Course Standards Report [.2124 - .2219]

PATH: Grading and Standards > Reports > Course Standards Report

The Course Standards Report includes four report types which list the standards that are associated with courses.

Course Standards Report Editor

Course standards are created and managed in the Standards Bank and attached to a course on the Courses Standards Tab. The report is generated based on the Year and School selected in the Campus Toolbar.

Report Type Option


Image Example

Standards offered for each Course

This report type is sorted by Course # and lists each of the Standards attached to a Course.

Image 2

Courses offering each Standard

This report type is grouped by Curriculum Standard and lists each Course which has that Standard attached to it. Standards are sorted based on the order in which they were added to the Course Standards tab.

Image 3

Standards not associated with Courses

This report type lists the Standards that are not currently assigned to any Courses but are aligned to the School selected in the Campus toolbar.

Image 4

Courses without associated Standards

This report type lists Courses which do not have Standards assigned.

Image 5

Generate the Course Standards Report

  1. Indicate which Report Type to generate. The options are described in the table above.
  2. Indicate if only Power Standards should be displayed in the report.
  3. Indicate if the Course GPA Weight  and/or Term GPA Weight values should be included. This option applies to the Standards offered for each Course and Courses offering each Standard options.
  4. Click Generate Report to generate the report in PDF format in a new window.

Course Standards Report - Standards offered for each course, including GPA Weights (Image 2)

Course Standards Report - Courses offering each standard, including GPA Weights (Image 3)

Course Standards Report - Standards not associated with courses (Image 4)

Course Standards Report - Courses without associated standards