

Address Change Report [.2124 - .2215]
Provides information on generating the Address Change Report.
Enrollments (Census) [.2124 - .2235]
Provides information on the Census Enrollments tab.
Census: Individual Household Membership - [.2016 - .2120] - Video
The Households tools are used to view and manage an individual person's household memberships.
Create New Identity [.1917 - .2108] - Video
Creating a new identity record is recommended when a change is made to a person’s demographic data, such as a change in last name. This new identity allows for historical information to be maintained. This video demonstrates how to create a new identity
School Choice Messenger [.2016-.2120]
Classic Path:  System Administration > School Choice > School Choice Messenger Search Terms:  School Choice Messenger The School Choice Messenger walks a user through the process of creating a message than can be sent to inform a guardia...
Demographics [.2140 - .2215]
This article provides information on the managing person data on the Demographics tool.
District Assignments [.2124 - .2219]
This document provides information on District Assignments.
Fees (Person) - Video [.2211 - .2227]
Fees assigned to an individual can be viewed and managed from the fees tool in Census > People. ...
Household Fees - Video [.2211 - .2227]
Fees assigned to members of a household can be viewed and managed from the Household Fees tool. Previous Versions Manage Household Fees - Video [.2124 - .2207] Record Household Fee Payments - Video [.2124 - ..2207] ...