Classic View: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity
Search Terms: Digital Equity
The Digital Equity tool allows schools to track digital devices and internet availability for students. More than one record can be added, but records cannot overlap.
See the core Digital Equity article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Digital Equity records.
Digital Equity tool
Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import Digital Equity information to this tool.
Digital Equity Field Descriptions
The following fields are localized in the Digital Equity Detail editor.
Start Date
Indicates the date the student began participation in the program.
Records cannot overlap.
End Date
Indicates the date the student ended participation in the program.
Records cannot overlap.
Survey Date
The date on which the survey of digital equity information was collected.
School Provider Indicator
Indicates whether the school or district issued the student a dedicated school-owned or district-owned device for the student’s use during the school year.
- Y: Yes
- N: No
Learning Device
The type of learning device the student used most often to complete learning activities away from school.
- CHROMEBOOK: Chromebook
- DESKTOP: Desktop
- LAPTOP: Laptop
- SMARTPHONE: Smartphone
- TABLET: Tablet
- None: None
Learning Device Provider
The provider of the primary learning device.
- PERSONAL: Personal
- SCHOOL: School
- None: None
Learning Device Access
Indicates if the primary learning device is shared or not shared with another individual.
- NO DEVICE: No Device
- NOT SHARED: Not Shared
- SHARED: Shared
Learning Device Sufficiency
Indicates if the primary learning device is sufficient for the student to fully participate in learning activities away from school.
- Y: Yes
- N: No
Internet Access Indicator
Indicates that the student is able to access the internet in their primary place of residence to participate in school requirements.
- Y: Yes
- N: No
Internet Access Barrier
An indication of the primary barrier to having internet access in the student's primary place of residence.
- AVAILABILITY: Availability
- COST: Cost
- NONE: None
- OTHER: Other
Internet Access Type
The primary type of internet service used in the student's primary place of residence.
- CELLULAR: Cellular
- DIALUP: Dialup
- MOBILEHOTSPOT: Mobilehotspot
- NONE: None
- OTHER: Other
- RESBROADBAND: Resbroadband
- SATELLITE: Sattellite
Internet Performance
Indicates whether the student can complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence.
- Y: Yes
- N: No