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This template is intended for diataxis landing pages that reference a medium number of articles. For this type of landing page, multiple diataxis types are used, making the distinction helpful.
Basic elements:
- Sections for each diataxis type used, separated by a horizontal line.
- A "getting started" callout in the green box, highlighting helpful overview content.
- Topics with links to docs and videos. For docs, links can be to the whole article, or to a specific section of an article, if appropriate.
- Where more than one type of content exists, use the Article | Video construction and leave the topic as plain text. If there is only one type of content, make the topic the link.
- An overview image. If applicable, this could also be an embedded video, especially if an overview video exists.
- An overview of tool rights related to this tool.
For an example, see the Quizzes landing page.
REPLACE: Summarize the tool rights needed for this tool - what the rights are and where they are found. If relevant, link to an additional article about tool or module-specific rights.
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