota Common Course Catalog is a course classification system designed to provide uniform information about courses provided in Minnesota schools. The MCCC Course Record Extract collects course information for courses aligned to the MCCC.

MCCC Course Record Extract Editor

Required Setup - Program Course Requirements

PATH: Program Admin > Programs > Expand Program > Course Requirements > Transcript/Course Number(s)

Course Requirements for an Academic Program are set by entering a list of course numbers in the Transcript/Course Numbers field shown below. The course numbers entered here determine how the Grade Requirement Indicator field reports. Academic Programs must also have a Code of GRAD and be marked as State Reported.

Setting Up Course Requirements in an Academic Program

Extract Examples

MCCC Course Record - State Format (XML)

MCCC Course Record - HTML Format

MCCC Course Record - CSV Format

Report Logic

All active courses that have SCED Subject Area and SCED Course Identifier Code populated on the Course tab in the selected calendar will appear in the report. Courses which have the State Exclude checkbox marked will not be included in the report.

These fields are set in the NCES Data section of the Courses tab.

Early Education Subreport

An Early Education subreport generates with records for each course when the following is true:

  • Course has an SCED Course Identifier selected.
  • Course has an SCED Subject Area of 81 or higher.
  • Course is active (unless the Inactive Courses checkbox is marked).

If more than one record is found with the same State Course Code, the record with the highest courseID reports.

For guidance in validating the XML file against your state's schema using a free, third-party program, see the Validating an XML File Against a Schema File article.

MCCC Course Record Layout

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

Local Course Code

The identification number of the course.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number


Local Title

The name of the course. 


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Name

Site Number

The state school number of the school reporting the course. If Report District-wide is selected, this field will report as 000.


System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


State Course Code

The NCES state code of the course.

Numeric, 5 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES Code


Course Level 1

The difficulty level of the course.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Level


Course Level 2

An additional description of the difficulty level of the course.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Secondary Course Level


Sequence Number

The first number selected for the SCED Sequence, indicating if the course occurs as part of a consecutive series of courses.

Numeric, 2 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > SCED Sequence


Sequence Limit

The second number selected for the SCED Sequence.

Numeric, 2 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > SCED Sequence


Standard Addressed

Indicates the type of state-reported standard(s) addressed in the course. Options are:

  • N: National
  • S: State
  • L: Local
  • C: Combination of national, state or local
  • A: None Addressed (or NULL)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Standard Addressed


Grad Requirement Indicator

Indicates if the course is required for graduation. Reports as true if the course is listed in a state-reported Academic Program with a Code of GRAD. Reports as true or false.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Programs > Academic Programs > Program Detail > Code; Programs > Academic Programs > Program > Course Requirements > Transcript/Course Number(s)

Not dynamically stored

End of Course Indicator

Indicates if the course represent the completion of state standards required for subject assessments.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > End of Course Indicator


College Course Level

Reports the SCED Course Level if there is a College Code reported.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES > SCED Course Level


College Code

The FICE/FAFSA code assigned to a post-secondary institution.

Numeric, 6 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > College Code


College Course Code

The course code relating to a post-secondary institution.

Numeric, 6 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > College Course Code


College Course Credits

The number of post-secondary course credits assigned to the course.

Decimal, 6 characters, XXX.XX

Scheduling > Courses > Course > College Course Credit


Local Description

Reports the locally-defined Description of the course.

Alphanumeric, 1500 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Description


Early Education Subreport Layout

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

Local Course Code

The identification number of the course.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number


Local Title

The name of the course. 


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Name

Site Number

The state school number of the school reporting the course. If Report District-wide is selected, this field will report as 000.


System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


State Course Code

The NCES state code of the course.

Numeric, 5 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES Code


Course Level

A description of the difficulty level of the course.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Secondary Course Level


Sequence Number

The first number selected for the SCED Sequence, indicating if the course occurs as part of a consecutive series of courses.

Numeric, 2 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > SCED Sequence


Sequence Limit

The second number selected for the SCED Sequence.

Numeric, 2 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > SCED Sequence


Standard Addressed

Indicates the type of state-reported standard(s) addressed in the course. Options are:

  • N: National
  • S: State
  • L: Local
  • C: Combination of national, state or local
  • A: None Addressed (or NULL)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Standard Addressed


Grad Requirement Indicator

Indicates if the course is required for graduation. Reports as true if the course is listed in a state-reported Academic Program with a Code of GRAD. Reports as true or false.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Programs > Academic Programs > Program Detail > Code; Programs > Academic Programs > Program > Course Requirements > Transcript/Course Number(s)

Not dynamically stored

End of Course Indicator

Indicates if the course represent the completion of state standards required for subject assessments.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > End of Course Indicator


Local DescriptionThe first 1500 characters of the description of the course.

Alphanumeric, 1500 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Description

Curriculum/ Implementation Currently reports as NONE. N/A
Assessment Tool/ Implementation

Reports the assessment tool used and how it is implemented. 


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Early Education Fields > Assessment Tool and Implementation

EE Location Code

Where Early Education instruction takes place.

Reports the Instruction Method/EE Location if entered or the default value if not. If no default value is entered, reports as OTHER. 

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Instruction Method/EE Location

State Program IndicatorIf EE State/Federal Program indicator is 1 or 3, reports as 'true.' Otherwise reports as 'false.'

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Custom Data Elements > EE State/Federal Program Indicator

Federal Program IndicatorIf EE State/Federal Program indicator is 2 or 3, reports as 'true.' Otherwise reports as 'false.'

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Custom Data Elements > EE State/Federal Program Indicator

ABE IndicatorReports as 'true' if the EE Adult Basic Ed (ABE) Indicator is marked or as 'false' if not. 

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Custom Data Elements > EE Adult Basic Ed. (ABE) Indicator

EE Program CodeReports the EE Program Type Code if entered, or as the default value if not. If no default value is entered, reports as null. 

Alphanumeric, 4 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Custom Data Elements > EE Program Type Code

Course.eeProgram TypeCode
Standard Code

The Codes of the standards assigned to the course. Reports a <StandardCode> record for each standard marked as Final and State Reported that has a Code entered. 

Reports 99.EB.All when standards 99.EB.1-.4 are assigned to the course. Reports as 99.E3.All when all standards 99.E3.1-.6 are assigned to the course. 

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Grading & Standards > Standards Bank > Standards > Code










