Demographics [.2140 - .2215]

If Campus Human Resources is enabled, Demographics information in the Census module is read-only and is maintained in the Personnel Master. See the Campus SIS Integration with Campus HR article for more information:

Classic View: Census > People > Demographics

Search Terms: Demographics

The Demographics tab is the basic area for viewing general person information within the Campus system. All people for whom data is tracked, including students, staff, parents/guardians, household members, etc., have a Demographics tab record, which contains basic data organized into the following editors:

Fields vary by state. Please see your state's State Tools articles for more information on Demographics procedures in your state.

Census Demographics Editor

Changes to a person’s Demographic tab may erase historical information. If changes to a person's name, Social Security number, gender or birth date are necessary, a new Identities record should be created, rather than updating information on this tab. Deleting a Demographics tab record is not recommended.

Demographics Information in Ad hoc Query Wizard

Demographics information is available in the Query Wizard for Student Data Type filters and Census/Staff filters. Fields can be selected from the following folders:

  • Student > Demographics
  • Person > Demographics

Additional fields are also available in the Student > Demographics > Identity History and Person > Demographics > Identity History folders.

Fields available on the Demographics tab are noted in the table of field definitions below.

Notice that when creating a Census filter, the field names begin with individual; when creating a Student filter, the field names begin with student. Fields from the Identify History folder begin with ident. 

Census/Staff Demographic Ad hoc Fields  

Student Demographic Ad hoc Fields  

Tool Rights

Classic View: System Administration > User Security > Tool Rights 

New Navigation: User Management > User Account > Tool Rights

Full access to the  Census > People > Demographics tool requires the following tool rights:

Staff State ID
User can view the staff person's state-assigned identification number.

User can also select the staff ID number in Ad hoc reports.
User can add the staff person's state-assigned identification number when there is no existing value.User can edit and remove a state-assigned identification number for the staff person.N/A
Student State ID
User can view the student's state-assigned identification number.

User can also select the student ID number in Ad hoc reports.
User can add the student's state-assigned identification number when there is no existing value.User can edit and remove a state-assigned identification number for the staff person.N/A
User can view the person's Global Unique Identifier.N/AN/AN/A
Modify Local Student Number

User can modify the student's locally assigned student number.

Assigning any right level (R, A, W, D) allows this ability.

Modify Local Staff Number

User can modify the staff person's locally assigned student number.

Assigning any right level (R, A, W, D) allows this ability.

View Staff Birth Date & Age
User can view the staff person's birth date and age.User can modify (including delete) the staff' person's birth date and age.N/AN/A
Ed-Fi ID
User can view the student's Ed-Fi ID.User can modify the student's Ed-Fi ID using the Use Ed-Fi ID button.User can modify an exisitng Ed-Fi ID or add a new Ed-Fi ID using the Use Ed-Fi ID button.N/A

These tool rights also carry through to any reports generated from the Demographics tab. For example, if a user is not assigned the View Staff Birth Date & Age tool right, that information does not display on the Person Information editor or on the Person Demographics and Person Summary Reports, or when searching for staff.

Separate tool rights are necessary for viewing a person's Social Security number.

When a user does not have the View Staff Birth Date & Age tool right but does have rights to modify Demographics or Identities, upon saving of the changes, the Date of Birth field does not display for that user, but it does still exist on the record.

Classic View - Tool Rights for Demographics
New Navigation - Tool Rights for Demographics

Student State ID, Staff State ID

In the Campus.2112 Release Pack (March 2021), the State ID sub tool right, which controlled access to both the Staff State ID and Student State ID, was removed. In its place are two new sub tool rights - Staff State ID and Student State ID. 

Data conversion has been done for any user assigned the State ID sub tool right to have the same tool rights assigned for the new sub tool rights. Users who were not assigned rights to the State ID sub tool right do not have rights to the new sub tool rights. 

Person Information

The Person Information editor provides basic information about the person being viewed. Users can view a person's relevant background/identification data.

Fields on this editor are often  used in state reporting and other areas of the Campus application. For example, pictures uploaded in this editor can be displayed in other modules (Grade Book, POS).

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Demographics - Person Information 

Data Element


Ad hoc Field Name

Last Name

The individual's last name.





First Name

The individual's first name.





Middle Name

The individual's middle name.




The generational assignment as part of his/her name (i.e., Jr, III) by which the person is referred.






