Individual Education Plan (Wisconsin)

Classic View: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Search Terms: Special Ed Documents

The Individual Education Plan is used to capture student special education plan information and match the required documentation provided by the state of Wisconsin. This document describes each editor, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions

The current format of this document is the WI IEP 2022. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.

Editor Home

The Editor Home lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan.

Editor Home

NameThe name of the editor.

The state of the editor. Statuses can be:

  • In Progress indicates a user has entered and saved data in that editor.
  • Not Started is the default status for all editors.
  • Complete indicates a user has clicked the Complete button on the editor and the editor is read only. This does not lock the editor from further editing, but indicates the user considers the editor to be finished.
  • Not Needed indicates a user has clicked the Not Needed button on the editor. This is usually done for editors that do not apply to the student.
Modified ByThe date and the user by whom the editor was last edited.
Completed ByThe date and the user who clicked the Complete button for that editor.

General IEP Information

The following table lists the buttons available for the editors:


Different editors have different save options. Click the arrow next to the Save & Stay button to view all saving options for any given editor.

  • Save captures progress and navigates the user to the Editor Home or to the List Screen for List editors. See the Editor Types section for additional information.
  • Save & Stay captures progress and keeps the user on the current editor. This save button is the default save option and usually found within the detail screen of List editors, such as Goals and Objectives. 
  • Save & Next captures progress and navigates the user to the next editor.
  • Save & New captures progress and creates a new record. This save button is usually found within the detail screen of a list editor, such as Goals and Objectives. See the Editor Types section for additional information.

Retrieves a new copy of data from the student's record. This includes enrollment, student, parent/guardian, and team member information. This also returns any accidentally deleted people records. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

A side panel displays listing all applicable Enrollment records for the student. See the Enrollments tool documentation for additional information.

CancelNavigates the user to the Editor Home screen or to the List Screen for List editors.


i.e. Complete, Not Needed, etc.

Changes the status of the editor. 

  • Complete indicates the editor is finished. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. To further edit after an editor is marked Complete, the user must click In Progress.
  • Not Needed indicates the editor does not apply to the student's plan. This makes the editor read only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. To further edit after an editor is marked Not Needed, click the In Progress button.
  • In Progress only displays when the editor is in the Complete or Not Needed status and allows additional edits to be made.

Prints the entire plan.

EditorsOpens a side panel listing all the available editors and their status. Select an editor from this list to navigate to that editor or click Close to collapse the side panel.
PreviousNavigates the user to the previous editor.
NextNavigates the user to the next editor.

Editor Types

There are two types of editors available: List or Basic editors. When navigating to a Basic editor, the list of fields within the editor display. List editors display a list of all records within that editor. Clicking an existing record or the New button opens the detail view for an individual record. An example list editor is the Goals and Objectives editor.

Padlock Icon

Only one user at a time can actively work on an editor. A person with a padlock iconImage of the Padlock Icondisplays in the Editors side panel, Editor Home, and List Screen of list editors indicating which editors currently have users working on them. Hovering over the icon displays the name of the user who has checked out the editor, including the current user (you).

Editors that are currently being edited are read only for all other users. The name of the person working on the editor displays in the header. Once the editing user navigates away from an editor, that editor becomes available to work on.

Template Banks

Certain fields within several editors have a paper iconImage of the paper icondisplays next to their name. When the icon is clicked, a side panel displays with the available library of predetermined text for that field. Template Banks are managed in System Administration.


The following section lists each editor and describes each field on the editor.

Education Plan

The Education Plan editor includes general meeting and screening information and lists the dates associated with the plan, such as dates the plan is active.

This editor must be saved before entering data into other editors.

Education Plan Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd hocValidation
Plan Name A text field used to name the plan.N/AN/A
Plan Type
The type of plan. Options include:
  • Initial
  • Annual
  • Amendment
  • Amendment without a Meeting
N/AThe "Amendment" option defaults during the Amendment Process, but this can be modified if needed.
Placement ConsentThe date consent to place was given by the parent/guardian.N/AN/A
IEP Meeting Date
The date of the IEP meeting.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > meetingDateThis field is grayed out when "Amendment without a Meeting" is selected as the Plan Type.
Start Date
The first day of the plan.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planStartDateThis date cannot be on or before the IEP Meeting Date.
End Date
The last day of the plan.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planEndDateThis cannot be before the start date.

This field becomes read only during the Amendment process. 
Eval Date
The date the student was evaluated for special education services.N/AThis field auto-populates from the most recent Evaluation.
For students transferring between public agencies: Evaluation Report reviewed and adopted (if applicable) by A text field used to document the person who reviewed the evaluation provided by a different public agency.N/AN/A
OnThe date the evaluation was reviewed.N/AN/A
For students transferring between public agencies: IEP reviewed and adopted (if applicable) by A text field used to document the person who reviewed the IEP provided by a different public agency.N/AN/A
OnThe date the IEP was reviewed.N/AN/A

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.

Enrollment Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd hocValidation
Primary Impairment
The primary disability of the student. Options available are the same as those at Student Information > General > Enrollments > SPED > Primary Impairment.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > disability1

When the editor is first opened, this field auto-populates with "N: Not IDEA Eligible or No Disability". On Save, this field cannot have "N: Not IDEA Eligible or No Disability" as a value.

This field auto-populates from the selected Enrollment on Refresh. Users can also manually edit the value if needed.

Secondary Impairment
The second disability of the student, if applicable. Options available are the same as those at Student Information > General > Enrollments > SPED > Primary Impairment.
Learner Planning > Learning Plans > disability2

This field auto-populates from the selected Enrollment on Refresh. Users can also manually edit the value if needed.

When "Significant Developmental Delay" is selected as the Primary Impairment, this field is grayed out.

Third Impairment
The third disability of the student, if applicable. Options available are the same as those at Student Information > General > Enrollments > SPED > Primary Impairment.
Learner Planning > Learning Plans > disability3

This field auto-populates from the selected Enrollment on Refresh. Users can also manually edit the value if needed.

When "Significant Developmental Delay" is selected as the Primary Impairment, this field is grayed out.

Fourth Impairment
The fourth disability of the student, if applicable. Options available are the same as those at Student Information > General > Enrollments > SPED > Primary Impairment.
Learner Planning > Learning Plans > disability4

This field auto-populates from the selected Enrollment on Refresh. Users can also manually edit the value if needed.

When "Significant Developmental Delay" is selected as the Primary Impairment, this field is grayed out.

Fifth Impairment
The fifth disability of the student, if applicable. Options available are the same as those at Student Information > General > Enrollments > SPED > Primary Impairment.
Learner Planning > Learning Plans > disability5

This field auto-populates from the selected Enrollment on Refresh. Users can also manually edit the value if needed.

When "Significant Developmental Delay" is selected as the Primary Impairment, this field is grayed out.

