Tutoring and Other Instructional Support | Student is receiving tutoring, supplemental instruction, and other educational services that help homeless children and youth reach the same challenging State content and State student performance standards to which all children are held. As clearly specified in the ESEA, as reauthorized by the NCLB Act, all academic enrichment programs for disadvantaged students, including programs for homeless students, must be aligned with State standards and curricula. |
Expedited Evaluations | Eligible student is evaluated to measure their strengths and needs. These evaluations should be done promptly in order to avoid a gap in the provision of necessary services to those children and youth. Evaluations may also determine a homeless child or youth's eligibility for other programs and services, including educational programs for gifted and talented students, special education and related services for children with disabilities, English language acquisition, vocational education, school lunch, before-and-after school programs, and appropriate programs or services under ESEA. |
Staff Professionals Development and Awareness | Staff is participating in programs and other activities designed to raise awareness among educators and pupil services personnel of the rights of homeless children and youth as a result of their homelessness. |
Referrals for Medical, Dental, and other Health Services | Student was found eligible and was given a referral to medical, dental, mental, and/or other health services |
Early Childhood Program | Districts can use their McKinney-Vento subgrants or Title 1 set asides to provide developmentally appropriate early childhood education programs for homeless children of preschool age if such programs are not provided through other Federal, State, or local funds. |
Assistance with Participation in School Program | Student is being provided services and assistance to attract, engage or retain homeless children and unaccompanied youth in public school programs and services that are available to other students in their district. |
Before-School, After-School, Mentoring, Summer Program | Student is participating in before-and after-school programs, mentoring, and summer programs for homeless children and youth. Qualified personnel may provide homework assistance, tutoring, and supervision of there educational instruction in carrying out these activities. |
Obtaining or Transferring Records Necessary for Enrollment | School of origin (Home School) is paying student's fees and costs associated with tracking, obtaining, and transferring records necessary for the continued enrollment of a student in school. The records may include birth certificates, guardianship records, immunization records, academic records, and evaluations of students needed to determine eligibility for other programs and services. |
Parent Education Related to Rights and Resources for Children | Student's Parents or Guardian are being offered or provided education and training programs regarding the rights their children have as homeless individuals and educational and other resources available to their children. |
Coordination between Schools and Agencies | Student is participating in programs coordinated with local service agencies and other service providers including programs under the "Runaway and Homeless Youth Act". |
Counseling | Student is participating in pupil services programs providing violence prevention counseling and referrals to such counseling. |
Addressing Needs Related to Domestic Violence | Student is participating in programs addressing the particular needs of eligible students that may arise from domestic violence. |
Clothing to Meet a School Requirement | Student is being provided basic needs such as school uniforms, school supplies, and health-related needs |
School Supplies | Eligible student is being provided school supplies at shelters, temporary housing facilities, and other locations as appropriate. |
Referral to Other Programs and Services | Outside of school, liaisons are required to provide referrals for health, mental health, dental, and other appropriate services in the community. Other "appropriate" services may include housing, shelter, job training, public assistance, food and nutrition, and legal assistance. Student is receiving one or more of these "Other" Programs or services. |
Emergency Assistance Related to School Attendance | Eligible students are being provided extraordinary or emergency services as necessary to enroll and retain such children and youth in school. |
Other (Services and Activities Provided by the McKinney-Vento Subgrant Program | LEA is providing subgrant services for the student through programs on school grounds or at other facilities. If services are provided on school grounds, the schools may use McKinney-Vento funds to provide the same services to other children and youth who are determined by the LEA to be at risk of failing in, or dropping out of school. |