Classic View: Student Information > Enrollments
Search Terms: Enrollment
The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is an historical view, this list could be long.
By default, enrollments are first sorted by grade level and sorted by enrollment start date second. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
General Enrollment Information
Under General Enrollment Information, both the Local Enter Code and the Local Leave Code are unique to the state of Idaho. These fields are further described below. All other fields in General Enrollment Information do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Enrollments article.
Idaho General Enrollments Editor
Start Date
Indicates the student's first day of enrollment in the selected calendar.
Local Enter Code
Local Enter Code indicates the reason for beginning the student enrollment, whether entering the school or district or continuing on from another grade. When creating an enrollment for a student, students must have a Start Date and a Local Enter Code. An enrollment cannot be saved without an entry in these fields.
End Date
Indicates the student's last day of enrollment in the selected calendar.
The Student Demographics Report lists this information as the School Exit Date and District Exit Date. Logic for the District Exit Date is as follows:
- When the student's enrollment active during the extract Date Range does not have an End Date and the extract End Date is on or after the last instructional day of the calendar, the calendar End Date reports.
- When the student's enrollment End Date falls during the extract Date Range and the extract End Date is on or after the last instructional day of the calendar, the Enrollment End Date reports.
- When the student's enrollment End Date falls during the extract Date Range and the extract End Date is before the last instructional day of the calendar and the Enrollment End Status is not 1A or 1B, the enrollment End Date reports.
- When the Enrollment End Status is 1A or 1B, no value reports.
Local Leave Code
The Local Leave Code indicates the circumstances under which the student exited from membership in the school.
The Student Demographics Report lists this information as the School Exit Type and District Exit Type.
State Reporting Fields
Classic View: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields
Search Terms: Enrollments
Data entries made in the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollments tool are unique to the state of Idaho and may directly affect the way students are reported to the state department of education.
Idaho State Reporting Enrollment Editor
Alternative Attendance
Indicates the student's attendance calculation reports in hours to the thousandth decimal place, rather than regular attendance in modified whole-day or half-day calculations.
Non-Public Student
Indicates whether the student is schooled in a non-public school setting.
This field is used in conjunction with the Private School checkbox. When this field has the selection of P: Private Schooled or the Private School field is marked, the Student Demographics Report lists the value for the phSchool field as P.
Economically Disadvantaged (S)
Indicates the student is Economically Disadvantaged by a qualified measure that is not NSLP related.
Displaced Homemaker
Indicates the student has a parent or guardian who is unemployed or underemployed, and who is no longer financially supported by their spouse.
Displaced homemakers can also include someone who provided unpaid services to family members in the family home.
Single Parent
Indicates the student lives in a home with a single parent or guardian. Single parent families are comprised of a parent/caregiver and one or more dependent children without the presence and support of a spouse or adult partner who is sharing the responsibility of parenting.
Private School
Indicates the student is enrolled in a private school.
This field is used in conjunction with the Non-Public School Student. When the Non-Public School field has the selection of P: Private Schooled or this field is marked, the Student Demographics Report lists the value for the phSchool field as P.
Typically Developing Peer
Indicates an Early Childhood or Pre-Kindergarten student is enrolled as a Typically Developing Peer and acts as role model for an Early Chilldhood/Special Education student.
Neglected or Delinquent
Indicates whether the student is considered Neglected or Delinquent under the rules of Title 1 D.
Max Allowable Periods
Indicated the maximum number of periods a student may be scheduled into without being charged tuition (district/school policy by specific grade level for period overload situation).
Max Allowable Credits
Indicates the maximum number of credits a student may be take without being charged tuition (district/school policy by specific grade level for credit overload situation).
Resident County
Lists the county where the student lives.
At Risk
Indicates if the student is considered to be at risk. At-risk Programs, as defined by the State Department of Idaho (operated through LEAs), target students who are at risk of academic failure, have a drug or alcohol problem, are pregnant or parenting, have been in contact with the juvenile justice system in the past, are at least one year behind the expected age/grade level, have limited English proficiency, are gang members, have dropped out of school in the past, or have a high absenteeism rate at school.
A selection of Yes indicates the student is considered At Risk; a selection of N indicates the student is considered Not At Risk.
Serving School and Serving District
Lists the State School identifier where the student receives their education.
Resident District
Lists the District where the student receives their education.
In District for Math Assessment
Identifies the student as being in-district for the selected Math assessment:
- NA: Not in District or No Assessment
- RA: Regular Assessment
- WA: Regular Assessment with Accommodations
- AA: Alternative Assessment
In District for English Language Arts
Identifies the student as being in-district for the selected English Language Arts assessment:
- NA: Not in District or No Assessment
- RA: Regular Assessment
- WA: Regular Assessment with Accommodations
- AA: Alternative Assessment
In District for Science Assessment
Identifies the student as being in-district for the Science assessment:
- NA: Not in District or No Assessment
- RA: Regular Assessment
- WA: Regular Assessment with Accommodations
- AA: Alternative Assessment
Special Education Fields
The Special Education Enrollment editor lists the student's assigned Exceptionalities, Special Education Status and Special Education Environment as entered on the student's locked IEP. Those fields can only be modified on the IEP and are read-only on the Enrollment record.
When a student exits Special Education, that information can be updated from the Enrollment record.
Special Education Enrollment Editor
Inactive Date
Indicates the date the student no longer received Special Education services.
Inactive Reason
Lists the reason the student no longer receives Special Education services.