Landing Page - Medium Amount of Content

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This template is intended for diataxis landing pages that reference a medium number of articles. For this type of landing page, multiple diataxis types are used, making the distinction helpful. 

Basic elements: 

  • Sections for each diataxis type used, separated by a horizontal line. 
  • A "getting started" callout in the green box, highlighting helpful overview content.
  • Topics with links to docs and videos. For docs, links can be to the whole article, or to a specific section of an article, if appropriate.
    • Where more than one type of content exists, use the Article | Video construction and leave the topic as plain text. If there is only one type of content, make the topic the link.
  • An overview image. If applicable, this could also be an embedded video, especially if an overview video exists. 
  • An overview of tool rights related to this tool.

For an example, see the Quizzes landing page. here and delete.




Getting Started? 
Check out this video or this tutorial for an overview of how quizzes work.

REPLACE: Summarize the tool rights needed for this tool - what the rights are and where they are found. If relevant, link to an additional article about tool or module-specific rights. 

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