Printing Eligibility Notification Letters

Classic View: FRAM > Household Applications

Search Terms: Household Applications

You can generate a letter to send to parents/guardians, indicating whether a household was approved (eligible) or denied (not eligible) for meal benefits. Immediately after processing a household application, Campus prompts you to print the approval/denial letter. You can also print the approval/denial letter directly from the Household Applications editor.

  • FRAM letters are addressed and sent to the address that has the Mailing checkbox flagged on the household Addresses tab.
  • See the FRAM Letter Editor article for modifying and printing FRAM letters using pre-defined letter templates.
  • See the FRAM Letter Batch Report article for batch printing notification letters.

Printing from the Household Applications Editor

To print an approval/denial notification letter, select the active household application and click the Print button located in the action bar. 

Users cannot print Educational Benefits Applications.

Example application with Print button

 The letter is generated in PDF-format, in a new window, and automatically populates the names and the eligibility of students in the household.

Example Approval/Denial Letter

Example eligibility letter