Special Ed Status

The student's special ed status. Options include:

  • N: No
  • Y: Yes
Learner Planning > Learning Plans > specialEdStatus

This field auto-populates from the selected Enrollment on Refresh. Users can also manually edit the value if needed.

On Save, this value must be "Y: Yes".
Resident DistrictThe student's district of residence.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > residentDistrictNumberThis field is read-only.
This field auto-populates from selected Enrollment on Refresh from Enrollment > Resident District.
District of PlacementThe student's district of placement.Learner > Active Enrollment > Core > servingDistrictThis field is read-only.
This field auto-populates from selected Enrollment on Refresh from Enrollment > Serving District.
School NameThe name of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > servingSchoolName

This field auto-populates from selected Enrollment on Refresh. User can also manually edit the values if needed.

School PhoneThe phone number of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record.N/A

This field auto-populates from selected Enrollment on Refresh from System Administration > Resources > School > (School Name that matches Enrollment record) > Phone. User can also manually edit the values if needed.


The student's current grade.

Enrollment > Grade


This field auto-populates from selected Enrollment on Refresh. User can also manually edit the values if needed.

District Information
These fields are read-only.
District Number
The district number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District NumberN/A
District NameThe district name associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > NameN/A
District AddressThe district address associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > AddressN/A
District PhoneThe district phone number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > PhoneN/A

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Student Information

The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor. 

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General IEP Information section for additional information.

When the Private Flag is marked on the Team Members tool for the student, all contact information on this editor is cleared out and a note on the editor displays, "The student record has been marked Private in the Team Members Tab. Contact information was not imported for this student and will appear blank below.". On the printed document it reads, "Unpublished" in each of those areas.

Student Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd Hoc
Last NameThe student's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First NameThe student's first name.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle NameThe student's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


SuffixThe student's suffix.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


Race, EthnicityThe student's state defined race.Census > People > Demographics > State Race/Ethnicity
BirthdateThe student's birthdate.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


GenderThe student's gender.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Home Primary LanguageThe student's home primary language.

Census > People > Demographics > First Language



The student's address.

This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

Student NumberThe student's identification number.Census > People > Demographics > Student Number
State IDThe student's state identification number.Census > People > Demographics > State ID
Case Manager Information
These fields are read-only.
NameThe first and last name of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members
TitleThe role of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members
PhoneThe phone number of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. 

The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the IEP. 

The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

When the Private Flag is marked on the Team Members tool for the parent/guardian, all contact information on this editor for that person is cleared out and a note on the editor display, "One or more records has been marked Private in the Team Members Tab. Contact information was not imported for those records and will appear blank below." On the printed document it reads, "Unpublished" in each of those areas.

When the Educational Surrogate Flag is marked on the Team Members tool, that person displays on the Parent/Guardian Information editor with "Educational Surrogate Parent" next to their name as the relationship and all other fields are hidden from the screen as well as on the printed document.

Parent/Guardian Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd HocValidation
Last NameThe last name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First NameThe first name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle NameThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
SuffixThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
RelationshipThe relation of the parent/guardian to the student.Census > People > RelationshipsThis field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Print SequenceThe print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP.N/AWhen no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number prints in the order defined.
AddressThe parent/guardians' address.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

This field populates from Census. 

When there are multiple addresses for a person, ta drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the drop down only has one option. The populated address is the one marked "Primary."

Home PhoneThe home phone number of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Household PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Work PhoneThe work phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Work PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Cell PhoneThe cell phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Cell PhoneThis field populates from Census.
EmailThe primary email address for the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > EmailThis field populates from Census.

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(I-3) Team Meeting Cover Page

The Team Meeting Cover Page editor lists the team meetings held regarding the student and the participants of the meeting. Team Meetings display based on the Meeting Date. The Print in Plan slider must be marked On for the team meeting record to appear on the printed document.

Team members added on the Team Members tool can be added to team meetings. Team members can be added manually on this editor, but are not saved in the system and have to be created each time they are included in a meeting.

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Team Meeting List Screen

Team Meeting List Screen

Column NameDescriptionDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.N/A
Meeting DateThe date of the meeting.This is pulled from the Meeting Date field on the Team Meeting detail screen.
Meeting LocationThe location of the meeting.This is pulled from the Meeting Location field on the Team Meeting detail screen.
Print in PlanIndicates this meeting prints in the IEP.This field defaults to marked. Any action taken with this slider automatically updates on the Print in Plan slider on the Team Meeting list screen.

Team Meeting Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the Team Meeting detail screen.

Team Meeting Detail Screen

Field NameDescriptionValidation
Team Meeting
Print in PlanIndicates this meeting prints in the IEP.

This field defaults to marked. Any action taken with this checkbox automatically updates on the Print in Plan slider on the Team Meeting list screen.

Meeting Date


The date of the meeting.This field auto-populates with the Meeting Date from the Education Plan editor.
Meeting TimeThe time of the meeting.N/A
Meeting LocationThe location of the meeting.N/A
Invite DateThe date the invitation for the meeting was sent to participants.N/A
Purpose of Meeting
Evaluation and ReevaluationOptions include: 
  • Evaluation including determination of initial eligibility for special education
  • Reevaluation including determination of continuing eligibility for special education
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) (if student is eligible) Options include: 
  • Develop an initial IEP
  • Develop an annual IEP
  • Review/revise IEP
  • Transition - the consideration of post-secondary goals and transition services (Required for students beginning at age 14).
Placement (must be determined when the IEP is developed or reviewed/revised) Options include: 
  • Determine initial placement
  • Determine continuing placement
OtherOptions include: 
  • Review existing information to determine needs for additional assessments or other evaluation materials (IEP team meeting optional)
  • Conduct a manifestation determination (check appropriate boxes under IEP & Placement if changes in either are contemplated)
  • Determine setting for service during disciplinary change in placement (must check appropriate boxes under IEP & Placement)
  • Other

A text field used to specify the reason for the meeting.*This field displays and is required when "Other" is selected above.
If a purpose of this meeting is IEP development, review, and/or revision related to the academic, developmental and functional needs of the child, the IEP team considered the results of:
Initial or most recent evaluation Indicates the IEP team considered the initial or most recent evaluation in their determination. Options include: 
  • Yes
  • Not Applicable

Indicates the IEP team considered any statewide assessment in their determination. Options include: 
  • Yes
  • Not Applicable

Indicates the IEP team considered any district-wide assessments in their determination. Options include: 
  • Yes
  • Not Applicable
Documented Efforts
If a parent did not attend or participate in the meeting by other means and did not agree to the time and place of the IEP team meeting, document three efforts to involve the parent(s)/guardian(s) +
DateThe date the attempt was made.This field is duplicated a total of three times to document the three attempts.
MethodThe method of contact.This field is duplicated a total of three times to document the three attempts.
ResultThe result of the attempt.This field is duplicated a total of three times to document the three attempts.
CommentsAny additional comments needed to document the attempts.N/A
First Name/Last Name
The name of the participant.The Team Member names listed are read-only. The name is pulled from the person's District Assignment and cannot be modified.
RoleThe title of the participant.


