The FRAM Verification tool helps districts complete the required, yearly process of verifying a percentage of approved, free/reduced applications. Verification is confirmation of eligibility for free and reduced-price meals under the NSLP and the School Breakfast Program (SBP).
Start the Verification Process
This topic explains the start of the verification process of approved free/reduced applications.
Tool Search: Verification
Before You Begin
- Verify the Verification Preferences of FRAM Preferences are configured.
- Verify applications being excluded from the Verification process are marked as "excluded" on the Household Applications tool.
- Click New.
The Free Reduced Verification Detail editor displays. Select a Verification Type.
The standard selection for most districts is the Standard Sample Size (Error Prone). The Alternate Sample Size One (Random) and Alternate Sample Size Two (Error Prone Plus Categorical) options are alternative methods of verification that require special state permission. (Please see the Verification Types and Logic article for more information.)
- Select the school Year for which the verification should be performed.
Verify the Application Approved Date.
This read-only field is populated according to the school year selected in Step 3. Applications approved on or before this date are included in the verification pool.
Mark the Exclude DRCT Applications checkbox to review which applications should be removed from the Verification process.
When you select this checkbox and perform a Confirmation Review, the report will provide a list of applications that should be considered for exclusion.
When you select this checkbox and select Generate Verification, the process will exclude the applications in the database.Mark the Exclude CEP checkbox to exclude applications from students enrolled at a CEP school from the verification pool.
Only applications where all student enrollments are at a CEP school are excluded.- Mark the Include Application Detail checkbox if you want the application details to be included on the confirmation and validation reports.
- Click Confirmation Review to perform a final review of all qualified applications prior to generating the Verification sample.
The Confirmation Review Report (PDF) displays. - Click Generate Verification.
The Validation Report displays and the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail editor (which displays all pending applications included in the verification sample) also displays on the Verification tab.
To continue the verification process, go to Step 2. Review and Replace Applications (FRAM). See the Verification Screen Examples and Field Definitions article for more information about the new editors and fields that display after generating a verification.
Review and Replace Applications
This topic reviews the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail editor (which displays all pending applications included in the verification sample).
Tool Search: Verification
Once a verification has been saved, the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail editor (which displays all pending applications included in the verification sample) should be reviewed. Applications may be reviewed and replaced at this time.
Reviewing Applications
All applications pending verification (appearing in the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail Editor) should be reviewed.
- Select the application number link from the Reference Number column to review an application.
- Review the application (this view is a read-only copy).
- Click the Back button to the Verification tool.
Repeat these steps to review each application in this editor. If an application should be removed/replaced for any reason, please see the next section before proceeding.
Replacing Applications
When appropriate, applications in the verification sample may be replaced.
The Total Applications Allowed for Removal field (on the Free Reduced Verification Application Detail editor) indicates how many applications can be removed/replaced. If an application is removed, it is replaced by a new application from the verification pool.
Mark the checkbox next to all application(s) to be replaced in the Replace App column.
These applications will be removed/replaced when the page is saved and cannot be verified or edited once removed.
- Click the Save button.
Changes are saved and the Verification tool is refreshed with new information. Each removed application is replaced with a new application from the verification pool. New applications should be reviewed. Removed applications display at the bottom of the screen in the Replaced Applications editor. 
If you need to replace an application after printing pre-notice letters, click the Delete button next to the application. The checkbox in the Replace App column is only available before pre-notice letters are printed. This should only be used if a household leaves the district prior to verification being completed and verification information cannot be gathered.
Print the First Pre-notice Letter
Now that all of the applications have been reviewed and removed/replaced as necessary, the 1st Pre-Notice Letters can be printed and sent to households.
Tool Search: Verification
Printing this letter officially begins the verification process. If you do not want to use the Campus default templates for Pre-Notice letters, custom letters may be created in FRAM Communication.
Printing 1st Pre-Notice Letter
After applications have been reviewed and removed/replaced as necessary, the 1st Pre-Notice Letters can be printed and sent to households.
A letter is generated for each pending application in the verification sample and is addressed to the application signer.
Modify the Due Date field on the Verification Preferences in FRAM Preferences to indicate the date by which the requested verification materials should be returned to the district. This date is inserted in the second (date) field of the Pre-Notice letter.
Generating the 1st Pre-Notice Letter
- Verify the verification for which the 1st Pre-Notice letter should be printed is selected.
- Click the print icon for the 1st Pre-Notice letter in the action bar.
The letter displays.
Sample Pre-Notice Letter
The date on which the 1st Pre-Notice letter is generated will be populated in the First Contact Date fields of the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail editor for each application.
If you need to replace an application after printing pre-notice letters, click the Delete button next to the application. This should only be used if a household leaves the district prior to verification being completed and verification information cannot be gathered. The checkbox in the Replace App column is only available before pre-notice letters are printed.
Verify Eligibility Applications
Applications are verified when an application signer submits the documentation. This topic shows how to verify the applications.
Tool Search: Verification
The FRAM Verification tool helps districts complete the required, yearly process of verifying a percentage of approved, free/reduced applications. Applications with the status No Response should NOT be verified.
Applications are verified when an application signer submits the documentation requested through the verification process (usually in response to the 1st or 2nd Pre-Notice letter). A list of verified, pending, and replaced applications appears in the Free/Reduced Verification Status Detail area.
If... | Then... |
the household responded that they "do not want to participate any more" |
the local SNAP office has verified that a household DID NOT receive SNAP benefits | remove the benefit number. If the household provided income information, enter the information and the application will be complete. If there is no income information, select the Override Status Free. Enter "No income" in the Override Reason text box. Make sure all paperwork is kept in the verification file in the event that the auditor needs to know what happened. |
Applications may be verified more than one time.