The indication of whether an individual is male, female or other (non-male, non-female). Other Gender is only included when a state has chosen to include additional gender option(s).





Birth Date

Person's date of birth.

Access to see this information for staff is controlled by a tool right. See the Tool Rights section for more information.



Social Security Number

Social Security Number (SSN) assigned to the person. Please see additional information on Social Security Number Tool Rights.




Person's/ethnicity determination. Please see additional information on the Race/Ethnicity Wizard.



Other race/ethnicity fields are available. Any race sub categories that may be used by the state are also available.

  • student.hispanicEthnicity, fedRace.hispanicEthnicity
  • student.raceEthnicityFed, fedRace.raceEthnicityFed
  • student.raceEthnicityDetermination, fedRace.raceEthnicityDeterminiation

Birth Country

Country in which person was born.



Date Entered US

Date the person entered the United States.


This field is in the Identity History folder.

Date Entered US School

Date the person began attending school in the United States.


This field is in the Identity History folder.

Birth Verification

Indicates the legal document used to verify person's birth.


The code assigned to the selected verification type reports.

This field is in the Identity History folder.

Home Primary LanguageThe name of the specific language the individual uses to communicate at home.



Secondary Language

The name of another language the individual uses to communicate at home.

This field may not be available for all districts.




Nickname preferred by person.

This field may not appear for all states. 




Additional comments about the person.


Upload Picture

When selected, users can browse to a saved file where this student's picture is stored. The picture is viewable in other parts of Campus - Seating Charts, Point of Sale Terminals, etc.


Use the Photo Import tool to upload pictures for multiple students.


Protected Identity Information is available on the Identities tab.

Person Identifiers

The Person Identifiers editor contains unique person identifying information. The fields in this editor are used to identify a person throughout the Campus system - for state reporting purposes, person searches, person records, etc. 

For settings related to the generation and format of identification numbers, please see the Student Number Formats, System Preference (District) and System Preferences (State) articles.

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Person Identifiers  

Data Element


Ad hoc Field Names

Local Student Number

Student's district identification number, used within school/district.

Tool rights (noted above) are necessary to  modify the student number.




Student's NASIS identification number, as assigned by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE).


This field only appears to BIE users.



Generate Number / Generate Number (System Preference Disabled)

Mark this checkbox to generate a Local Student Number.


This checkbox may not appear or may not be usable, depending on the settings of the Student Number Format tool.



Student State ID

Student's identification number, as assigned by the state Department of Education.

Tool rights are needed to see this value. If no tool rights are assigned, NO ACCESS displays in the field.


Generation of this field may depend on district/state System Preferences.

Massachusetts Users Only: This field may be updated with the SASID received via SIF from the State as specified in the SIF StudentPersonalRefID.

Tool rights (noted above) are necessary to view the State ID.


Local Staff Number

Staff member's district identification number, used within school/district.

Tool rights (noted above) are necessary to modify the staff number.


Staff State ID

Staff member's identification number, as assigned by the state Department of Education.

Tool rights are needed to see this value. If no tool rights are assigned, NO ACCESS displays in the field.


Generation of this field may depend on district/state System Preferences.

Tool rights (noted above) are necessary to view the State ID.


Person GUID

Unique identifier assigned to each person entered into Infinite Campus. This is a database identifier field and cannot be modified.

Tool rights (noted above) are necessary to view the GUID.



Portal Username

Indicates the person's Campus Portal username.

For users with proper tool rights to the User Account tool or who have an SIS Product Security role, the displayed Portal Username becomes a hyperlink that when selected, redirects you to the user's User Account tab.


Staff members who have proper calendar rights and the 'Reset Portal Password' sub-right assigned have the ability to reset a parent or student's account by selecting a Reset Password hyperlink found to the right of the Portal Username.

This feature was added in Campus Release Pack .2211 (March 2022)

Once selected, you will be asked to create a new password for the person. Create a new password and then inform this person of their new password. Using the password you provided, the next time this person logs into Infinite Campus they will be forced to create a new account password for themselves.

If this option does not appear for users who do not have proper calendar rights (rights to the calendar the student is actively enrolled in) and the 'Reset Portal Password' sub-right assigned (see below).
Ed-Fi ID

A unique identifier used to tie the person's records within Campus to their Ed-Fi record within the Ed-Fi system.