LEAThe Local Education Agency contact.At least one Team Member must be marked as LEA.
InvitedIndicates the participant was invited.This determines whether or not the team member prints on the IEP.
AttendedIndicates the participant attended the meeting.Team Members also display on the printed document when this is marked, even if the Invited checkbox has not been marked for them.
Delete ButtonRemoves the participant from the meeting.N/A
AddCreates a new participant to participate in the meeting who is not listed on the Team Members tool.This does NOT create a record for the person on the student's Team Members tool.

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(I-4) Present Levels

The Present Level editor indicates if the student is preschool or school age and includes all relevant information concerning the student's current interests, abilities, and performance.

Present Levels Editor

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A. Strengths...

A text field used to describe the student's strengths.
B. Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance...
1. Describe the student's present level of academic achievement
A text field used to describe the student's present level of academic achievement.
Functional performance... 2. Describe the student's present level of functional performance. A text field used to describe the student's present level of functional performance.

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(I-4) Special Factors

The Special Factors editor identifies possible concerns that may interfere with the student's learning, such as behavior issues, limited English proficiency, visual or communication impairments or assistive technology.

Special Factors Editor

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C. Special Factors
1. Does the student's behavior impede their learning or that of others?
Indicates if the student's behavior impedes their ability to learn or disrupt others' learning. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No

If yes, describe the student's behavioral needs:

Document positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports, and other services in the Program Summary

A description of the student's behavioral needs.
Has a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) been conducted?

Indicates if a functional behavioral assessment was conducted. Options include:

  • Not applicable
  • Yes
  • No
Date FBA Conducted The date the functional behavioral assessment was conducted.
2. Is the student an English Learner (EL)?

Indicates if the student is a English Learner. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
If yes, describe how this factor affects the student's needs related to the IEP: A description of how the student's EL status impacts the student's needs related to the IEP.

3. In the case of a child who is blind or visually impaired, does the student need instruction in Braille or the use of Braille? 

Attach Determining Braille Needs (ER-3) from the latest evaluation/reevaluation or any updated information.

Indicates if the student requires instruction in Braille or needs to use Braille. Options include:

  • Not Applicable
  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot be determined at this time
If yes, describe needs, including Braille needs: A description of the student's Braille needs.
If no, explain why not: An explanation of why the student does not need Braille instruction nor needs to use Braille.
4. Does the student have communication needs that could impede their learning?

Indicates if the student has communication needs that impacts their learning. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No

a. If yes, describe the communication needs:

including speech and language needs

A description of the student's communication needs.
b. If the student is deaf or hard of hearing, describe (a) the student's language and communication needs; (b) opportunities for direct communication with peers and professional personnel in the student's language and communication mode; and, (c) academic level and full range of needs including opportunities for direct instruction in the student's language and communicative mode: A detailed description of the student's language/communication needs, opportunities for communication with peers/personnel, and opportunities for instruction in the student's language/communicative mode.

5. Does the student need assistive technology services or devices, including any services or devices needed to assist with reading?

Consider the need for accessible education technologies or materials available to students regardless of formats or features, including the National Instructional Materials Access Center/NIMAC.

Indicates the student has assistive technology needs. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No

If yes, describe the student's assistive technology needs:

Document necessary services or devices in the Program Summary.

A description of the student's assistive technology needs.

a. In addition to other needs that may require assistive technology, is the student able to access, use, and derive meaning from age or grade level standard printed text?

If no, document necessary accessible education materials (AEM) services or devices in the Program Summary.

Indicates if the student is able to access, use, and derive meaning from age or grade level standard printed text. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No

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(I-4) Concerns of Parents/Family

The Concerns of Parents/Family editor record concerns of the family and student regarding the student's education and the effect of the student's disability on their education.

Concerns of Parent/Family and Effect of Disability Editor

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D. Concerns of the Parent(s)/Family
1. Describe the concerns of the parent(s)/family for enhancing the education of the student:A description of the parent/guardian/family concern regarding the education of the student.
2. Describe the concerns (if any) of the student for enhancing their education: A description of the student's concern regarding their education.
E. Effects of Disability
1. Describe how the student's disability affects their access, involvement and progress in the general education curriculum, including how the disability affects reading. A description of how the student's disability impacts their access, involvement, and progress in the general education curriculum.
2. Does the student's disability adversely affect their progress toward meeting age/grade-level reading standards? Indicates if the student's disability negatively impacts their progress toward age/grade-level reading standards. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No
3. Is this a student with the most significant cognitive disability whose achievement will be aligned with alternate achievement standards? Indicates the student will take alternate achievement standards. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No

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(I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs

The Summary of Disability - Related Needs editor describes each of the student's specific needs related to identified disabilities.

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Summary of Disability-Related Needs List Screen

Summary of Disability-Related Needs List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock Icon The user currently editing the team meeting record.
Sequence Number The unique number associated with the need record.
Title The name of the need.
Description A description of the need.

Summary of Disability-Related Needs List Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Summary of Disability-Related Needs Detail Screen

Sequence Number
The unique number associated with the need record.

This field auto populates with the next number in sequential order and requires unique numbers.

The name of the need.N/A
A description of the need.N/A

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(I-4) Family Engagement

The Family Engagement editor describes how families are included in the student's education and whether goals in the previous goals have been reviewed.

Family Engagement Editor

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II. Family Engagement
How will school staff engage parent(s)/families in the education of the student? A description of how the staff will engage the parent/guardian/family of the student in their education.N/A
IV. Annual Goal Review
Previous IEP goals reviewed:
Indicates if the previous IEP goals have been reviewed. Options include: 
  • Yes
  • No
  • N.A.
*This field is required in order to Complete the editor.

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(I-5) Annual Review of Goals

The Annual Review of Goals editor is used to document when the student's goals had last been reviewed and whether or not the student has met that goal. 

The goals available to select are pulled from the Measurable Annual Goals editor on the most recent, locked Plan.

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Annual Review of Goals List Screen

Annual Review of Goals List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock Icon
The user currently editing the team meeting record.
Review Date The date the goal was last reviewed.
Goal Number The number of the goal.
Goal Title The name of the goal.
Met or NOT Met An indication if the goal has been reached or not.

Annual Review of Goals Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Annual Review of Goals Detail Screen

Date of Annual Goal Review
The date the goal was last reviewed.This field auto-populates to the Meeting Date.
Transfer Goal Indicates this goal is a Transfer Goal.
A description of the Transfer Goal.*When Transfer Goal is marked, this field displays and is required.