- Click the Verify link next to the application.
The Verify Application Detail, Verify Student(s) in Household, and Verify Income in Household editors display.
Compare the existing data with the data that the application signer submitted.
no discrepancies are found during the verification
Process the verification as is.
discrepancies are found during the verification
Make adjustments to the application on this screen then process the verification. This screen allows you to complete the following tasks:
- Remove students and/or household members.
- Adjust income levels.
- Update student information.
- Add students and household members using the Find New Person button or the Quick Add button.
you want to exit without completing the verification
Click the Back button to exit the editor. Changes will not be saved.
- Verify/adjust the Effective Date. If the application has changed, the Effective Date is the date the changes will go into effect. If there is a reduction in benefits requiring a 10-day notice of adverse action, the Effective Date must be adjusted.
- Enter an Application Date. If the application has changed, this is the date the application is being verified.
- Select the Process button in the action bar to save the verification.
The Verification screen reappears. The newly verified application is listed in the Verified Applications editor, below the remaining pending applications, at the bottom of the screen. The eligibility value in the Verify Status column is updated and the current date is auto populated in the Process Date and Eligibility Eff Date columns.Verified Application Example
Print the Second Pre-notice Letters
Households that do not respond to the first notice informing them that their eligibilities are changing will need a second pre-notice letter. This topic shows how to print these letters for mailing.
Tool Search: Verification
A second notice must be delivered to unresponsive households in which eligibilities are changing. This notification can be delivered via phone or generated and sent through the 2nd Pre-Notice Letter print icon. If the notification is delivered via phone instead of a letter, you may enter a date in the Second Contact Date field for reference purposes; otherwise, it is automatically populated when the 2nd Pre-Notice Letter is generated.
Modify the Due Date field on the Verification Preferences to indicate the date by which the requested verification materials should be returned to the district. This date is inserted in the second (date) field of the Pre-Notice letter. Allow for return and processing time before the November 15 deadline.
Generating the 2nd Pre-Notice Letter
- Verify the verification for which the 2nd Pre-Notice letter should be printed is selected.
- Click the print button for the 2nd Pre-Notice letter in the action bar.
The letter is generated for households that have not been verified yet.
Sample Pre-Notice Letter
Complete the Verification Process
The district must complete its verification process by the federal deadline of November 15th. This topic will show you how to complete the process in Campus.
Tool Search: Verification
The district must complete its verification process by the federal deadline of November 15th.
The FRAM Verification tool helps districts complete the required yearly process of verifying a percentage of approved free/reduced applications. Applications with the status No Response should NOT be verified.
When the verification process is officially ended through the following steps, existing household eligibilities are updated and ended.
Once verification is completed through End Verification, existing eligibilities will be given 10 days (including the current date) before new student eligibility statuses become effective.
All pending applications are updated to a value of No Response and their Eligibility Eff Date will be the 11th day. A Paid eligibility record will NOT be created for these students. Their status will automatically be Paid and they will be required to pay full price for meals starting on that date.
- Enter a Verification Completed Date in the field of the Free Reduced Verification End Detail editor.
Click the End Verification button.
If the End Verification button is... Then... disabled all applications pulled for verification have already been verified.
If the Verification Completed Date is still null, you can enter the date when verification was completed and save.enabled there is still at least one application that was pulled for verification that has not been verified.
If you click End Verification, any un-verified applications will result in a Paid eligibility, effective in 10 days.Result
A Post Notice letter is generated for each application included in the verification sample, indicating the final outcome of a household's eligibility for meal benefits. The default Post-Notice letter template is used unless you created and designated a custom template in the FRAM Communication tool. The eligibility effective date on the letter is nine days after the verification date. The Process Date on the letter is the current date.Sample Post Notice Letter
Print the Summary Report
After the verification process is complete, the School Food Authority Verification Summary Report can be printed. This topic shows how to print the report in Campus.
Tool Search: Verification
The School Food Authority Verification Summary Report (Summary Report) can be printed after verification is complete. This report shows eligibility and verification statistics of the district for the purpose of federal reporting. The student and school counts on this report display application counts as of October 1st and enrollment counts as of October 31st, per USDA Verification guidelines.
Campus FRAM does not encompass Direct Verification. Districts may complete Direct Verification outside of Campus. If your district completed Direct Verification, you may leave the 5-6 checkbox unmarked. Otherwise, if your district did not complete Direct Verification, please mark the 5-6 checkbox.
If your School Food Authority directly certifies students for reduced-price meals with Medicaid, according to USDA guidance, they are not included in Sections 3 or 4 of Form FNS-742. Follow your State Agency instructions for reporting these numbers separately.
Important Information About this Report
- The 1-1: Total Schools row reports the total number of schools that have School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program selected on the school’s original or most recent record within System Administration > Resources > School.
- Checkbox 3-1 is selected if all schools in the district are CEP 5 schools.
- If checkbox 3-1 is selected, totals in section 3 and 4 will all be 0.
- The following sections do not display numbers connected with any school that has a current CEP provision: 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 4-1a, 4-1b, 4-2a, 4-2b, 4-3a, and 4-3b.
- Section 4a calculates the number of applications submitted as of Oct 1st. If a student's FRAM eligibility ends after 10/1, if they change schools, or if they are no longer enrolled in the district after Oct 1st but were on an application made before Oct 1st, their application is still counted on the report in Section 4a Number of Applications.
- The following sections report blank: 5-6, and 5-7.
To generate the report, click the Summary Report button:
Summary Report