See the Enter an Ed-Fi ID article for more information.

This field and its functionality is not available for all Campus users.



Personal Contact Information

The Personal Contact Information editor contains phone numbers, messaging preferences and the language preferred for receiving messages. Voice preferences only display if the district is using Campus Messenger with Voice.

In order for contacts to receive Emergency messages, they must have the Emergency checkbox marked on the phones designated to receive these calls.

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Personal Contact Information  

This editor may not show voice and text Messenger Preference Contact Reasons if the district does not use Campus Messenger with Voice or Text Messaging functionality.

Data Element


Ad hoc Field Names
Email/Secondary Email

Lists the person's email addresses.

The primary Email address displays in the following areas:

  • A teacher's email address displays in Campus Student.
  • A parent's email address displays on the Roster.

The Secondary Email address does NOT display in these areas, but is included on the Person Summary Report.

If Campus Human Resources is enabled, the Email is the staff's personal email and Secondary Email is the staff's work email.


Cell Phone

The person's cell phone number.


Other Phone

Additional phone number (not applicable to the Cell Phone, Work Phone or Pager fields).




When the Private checkbox is marked, indicates the details should be kept within school settings. See the Private Checkbox Information section for more details.


Marking this checkbox does not have any effect on any Messenger settings.






Work Phone

The person's work phone number.



The person's pager number.


Preferred Language

Indicates the language in which the person prefers to be contacted. This field is used in Messenger tools and in letter wizards (Attendance Letters, Behavior Letters, POS Letters, HR Letters, Account Letters, Letter Designer) sent in languages other than English. Languages can be added in the Attribute/Dictionary

pcontact.communication Language


Details related to the person's contact information.


Messenger Preference Contact Reasons

When these checkboxes are marked, that information is stored as bit values in the database, and each one has a different value. These values are also displayed in the Filter Designer. When multiple checkboxes are marked for one person, a total value is calculated, as well as a Binary Total. See this Excel file for a visual image of this.

Data ElementDefinition
Delivery DeviceThe device for which message preferences are being set: email, voice or text.
EmergencyIndicates Emergency messages should be sent to the delivery device.
AttendanceIndicates Attendance messages should be sent to the delivery device. Attendance messages notify guardians when students are absent or tardy from class.
Behavior Messenger

Indicates Behavior messages should be sent to the delivery device. Behavior messages notify guardians when a student is involved in a behavior incident.


Indicates messages intended for staff (individuals with a District Assignments record) should be sent to the delivery device.

Staff who should receive notification of a referral being sent need to have a delivery device marked. These staff names are then available for selection on Behavior Preferences and can be selected in the Notify field on the Behavior Referral.

This column only displays when the person has a District Assignments record.

For users who have a District Assignment record and are also parents of students enrolled in the district, the Staff checkbox displays on the Contact Preferences list as well. It is recommended that those users have multiple logins to Campus - one for the Portal and one for Campus Instruction.


Indicates that messages marked as General Notification and sent from the Scheduling Messenger, Behavior Messenger, Staff Messenger, Survey Messenger or Message Builder should be sent to the delivery device.

 School Choice Messenger also uses this option.

Food ServiceIndicates POS Account Messenger messages should be sent to to the delivery device. POS Account Messenger messages notify guardians of current account balances and when food service accounts have low or negative balances.
Indicates that messages marked as Priority Notification and sent from the Staff Messenger, Survey Messenger or  Message Builder should be sent to the delivery device.
TeacherIndicates that messages sent from any of the Instruction Messenger tools (Grades Messages, Missing Assignment Messages, Class Messages, Failing Assignment Scheduler and Missing Assignment Scheduler) should be sent to the delivery device. If given rights by the district or school, teachers can send messages to guardians regarding failing grades and missing assignments. They can also send general announcements.

Establish Messenger Preferences

Messenger preferences are used to designate which email and/or phone numbers should be used to contact people associated with Campus (i.e., guardians, students, staff).

Any person who has a relationship with a student can be designated as a messenger contact for that student, as long as the Messenger checkbox is marked for that relationship on the Relationships tab. All voice, email, text and survey messages sent from the system generate a Process Alert (for staff members only) or Portal Inbox (for parents and/or students with Portal accounts) message to the recipient, regardless of the preferences set in this area.