Annual Goal, including baseline and level of attainment. Include benchmark or short-term objective, if appropriate.

<# goal(s) to review>

The values available in this dropdown are pulled from the Measurable Annual Goals editor from the most recent, locked Plan.When Transfer Goal is marked, this field does not display.
Was the goal/short term objective or benchmark met?
Indicates if the student has met the goal or not. Options include: 
  • Met
  • Not Met
Student's current progress (include data). A description of the student's current progress.N/A
Include factors affecting lack of progress and plan to address in new IEP. A description of the factors impacting the student's progress toward their goal and the plan to address it in the new IEP.N/A
Not Applicable
Indicates there is no plan to address the factors impacting the student's progress.When marked, the text field "Include factors affecting lack of progress..." above becomes unavailable.

When "Not Met" is marked for the question, Was the goal/short term objective or benchmark met, this checkbox is not available.

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(I-4) Measurable Annual Goals

The Measurable Annual Goals editor lists measurable goals designed to improve the student's progress in general education and how accomplishing those goals is tracked and determined.

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Measurable Annual Goals List Screen

Measurable Annual Goals List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock Icon The user currently editing the team meeting record.
Goal Number The goal number.
Goal The name of the goal.

Measurable Annual Goals Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Measurable Annual Goals Detail Screen

III. Measurable Annual Goals

Goal #


The unique goal number.

This field auto populates with the next number in sequential order and requires unique numbers.

Goal Title
The name of the goal.N/A
1.Goal Statement A description of the goal.N/A

a. Baseline:

Student's current level of performance from which progress toward this goal will be measured

The student's current level of performance and measurement method.N/A

b. Level of Attainment:

Must relate to the baseline measurement and reflect progress

The level at which the student will meet the goal.N/A
2. Benchmarks for Short Term Objectives

Required for student with the most significant cognitive disability expected to participate in an assessment aligned with alternate academic achievement standards.

Not Applicable Indicates this goal does not need a short term objective benchmark.N/A

3. Annual goal addresses disability-related need(s) of the student. 

Indicates which disability-related need the goal address.The values available in the multi-select dropdown are pulled from the (I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs editor.
4. Procedures for measuring the student's progress toward meeting the annual goal from baseline to level of attainment: The method of measuring the student's progress toward their goal.N/A

5. When will reports about the student's progress toward meeting the annual goal be provided to the parent(s)?

The timing of progress reports towards the student's goal provided to the parent(s)/guardian(s).N/A
6. Will annual goal (including benchmarks or short term objectives) be addressed during ESY?Indicates if the goal will be addressed in an Extended School Year program. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No
  • N/A
Objectives <#: Name> Users needs to enter a goal and save before the objective card is available.
Objective #
The number of the objective.N/A
A description of the objective.N/A


Student's current level of performance from which progress toward this goal will be measured

The student's current level of performance and measurement method.N/A

Level of Attainment:

Must related to the baseline measurement and reflect progress

The level at which the student will meet the objective.N/A
DeleteRemoves the objective record.N/A
AddAdds a new objective record.N/A

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(I-4) Supplementary Services

The Supplementary Services editor lists additional supports provided to the student, such as accommodations.

Click here to expand...

Supplementary Services List Screen

Supplementary Services List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.
Sequence NumberThe unique sequence number of the service.
Service NameThe name of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

Supplementary Services Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Supplementary Services Detail Screen

None Needed Indicates the student does not require supplementary services.When marked, all fields below are grayed out and the Program Modifications and Supports drop down populate with "NONE NEEDED."
Sequence Number 
The unique sequence number for the service record.

This field auto-populates with the next number in sequential order and requires unique numbers.

Supplementary Aids and Services
The type of aid or service to be provided to the student.The values available in the dropdown are pulled and set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services.
Description/Comments A description or additional comments related to the type of aid or service.N/A
The location at which the service takes place.N/A
Address Goal(s) Indicates which goal(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Measurable Annual Goals editor.
Address Need(s)
Indicates the need(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs editor.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.This field auto-populates from the Start Date on the Education Plan editor.
End Date
The last day of service.This field auto-populates from the End Date on the Education Plan editor.

Frequency and Amount


A description of the frequency at which the service will be provided to the student.N/A

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(I-4) Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction

The Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.

Click here to expand...

Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction List Screen

Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.
Sequence NumberThe unique sequence number of the service.
Service NameThe name of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction Detail Screen

Sequence Number 
The unique sequence number of the service.

This field auto populates with the next number in sequential order and requires unique numbers.

Special Education Service
The type of service to be provided to the student.The values available in the dropdown are pulled and set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services.
Description/CommentsA description or additional comments related to the type of aid or service.N/A
The location at which the service takes place.N/A
Address Goal(s)
Indicates which goal(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Measurable Annual Goals editor.

*This field is required when goals are available.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.This field auto-populates from the Start Date on the Education Plan editor.
End DateThe last day of service.This field auto-populates from the End Date on the Education Plan editor.
Minutes per Session
The number of minutes per service session.N/A
Session Frequency
The number of sessions per frequency.N/A
The frequency of the sessions. Options include:
  • week
  • year
  • term
  • month
  • day
  • none

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(I-4) Related Services

The Related Services editor lists developmental, corrective or other supportive services required to assist the student with a disability.

Click here to expand...

Related Services List Screen

Related Services List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.
Sequence NumberThe unique sequence number of the service.
Service NameThe name of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

Related Services Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Related Services Detail Screen

None NeededIndicates the student does not require related services.When marked, all fields below are grayed out and the Program Modifications and Supports drop down populate with "NONE NEEDED."
Sequence Number 
The unique sequence number of the service.

This field auto populates with the next number in sequential order and requires unique numbers.

Related Service
The type of service to be provided to the student.The values available in the dropdown are pulled and set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services.
Description/CommentsA description or additional comments related to the service.N/A
The location at which the service takes place.N/A
Address Goal(s) Indicates which goal(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Measurable Annual Goals editor.
Address Need(s)
Indicates the need(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs editor.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.This field auto-populates from the Start Date on the Education Plan editor.
End DateThe last day of service.This field auto-populates from the End Date on the Education Plan editor.
Minutes per Session
The number of minutes per service session.N/A
Session Frequency
The number of sessions per frequency.N/A
The frequency of the sessions. Options include:
  • week
  • year
  • term
  • month
  • day
  • none

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(I-4) Program Modifications or Supports for School Personnel

The Program Modifications or Supports for School Personnel editor lists ways in which a standard education program has been modified to suit the student's needs.

Click here to expand...

Program Modification or Supports List Screen

Program Modification or Supports List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.
Sequence NumberThe unique sequence number of the service.
Service NameThe name of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

Program Modification or Supports Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Program Modification or Supports Detail Screen

None NeededIndicates the student does not require related services.When marked, all fields below are grayed out and the Program Modifications and Supports drop down populate with "NONE NEEDED."
Sequence Number 
The unique sequence number of the service.

