Calendar (Ohio)

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Ohio Calendar Tools

Within Calendar, there are nine tools: Calendar, Grade Levels, Schedule Structure, Terms, Periods, Days, Overrides, Attendance Periods, and Calendar GPA. While not all fields in these tools are specific to Ohio, some of these fields are critical to ensuring accurate state reporting. These tools and fields are described below. For all other inquires, please see the appropriate article linked above.


The Calendar tool stores basic information about the calendar, including many fields which impact how the calendar is included within state reports and accountability calculations. The Ohio Calendar tool does not have any fields that are specific to Ohio. These fields are not used for state reporting. Please see the Calendar Details article for all inquiries.

Calendar Info Editor

Grade Levels

The Grade Levels tab lists the grades that attend the selected school. Only students in the listed grades can be enrolled into that calendar. Fields that are specific to the state of Ohio are defined below. Specific information to help clarify how certain fields affect reporting are also found below. Please see the Grade Levels article for all other inquiries.

Grade Level Detail Editor

State Grade Level Code

The Grade Level Code indicates the current grade level of the student.

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Organization General Information (DN)

Kindergarten Schedule

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Organization General Information (DN)

Attendance Pattern

On a weekly basis, the arrangement of days in which a student is in this building.

Attendance Patterns are needed when a grade level must be split into two or more groups of students. For example, kindergarten classes are often split into morning and afternoon sessions.

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Schedule Structure

Schedule Structures provide a means of allowing different groups of students (by grade level, by different terms, by different day layout) to have a unique layout for their learning day.

Do NOT create multiple Schedule Structures within a calendar. Instead, create multiple, unique calendars for each Schedule Structure.


The Days tab provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. The Days tab also displays which Period Schedules are assigned to a particular day, if any special events are assigned to a day, or if a particular day is not recording attendance, is not an instruction day, or is not a school day. Please see the Days article for more information.

Before using any of the tools on the Days tab, verify the following has been done for the selected calendar:

  • Calendar dates are correct.
  • Term dates are correct.
  • Periods and Period Schedules are established.

Day Detail Editor

Day Events Type

Day Events indicate a special event(s) for the school day. The Day Event Type field indicates the reason for the event. Types of days are created in the Attribute/Dictionary.

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Multiple events can be associated with a single day. It is recommended that whenever an event is added to a day, a Comment also be added that explains the reason for the event.

Only Day Events containing a code in the Value column in the Attribute/Dictionary are considered for state reporting.