The messenger preferences that appear on this tool can be established and/or updated through one of the following methods:

  • Batch setting/updating preferences for all contacts through the Contact Preferences Batch tool - System administrators can set preferences for all messenger contacts en masse.
  • Manual setting/updating of preferences for individual contacts on the Demographics   tool - Users with rights to the Demographics tool can modify messenger preferences of individual contacts.
  • Guardian and/or student contacts set/update their own preferences in the Campus Portal - Messenger contacts with Portal accounts can set/update their own preferences for receiving messages, if the school allows them to do so. This ability is granted to Portal users only when the Contact Information checkbox is marked in the  Portal Options .
  • Staff contacts set/update their own preferences through My Data (My Demographics tab) - Staff members can request modifications to their contact information, including phone numbers/email address and messenger contact preferences.

When a selection is made for a particular contact type in the Messenger Preferences area, the contact receives a phone call/email/text for the specific type of message, when applicable. If the message applies to students, the contact receives one message per student to which he/she has a messenger relationship (as indicated by the Messenger checkbox on the Relationships tool). Any phone number/email address that is marked to receive a message receives one message per applicable student.

Campus Messenger with Voice Preferences

Each type of phone message listed (i.e., Emergency, Attendance, Behavior, General, Priority and Teacher) can be assigned to a listed contact phone number (i.e., Household, Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone). If more than one phone number is indicated for the same type of message (e.g., the Work Phone, Cell Phone and Household Phone numbers are marked to receive High Priority messages), multiple calls are made. This means that a person marked as a messenger contact for more than one student may receive the same message multiple times on multiple phone numbers.

Emergency Voice Messages

The Emergency Messenger dials all contact phone numbers marked to receive Emergency messages.

If no phone numbers are marked for communication, emergency voice messages are not be delivered to the contact.

If the emergency message is sent for more than one school (rather than as one message from the district level), a contact may receive multiple messages, if that messenger contact has been assigned to more than one student.

Text Messaging Preferences

The Text checkbox only appears in districts that use both the Text Messaging and Voice Messaging add-on features.

The Text Delivery Devices checkbox allows text messaging as a contact method for household, other phone, cell and/or work phone numbers.

Emergency Text Messages

Emergency Messenger text messages are only delivered to a recipient as a final attempt at contact. They are ONLY sent when all initial emergency phone calls and the scheduled number of redials have been attempted for the number without receipt confirmation from the recipient. Should the recipient confirm receipt of the message (by pressing "0" after listening), all text messages scheduled for delivery to any non-shared phone numbers for the recipients are canceled. Additional phone calls and/or redials to non-shared phone numbers are also canceled. Shared phone numbers must be confirmed separately to cancel additional calls to the number. However, shared Text numbers are not canceled.

District Defined Elements

This editor may not appear to all users.

When displayed, the District Defined Elements editor contains district-localized fields. (Screenshot for example purposes only)

District Defined Elements   

Modification Alerts

The Demographics tab contains sensitive information related to a person’s basic identifying information. Because of this, specific tool rights have been added to control which staff person has the ability to see those data-sensitive fields. In addition to user security rights, a notification is available that indicates which user modified which information about a person (student, staff or other person).

Changes to a person’s Demographic tab may erase historical information. If changes to a person's name, Social Security Number, gender or birth date are necessary, a new Identities record should be created, rather than updating information on this tab. Deleting a Demographics tab record is not recommended - it may delete the person.

When demographic data is modified, a record of the change is available at the bottom of the Person Information editor and the Personal Contact Information area. This change alert displays the user who made the modification, the date of the modification and the time.

Demographic Modification Notice  

Report Options

The Print icons, located in the action bar, allow a user to generate a report for the currently viewed person by choosing either the Person Summary print icon or the Demographic Data print icon. Both of these reports can be printed in either PDF format or DOCX format.

  • The Person Summary report includes household, address and relationship information, and contact information.
  • The Demographics Data report includes all information stored on the Demographics tab, including contact phone numbers/email/ secondary email, Messenger contact preferences and preferred contact language.

Demographics Report Options  


Active Address information is based on the End Date entered on the address. This end date is inclusive of the last day. For example, if the address is ended for a household as of September 19, that address is considered active until the next day (September 20), at which point the new address is active and prints on reports and displays on the Summary page. 

Manage Documents

To view documents, click the Documents button on the action bar. Users with the appropriate tool rights may also complete the following tasks.