This field auto populates with the next number in sequential order and requires unique numbers.

Program Modifications or Supports
The type of program modification or support to be provided to the student.The values available in the dropdown are pulled and set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services.
Description/CommentsA description or additional comments related to the program modification or support.N/A
The location at which the program modification or support takes place.N/A
Address Goal(s) Indicates which goal(s) the program modification or support addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Measurable Annual Goals editor.
Address Need(s)Indicates the need(s) the program modification or support addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs editor.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.This field auto-populates from the Start Date on the Education Plan editor.
End DateThe last day of service.This field auto-populates from the End Date on the Education Plan editor.
Minutes per Session
The number of minutes per service session.N/A
Session Frequency
The number of sessions per frequency.N/A
The frequency of the sessions. Options include:
  • week
  • year
  • term
  • month
  • day
  • none

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(I-4) Student Participation/Participation in PhyEd

The Student Participation/Participation in PhyEd editor describes the extent to which the student participates in a regular education environment and in physical education classes.

Student Participation/Participation in PhyEd

Click here to expand...

The student will participate full-time with non-disabled peers in regular education environment, or for preschoolers, with non-disabled peers in age-appropriate settings. Indicates the student will participate full-time with non-disabled peers in regular educational environment.Users are only allowed to pick one option between this field and the one below. Marking one automatically unmarks the other.
The student will not participate full-time with non-disabled peers in regular education environment, or for preschoolers, with non-disabled peers in age-appropriate settings. Indicates the student will NOT participate full-time with non-disabled peers in regular educational environment.Users are only allowed to pick one option between this field and the one above. Marking one automatically unmarks the other.
1. Describe the extent to which the student will not participate with non-disabled peers in the regular education environment, or age-appropriate settings in the case of a preschooler, including extracurricular and nonacademic activities: A description of the extent to which the student will not participate with non-disabled peers in the regular education environment, etc.N/A
2. Explain why full-time participation with non-disabled peers is not appropriate, or in the case of a preschooler, participation in age-appropriate settings including extracurricular and nonacademic activities: An explanation of why full-time participation with non-disabled peers is not appropriate.N/A
B. Participation in Physical Education

Options include:

  • N.A. (if the student is in a grade-level where physical education is not offered and the student does not require adapted physical education as part of a free appropriate public education.)
  • General Physical Education
  • Adapted Physical Education

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(I-7-A) Participation Guidelines for Alt Assessment

The Participation Guidelines for Alternate Assessment editor describes the student's current learning progress and educational setting in relation to participation in an Alternate Assessment.

Participation Guidelines for Alternate Assessment Editor

Click here to expand...

1.The student has a most significant cognitive disability. Indicates the student has a significant cognitive disability. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No
Document evidence used to make determination Evidence to support the above determination.
2. The student is instructed using the alternate achievement standards across all content areas. Indicates the student will be instructed using the alternate achievement standards. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No
Document evidence used to make determination Evidence to support the above determination.
3. Parent/guardian notification Indicates the parent has been notified about the determination. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No
Document evidence used to make determination Evidence to support the above determination.
The IEP team agrees that all three of the criteria describe the student, and determined the student must participate in alternate assessment(s). Indicates the IEP agrees that all three criteria above accurately describe the student. Options include:
  • Yes
  • No
Document evidence used to make determination Evidence to support the above determination.

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(I-7) ACCESS for ELLs/Alt. ACCESS for ELLs

The Access for ELLs/ ALT Access for ELLs editor records whether the student is participating in either of those assessments for English language learners.

ACCESS for ELLs/Alt. ACESS for ELLs Editor

Click here to expand...

The student will take:Options include: 
  • ACCESS for ELLs
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
The option chosen determines which fields display below.
1. ACCESS for ELLs
This section displays when the ACCESS for ELLs option is selected above.
A. Test Administration Procedures: Certain procedures can be used for all ELs but may be required by a student with a disability in order to access the assessment. Please list any test administration procedures necessary for the student. Any test administration procedures the student needs.N/A
B. Accessibility Tools: Accessible tools are available for all ELs but dependent upon whether the assessment is taking an online or paper assessment. Please list any accessibility tools necessary for the student. Any accessibility tools the student needs.N/A
Speaking Indicates whether or not the student requires speaking accommodations for the ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of speaking
  • ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of speaking
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the speaking accommodations.This field becomes available when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Listening Indicates whether or not the student requires listening accommodations for the ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of listening
  • ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of listening
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the listening accommodations.This field becomes available when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Reading Indicates whether or not the student requires reading accommodations for the ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of reading
  • ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of reading
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the reading accommodations.This field becomes available when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Writing Indicates whether or not the student requires writing accommodations for the ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of writing
  • ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of writing
  • Domain Waived
AccommodationsA description of the writing accommodations.This field becomes available when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Any additional considerations: A description of any additional considerations.N/A
2.Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
This section displays when the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs option is selected above.
Speaking Indicates whether or not the student requires speaking accommodations for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of speaking.
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of speaking.
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the speaking accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Listening Indicates whether or not the student requires listening accommodations for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of listening.
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of listening.
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the listening accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Reading Indicates whether or not the student requires reading accommodations for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Options include: 
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of reading.
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of reading.
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the reading accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Writing Indicates whether or not the student requires writing accommodations for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Options include:
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations in the language domain of writing.
  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs with accommodations in the language domain of writing.
  • Domain Waived
Accommodations A description of the writing accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Any additional considerations: A description of any additional considerations.N/A

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(I-7) ACT with Writing

The ACT with Writing editor stores information about the student's participation on the assessment, including official and locally approved accommodations.

ACT with Writing Editor

Click here to expand...

List any Designated Supports that are needed: A description of the designated supports needed.N/A

Indicates whether or not the student requires speaking accommodations for the ACT with Writing assessment. Options include:

  • Reading without accommodations
  • Reading with accommodations
Accommodations A description of the reading accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires English accommodations for the ACT with Writing assessment. Options include:

  • English without accommodations
  • English with accommodations
Accommodations A description of the English accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires writing accommodations for the ACT with Writing assessment. Options include:

  • Writing without accommodations
  • Writing with accommodations
Accommodations A description of the writing accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires mathematics accommodations for the ACT with Writing assessment. Options include:

  • Mathematics without accommodations
  • Mathematics with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the mathematics accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires science accommodations for the ACT with Writing assessment. Options include:

  • Science without accommodations
  • Science with accommodations
Accommodations A description of the science accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.
Local educational agencies must submit a complete and current IEP to The ACT with Writing when they submit request for ACT-approved accommodations. Any additional comments.N/A

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(I-7) Aspire Early High School

The ACT Aspire Early High School editor stores information about the student's participation in the ACT Aspire Early High School assessment, including accommodations.

