School Choice Messenger [.2016-.2120]

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The School Choice Messenger walks a user through the process of creating a message than can be sent to inform a guardian of their student's School Choice application.

School Choice Messenger

School Choice Messenger Logic

School Choice messages are sent to contacts based on contact phone numbers and email addresses marked to receive information on the Demographics tab. The General Messenger Preference needs to be marked in order to receive school choice messages.

Field Descriptions

The following fields appear on the School Choice Messenger for selection. 

User/GroupAllows message templates to be saved to a user account or a user group. Assigning the template to a user group lets other members of that group see the template.
TemplateSelection indicates the template that will be used when sending School Choice Messages. Create a new template by selecting the <new> option from the list.
School Selection indicates which students enrolled in which schools receive messages. Additional filtering of students is done by selecting a calendar.
CalendarSelection indicates which students enrolled in which calendars for which schools receive messages. A school needs to be chosen in order for this calendar list to be populated.
Grade Level
Selection indicates which students enrolled in which grade levels in the selected calendars and schools receive messages.
Application StatusSelect which application statuses are included in the message. If no option is selected, applications without an approval status will be returned.
Acceptance StatusSelect which acceptance statuses are included in the message.
Delivery Devices

Select where the messages are sent.

  • Inbox - The Inbox option is automatically selected. This option places a note in the parent's portal inbox that a new message is available. Infinite Campus strongly recommends leaving this option marked to ensure delivery to the guardian's with a Portal Account but no other delivery device marked for messages.
  • Email - The Email option sends an email to the student's and guardian's email address on record (entered in Census > Demographics).
Sender's Email

This field displays the email address that is automatically included in the message body for message recipients to reference.

If the "Use Sender's Email from Census as Sender's Email Address" checkbox is...Then this field displays the email address entered in....
selected on the Email Settings tool

Census > People > Demographics > Email

NOT selected on the Email Settings toolSystem Administration > Messenger > Messenger Preferences > Email Settings > Default Sender Email Address

This field can be changed if the Allow Custom Sender's Email Address checkbox is marked on the Email Settings tool.

Existing templates may display a different address if the the Allow Custom Sender's Email Address checkbox is marked and a user modified the Sender’s Email field.

Message SubjectThis field determines the text that will display in the Subject Field of the email message.
Message Body

This field is used to enter the message that will be sent. Use the WYSIWYG editor as needed and to add Campus Fields as necessary.


Do NOT copy attribute fields from another Messenger tool in Campus. The attribute fields are not the same.

Browse and upload an email attachment

Use this option to add an attachment to the message. Follow the onscreen prompts for locating and uploading an attachment.

This option is controlled by an email preference set by the District Administrator and may not display in all districts.

Delivery DateThe day on which the message should be sent.
Send Inbox/Emails at

The time inbox and/or email messages will begin to be delivered.


The time will save with the templates. If you want messages to always go out immediately after Send is selected, the template should be saved with this field blank.

Create Templates

Create and use templates or create a one time use message as needed.

A district may want to create multiple messages for personalization from a school, an application status, etc. Templates can be saved only as text.

  1. Verify the <new> value is displayed in the Template field.
  2. Click the Save button next to the New field. A Save/Copy Template window displays.
  3. Select the User or Group option from the dropdown list.
  4. Enter the name of the Template. This name should be descriptive enough for all users to understand what sort of message is being sent.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Select the remaining criteria as desired for the message.
  7. Repeat this process for each type of school choice message needed.

Templates can also be copied or deleted. Use the Copy and Delete buttons at the top of the wizard.

Create Message Templates

Send a School Choice Message

  1. Select the User/Group option from the dropdown list.
  2. Select which Template to use from the dropdown list. Or, enter message criteria as needed.
  3. Select which School(s) to include in the report.
  4. Select the Calendar(s) to include in the report. 
  5. Select the Grade Levels to include in the report.
  6. Select the Application Status for which to generate notifications.
  7. Select the Delivery Devices.
  8. Click the Preview Notices button.
  9. Click the Review Recipients button to display a list of individuals receiving the message.
  10. Click the Send Message button to send the message to the recipients.

School Choice Message Preview