Enrollment Loss Report [.2124 - .2219]

Classic Path: Student Information > Reports > Enrollment Loss Report

Search Terms: Enrollment Loss

The Enrollment Loss Report determines the amount of students who are no longer enrolled in the selected school and students who are enrolled in another school.

Image 1: Enrollment Loss Report

There may be situations where a student is currently enrolled in the school but does not have an enrollment in the same school for next year, such as:

  • The student graduates to the next school level (not considered a loss for this report)
  • The student is not returning to the district in the next year (no enrollment anywhere next year)
  • The student has applied and been projected to be enrolled in a program in another school (magnet program)
  • An override of some sort has been manually created and the student is manually enrolled in a school other than the current one (manual enrollment)
  • The student has moved and has been projected to be enrolled in a new school based on new school boundaries (moved)

Students who are not assigned a household address are not included in the report.

Generate the Enrollment Loss Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date of the report. Students who have an active enrollment in the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar are included in the report.
  2. select the desired Report Format - PDF or DOCX.
  3. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in the selected format.

Image 2: Enrollment Loss Report Example - PDF

Image 3: Enrollment Loss Report Example - DOCX