ACT Aspire High School Editor

Click here to expand...

Please list any Open Access Tools that may be required for the student at the time of testing. A list of any open access tool the student may need for testing.N/A

Indicates whether or not the student requires reading accommodations for the ACT Aspire High School assessment. Options include:

  • Reading without accommodations
  • Reading with accommodations
Accommodations A description of the reading accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires English accommodations for the ACT Aspire High School assessment. Options include:

  • English without accommodations
  • English with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the English accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires writing accommodations for the ACT Aspire High School assessment. Options include:

  • Writing without accommodations
  • Writing with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the writing accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires mathematics accommodations for the ACT Aspire High School assessment. Options include:

  • Mathematics without accommodations
  • Mathematics with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the mathematics accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Indicates whether or not the student requires science accommodations for the ACT Aspire High School assessment. Options include:

  • Science without accommodations
  • Science with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the science accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

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(I-7) District-Wide Assessment

The District-Wide Assessment editor provides extended options for recording student participation and accommodation in district assessments.

District-Wide Assessment Editor

Click here to expand...

Civics Test Eligibility

Indicates if the student is eligible to take the civics district-wide assessment. Options include: 

  • The student has already taken the civics test 
  • The student is not eligible
  • The student is eligible to take the civics test this year
Civics Test Administration

Indicates whether or not it is appropriate to administer the civics test to the student. Options include: 

  • It is appropriate to administer the civics test to the student. (Complete district-wide table below)
  • It is not appropriate to administer the civics test to the student.

This field is available when "The student is eligible to take the civics test this year" is selected from the dropdown above.

*When available, this is a required field.

List district-wide assessment(s) the student will take: A list of the district-wide assessments the student will take.N/A
Describe appropriate testing accommodations, if any: A description of any test accommodations to be provided to the student.N/A
Alternate District-Wide Assessment
Alternate district-wide assessment(s) the student will take: A description of the alternate district-wide assessment the student will take, if applicable.N/A
Describe why the student cannot participate in the district-wide assessment: An explanation as to why the student cannot participate in the district-wide assessment.N/A
Describe why the particular alternate district-wide assessment is appropriate: A description as to why the alternate district-wide assessment is appropriate for the student.N/A
Describe the appropriate testing accommodations, if any: A description of any test accommodations to be provided to the student.N/A

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(I-7) Dynamic Learning Maps

The DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps) editor stores information about the student's participation in the Dynamic Learning Maps assessment, including accessibility supports.

Dynamic Learning Maps Editor

Click here to expand...

Category 1: Accessibility features/supports provided within the DLM system must be activated via the Personal Needs Profile (PNP) prior to administering the assessment. Please list required supports: A list of the required supports for accessibility features/supports provided within the DLM.
Category 2: Accessibility features/supports requiring additional tools/materials. Please list required supports: A list of the required supports for additional tools/materials.
Category 3: Accessibility features/supports provided outside of the DLM system. Please list required supports: A list of the required supports for outside the DLM.

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(I-7) Forward

The Forward editor records accommodations supplied to students participating in the Forward Exam.

Forward Editor

Click here to expand...

Please list any Designated Supports that may be required for the student at the time of testing: A list of any designates supports the student may need.N/A

English Language Arts

grades 3-8

Indicates whether or not the student requires English Language Arts accommodations for the Forward Exam. Options include:

  • ELA without accommodations
  • ELA with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the English language arts accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.


grades 3-8

Indicates whether or not the student requires mathematics accommodations for the Forward Exam. Options include:

  • Mathematics without accommodations
  • Mathematics with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the mathematics accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.


grades 4 and 8

Indicates whether or not the student requires science accommodations for the Forward Exam. Options include:

  • Science without accommodations
  • Science with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the science accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

Social Studies 

grades 4, 8 and 10

Indicates whether or not the student requires social studies accommodations for the Forward Exam. Options include:
  • Social Studies without accommodations
  • Social Studies with accommodations
AccommodationsA description of the social studies accommodations.This field displays when the "with accommodations" option is selected.

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(I-11) Extend School Year

The Extended School Year editor indicates if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.

Extended School Year Editor

Click here to expand...

Does the child require extended school year (ESY) services to receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE)?

Indicates if the student requires extended school year services. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No

Additional text displays when Yes is selected: "If yes, specify all needed services under the (I-11) ESY Services Editor."
If no, explain reasons rejected:
A description of why extended school year services are not appropriate for the student.*This field displays and is required when "No" is selected.

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(I-11) ESY Services

The Extended School Year Services editor if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.

Click here to expand...

ESY Services List Screen

Extended School Year Services List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.
Service TypeThe type of service provided.
Service ProvidedThe name of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

ESY Services Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Extended School Year Services Detail Screen

Service Type

Indicates the ESY service type to be provided to the student. Options include:

  • Supplementary Aids and Services
  • Special Education/Specially Designed Instruction
  • Related Services Needed to Benefit from Special Education
  • Program Modifications or Supports for School Personnel
Service Provided
The name of the service.The values available are setup from System Administration > Special Ed > Services. Different values display depending on the options selected in the Service Type field.
Description/CommentsA description or additional comments related to the type of aid or service.N/A
Location The location at which the service takes place.N/A
Address Goal(s) Indicates which goal(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Measurable Annual Goals editor.
Address Need(s) Indicates the need(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs editor.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date The first day of service.N/A
End Date The last day of service.N/A

Minutes per Session


The number of minutes per service session.N/A

Session Frequency

#times per

The number of sessions per frequency.N/A
Service Frequency

The frequency of the sessions. Options include:

  • week
  • year
  • term
  • month
  • day

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(P1/P2) Determination and Placement

The Determination and Placement editor describes the special education determination for the student and consent of the initial placement for the student.

Determination of Placement Editor

Click here to expand...


Indicates the student's determination of placement for special education services. Options

  • Initial Placement
  • Continuing Placement
Selecting Initial Placement prints the P1 document and selecting Continuing Placement prints the P2 document. The UI remains the same.
Date of the placement determination The day the determination was made.N/A
Date parent(s) provided with notice of placement and IEP. The day the parent/guardian was provided notice of the placement and IEP.N/A
The IEP developed or revised on: The day the IEP was created OR revised.N/A
Projected date of IEP implementation The projected day IEP implementation takes place.N/A

If services are implemented somewhere other than the current enrollment school, enter the location here. 

The alternate location for IEP implementation other than the student's current enrolled school.When left blank, the value defaults to the School Name found on the Enrollment Status editor.
1.Will the child attend the school they would attend if non-disabled?

Indicates if the student will attend the school they would attend if non-disabled. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
If no, explain:
An explanation as to why the student will NOT attend the school they would attend if non-disable.This field displays and is required when "No" is selected from question 1.
a. List other options considered, if any, related to the placement determination (e.g., where implemented): A list of other options considered related to the placement determination.N/A
b. List the reason(s) for rejecting other options, and describe any other factors relevant to the proposed action: A list of reasons why these other options were rejected and a description of any other factors relevant to the proposed action.N/A
2. Is the student removed from the regular education environment for any part of the full school day?

Indicates if the student will be removed from their regular education environment. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
If yes, explain: An explanation as to why the student will be removed from their regular education environment.This field displays and is required when "Yes" is selected from question 2.
a. List other options considered, if any, (e.g., frequency, amount, location, and duration of the specially designed instruction, related services, supplementary aids and services, program modifications and supports): A list of other options considered related to the placement determination.N/A
b. List the reason(s) for rejecting other options, and describe any other factors relevant to the proposed action: A list of reasons why these other options were rejected and a description of any other factors relevant to the proposed action.N/A
Child's Evaluation Report

Indicates if the student's Evaluation is enclosed or was previously received. Options include:

  • You previously received a copy of your child's evaluation report and a copy of their IEP is enclosed.
  • A copy of your child's evaluation report and IEP are enclosed.
Only one option can be made.
Contact Name: The special education contact for the district.

The name comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > SPED Contact First Name and SPED Contact Last Name.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

Phone The phone number for the special education contact.

The phone comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > SPED Phone.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

Title The title of the special education contact.N/A
Alternate Contact Name The alternate special education contact for the district.

The name comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > Alternate SPED Contact First Name and Alternate SPED Contact Last Name.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

Phone The phone number for the alternate special education contact.

The phone comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > Alternate SPED Phone.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

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Contingency Plan

The Contingency Plan is used to document the various model of services that may be provided during unique circumstances.

Click here to expand...

Contingency Plan List Screen

Contingency Plan List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the team meeting record.
Service TypeThe type of service provided.
Service ProvidedThe name of the service.

Contingency Plan Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Contingency Plan Detail Screen

Service Type

Indicates the service type to be provided to the student. Options include:

  • Supplementary Aids and Services
  • Special Education/Specially Designed Instruction
  • Related Services Needed to Benefit from Special Education
  • Program Modifications or Supports for School Personnel
Service Provided
The name of the service.The values available are setup from System Administration > Special Ed > Services. Different values display depending on the options selected in the Service Type field.
Location The location at which the service takes place.N/A
Description/Comments A description or additional comments related to the type of aid or service.N/A
Address Goal(s) Indicates which goal(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Measurable Annual Goals editor.
Address Need(s) Indicates the need(s) the service addresses.The values available in the multi-select field are pulled and setup in the (I-4) Summary of Disability-Related Needs editor.
Duration and Frequency

Minutes per Session


The number of minutes per service session.N/A

Session Frequency

#times per

The number of sessions per frequency.N/A
Service Frequency The frequency of the sessions. Options include:
  • week
  • year
  • term
  • month
  • day
  • none

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(1-10) Notice of Changes Without IEP Meeting

The Notice of Changes Without IEP Meeting editor is used to document changes made to the IEP without a meeting.

This editor is only available when the Amendment without a meeting Plan Type is selected on the Education Plan editor. A note displays at the top of the editor that reads, "You do not need to fill out this editor. "Amendment without a Meeting" is not the selected Plan Type in the Education Plan editor."

Click here to expand...

Notice of Changes Without IEP Meeting List Screen

Notice of Changes Without IEP Meeting List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock Icon The user currently editing the team meeting record.
Date of Communication The day communication about the change was made.
Change to IEP The change being made to the IEP.
Start Date for Change The day the change takes place.
Print in Plan Indicates this record prints in the IEP.

Notice of Changes Without IEP Meeting Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Notice of Changes Without IEP Meeting Detail Screen

Print in Plan Indicates this record prints in the IEP.This field defaults to unmarked. Any action taken with this checkbox automatically updates on the Print in Plan slider on the list screen.
Date Form Completed The date the documentation was completed for the change.N/A
Date of Communication of ChangesThe day communication about the change was made.N/A
Start Date for Changes
The day the change takes place.N/A

Name(s) and Title(s)

List Team Member(s) who communicated changes

The name and titles of the team members who communicated changes.N/A
Contact Method The contact method. Options include:
  • Met
  • Spoke on Phone
  • Exchanged Emails
The changes are: The change itself.N/A
The reason(s) for making the changes are: The reason for making the change.N/A
Delete Removes the change record.N/A
New Adds a new change record.N/A
Other options, if any, related to the above action which were considered and the reason(s) why they were rejected including a description of any other relevant factors include: Any other options considered and why they were rejected.N/A
NoneIndicates no other options were considered.When this is marked, the text area for the "Other options, if any..." field above becomes unavailable.
Contact Name The special education contact name.

The name comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > SPED Contact First Name and SPED Contact Last Name.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

Phone The phone number of the special education contact.

The phone comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > SPED Phone.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

Title The title of the special education contact.N/A
Alternative Contact Name The alternate special education contact for the district.

The name comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > Alternate SPED Contact First Name and Alternate SPED Contact Last Name.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

Phone The phone number for the alternate special education contact.

The phone comes from from System Administration > Resources > District Information > (District Name) > Alternate SPED Phone.

This only populates if the information is available prior to the initial save. After the initial save, the user needs to manually enter data.

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The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all required information by the State of Wisconsin. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines. The Individual Service Plan (ISP) is the same format as the IEP used for Private Schools in Wisconsin. 

The current format of this document is the WI IEP 2022 and WI ISP 2022. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.

Image of the plan outline and Education Plan editor of the Wisconsin IEPWisconsin IEP Editors

Data entered in the I-7 editors of an IEP is available in Ad hoc Reporting at the following location: Filter Designer > Student Filter > Student > Learner Planning > Learning Plans > I-7 Sections.

Individual Education Plan Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editors only print if information has been entered and saved.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education Plan

Plan Information

The Education Plan editor includes general meeting and screening information and lists the dates associated with the plan, such as dates the plan is active.

This editor must be saved before continuing to other areas of the plan. Field definitions may vary by district. 

Eval Date auto-populates the Evaluation Date from the student's locked Evaluation if available.

The Creation and Modification information for the plan appears at the bottom of this editor.

A warning message displays if the Start Date is the same or before the Meeting Date.

Enrollment StatusPlan InformationThe Enrollment Status editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.

Clicking Get Info from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the student's Enrollments record. Users can select which Enrollment to link the Enrollment Status editor to using the Enrollment dropdown.

There are three versions of this editor. Best practice is to use the third editor. This editor fetches special education data from the student's Enrollment, values which can be edited in the IEP. If values are modified, the student's Enrollment will be updated based on the IEP when saved.

Student DemographicsStudent InformationThe Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information.Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tabs.
Parent/Guardian DemographicsGuardian InformationThe Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tab or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.

Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics, Households, and Team Members tool. 

If the Start Date for the Educational Surrogate Parent checkbox on the Team Members tool falls anytime before or during the Plan window, the data will pull into the Parent/Guardian Demographics editor. If the End Date for the Educational Surrogate Parent falls before or on the Start Date of the Plan, the data will NOT pull in to the Parent/Guardian Demographics editor.

 (I-3) Team Meeting Cover Page Team Meeting Cover PageThe Team Meeting Cover Page indicates the reason the evaluation meeting was held, including if the meeting was a result of the student's performance on assessments or an evaluation.

This page is available as an interactive form.

 (I-4) Present Levels Information About the Student, Including Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional PerformanceThe Present Level editor indicates if the student is preschool or school age and includes all relevant information concerning the student's current interests, abilities, and performance.N/A
 (I-4) Special Factors C. Special FactorsThe Special Factors editor identifies possible concerns that may interfere with the student's learning, such as behavior issues, limited English proficiency, visual or communication impairments or assistive technology.N/A
(I-4) Concerns of Parents/Family D. Concerns of the Parents/Family
E. Effects of Disability
The Concerns of Parents/Family editor record concerns of the family and student regarding the student's education and the effect of the student's disability on their education. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon where it appears.
(I-4) Summary of Disability - Related Needs F. Summary of Disability-Related NeedsThe Summary of Disability - Related Needs editor describes each of the student's specific needs related to identified disabilities. Needs should be numbered and referred to in the Measurable Annual Goals list.
(I-4) Family Engagement/Participation in Gen. Ed.II. Family Engagement
III. Participation in General Education Curriculum
The Family Engagement/Participation in Gen. Ed. editor describes how families will be included in the student's education, the extent to which the student participates in general education, and whether goals in the previous goals have been reviewed. N/A
(I-5) Get GoalsN/AThe Get Goals editor retrieves goal information from the most previous locked Plan.

Users have the ability to delete duplicate goals if the Get Goals button is pressed multiple times.

This editor does not print, it only pulls information used in the I-5 Annual Review of Goals editor.

(I-5) Annual Review of GoalsAnnual Review of IEP GoalsThe Annual Review of Goals editor records the review of goals for the student including how the goals are progressing and whether they've been met.N/A
(I-4) Measurable Annual Goals IV. Measurable Annual GoalsThe Measurable Annual Goals editor lists measurable goals designed to improve the student's progress in general education and how accomplishing those goals is tracked and determined.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon where it appears.
(I-4) Program Summary V. Program SummaryThe Program Summary editor summarizes the services provided to the student, including Physical and Vocational education, environmental modifications, and extracurricular activities.Date fields default to the Start and End Dates of the plan.
(I-4) Supplementary Services A. Supplementary Aids and ServicesThe Supplementary Services editor lists additional supports provided to the student, such as accommodations

Only active Services with a Type of Supplementary can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Date fields default to the Start and End Dates of the plan.

(I-4) Special Education Services B. Special Education/Specially Designed InstructionThe Special Education Services editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.

Only active Services with a Type of Special Education Services can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Date fields default to the Start and End Dates of the plan.

(I-4) Related Services C. Related Services Needed to Benefit from Special EducationThe Related Services editor lists developmental, corrective or other supportive services required to assist the student with a disability.

Only active Services with a Type of Related can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Date fields default to the Start and End Dates of the plan.

(I-4) Program Modifications Services D. Program Modifications or Supports for School PersonnelThe Program Modifications Services editor lists ways in which a standard education program has been modified to suit the student's needs.

Only active Services with a Type of Modifications can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Date fields default to the Start and End Dates of the plan.

(I-4) Student Participation/Participation in PhyEdVI. Student ParticipationThe Student Participation/Participation in Phys Ed editor describes the extent to which the student participates in a regular education environment and in physical education classes. N/A
(I-7-A) Guidelines for Alt AssessParticipation Guidelines for Alternate Assessment FormThe Guidelines for Alternate Assessment editor describes the student's current learning progress and educational setting in relation to participation in an Alternate Assessment.N/A
(I-7) ACCESS for ELLs/Alt. ACCESS for ELLsI-7 ACCESS for ELLs/Alt. ACCESS for ELLsThe Access for ELLs/ ALT Access for ELLs editor records whether the student is participating in either of those assessments for English language learners.N/A
(I-7) ACT Plus WritingI-7 The ACT Plus WritingThe ACT Plus Writing editor stores information about the student's participation on the assessment, including official and locally approved accommodations.The Print in Plan checkbox must be marked for data in this editor to be included in the printed document.
(I-7) Aspire Early High SchoolI-7-ACT Aspire Early High SchoolThe ACT Aspire Early High School editor stores information about the student's participation in the ACT Aspire Early High School assessment, including accommodations.The Print in Plan checkbox must be marked for data in this editor to be included in the printed document.
(I-7) District-Wide AssessmentI-7 District-Wide AssessmentThe District-Wide Assessment editor provides extended options for recording student participation and accommodation in district assessments.N/A
(I-7) Dynamic Learning MapsDynamic Learning MapsThe DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps) editor stored information about the student's participation in the Dynamic Learning Maps assessment, including accessibility supports.The Print in Plan checkbox must be marked for data in this editor to be included in the printed document.
(I-7) ForwardI-7 ForwardThe Forward editor records accommodations supplied to students participating in the Forward Exam.N/A
(I-11) Extended School Year
Not available on the ISP
Extended School YearThe Extended School Year editor indicates if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.N/A
(I-11) ESY Services 
Not available on the ISP
Extended School Year ServicesThe Extended School Year Services editor if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.N/A

Determination & Placement (P1/P2)

Determination & Consent of Initial Placement
Determination of Placement
The Determination & Consent of Initial Placement editor describes the special education determination for the student and consent of the initial placement for the student.N/A
Worksheet DW-1
Not available on the ISP
Worksheet DW-1The Worksheet DW-1 records the use of this form to track educational services provided to the student during a disciplinary removal.N/A

Wisconsin LEA Child Outcome Summary Form

Not available on the ISP

Wisconsin LEA Child Outcome Summary FormThe Wisconsin LEA Child Outcome Summary Forms editor records the use of COSF forms to track student progress in early childhood programs.N/A
Contingency Plan
Not available on the ISP
Contingency PlanThe Contingency Plan is used to document the various model of services that may be provided during unique circumstances.N/A
When using the Student Records Transfer, current, locked IEPs transfer as a locked document. Locked IEPs that are not current transfer as a PDF. Locked documents do not transfer.

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Individual Education Plan (Wisconsin) [.2144 - .2223]