Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Special Education Program Associations

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Search Terms: Ed-Fi

Reports the Special Education data for a student.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Business Rules


Special Education:
  • When a student in the year and calendar reporting has the following:
      1. A locked IEP:
          a). IEP has a Special Ed Program(s) mapped to a state code with an Ed-Fi Code.
          b).  Print Format: ‘miIEP%’.

           2. A locked NPSP:

               a). NPSP has a Special Ed Program(s) mapped to a state code with an Ed-Fi Code.

               b). Print Format: 'miNPSP%'

  • IEP/NPSP must overlap an enrollment.
  • An IEP will trump an IFSP if more than one document is found with the same Start Date.
  • If the student has multiple enrollments that are overlapping in the same school and year, report based on Service Type:
    1. P: Primary
    2. S: Partial
    3. N: Special Ed
  • If the student only has one enrollment, report a record regardless of Service Type.
  • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a School marked as Exclude.


When a new enrollment is created for a student that has an active IEP/IFSP:

  • Enrollment start date must be after IEP/IFSP start date.
  • IEP/IFSP end date must be NULL or after Enrollment start date.


When any part of the natural key is changed:

When a SPED Entry Date is changed (see reporting logic below in beginDate)


When any field that is not part of the natural key is changed, including the following:

  • endDate
  • reasonExitedDescriptor
  • section52FTE
  • section53FTE
PutFields in the Evaluation/ESR will trigger a Put:
  • partCTransitionTimelinessDescriptor
  • resultOfInitialIEPDescriptor
  • timelinessOfInitialIEPDescriptor
  • initialIEPCompletionDate


A Sped Start Date is changed for a student.


All overlapping enrollments are deleted for a school.

Resource Toggle/Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.
ResyncIf the Student Special Education Program Association is toggled off, do not delete records from this resource in the State ODS when resyncing.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


SPED: Record will report for each year where an active IEP or IFSP record exists.

IEP/IFSP Start or End Date must occur within the Scope Year.

IEP/IFSP must have at least one Special Ed Program or Early Intervention Service with Start or End Date that occurs within the Scope Year.

If the school year Start and End Date = Null, then report 07/01/XXXX as the Start Date and an End Date of 06/30/XXXX.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path




The unique identifier of the resource.




A reference to the related EducationOrganization 


Report the State School Number.

  1. If student has multiple enrollments report first from:
  • P: Primary
  • S: Partial
  • N: Special Ed 



A reference to the related Program 


Report Special Education Program reference.



A reference to the related Student 


Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Student resource.



The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services.

Report Start Date of IEP/NPSP.

printedFormat: ‘miIEP%’, 'miNPSP%'


Student Information > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP/IFSP > Start Date



The month, day, and year on which the Student exited the Program or stopped receiving services.

Report Special Ed Exit Date.

  1. If there are multiple resources for the student, report in resource with most recent Begin Date prior to Exit Date.


Student Information > General> Enrollments > SPED > Special Ed Exit Date




A unique identifier used as Primary 

Key, not derived from business logic, 

when acting as Foreign Key, references 

the parent table.

Report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Special Ed Exit Reason

  1. If there are multiple resources for the student, report in resource with most recent Begin Date prior to Exit Date.


Stu Info > General> Enrollments > SPED > Exit Reason





Indicates whether the student 

received services during the 

summer session or between sessions.

This is optional, does not report.



This is optional, does not report.




This descriptor holds the description 

of the timeliness of the IEP by the 

students's third birthday for all students referred by Part C as potentially eligible 

for Part B.

Report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Part C Transition Timeliness.


Student Information > SPED> Docs > Evaluation




This descriptor holds the description of 

the outcome of the initial IEP 

determining if the student is eligible 

or ineligible for special education 

programs and services.

Report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Initial Eval Result.


Student Information  > SPED> Docs > Evaluaion





This descriptor defines the major instructional setting (more than 

50 percent of a student's special 

education program).

Report Special Ed Setting.

printedFormat: 'miNPSP%', 'miIFSP%'


Student Information  > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP > enrollment status > Special Ed Setting





This descriptor holds the description 

of the timeliness status for the 

evaluation of eligibility.

Report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Evaluation Compliance.


Student Information  > SPED > Docs > Eval > Evaluation Compliance




To indicate the type of plan a child is receiving services under.

  1. If plan = IEP, report 02.
  2. If plan = NPSP, report 03.

printedFormat: ‘miIEP%’, 'miNPSP%',


Student Information  > SPED > Docs




Indicator of the eligibility of the student 

to receive special education services according to the Individuals with 

Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

This is optional, does not report.




The number of hours per week for 

special education instruction and 


This is optional, does not report.



Indicate the total number of hours of instructional time per week for the 

school that the student attends.

This is optional, does not report.



Indicates whether the Student 

receiving special education and 

related services has been designated 

as multiply disabled by the admission, 

review, and dismissal committee as 

aligned with federal requirements.

This is optional, does not report.



Indicates whether the Student 

receiving special education and 

related services is: 1) in the age 

range of birth to 22 years, and 2) 

has a serious, ongoing illness or 

a chronic condition that has lasted 

or is anticipated to last at least 12 

or more months or has required at 

least one month of hospitalization, 

and that requires daily, ongoing 

medical treatments and monitoring 

by appropriately trained personnel 

which may include parents or 

other family members, and 3)

 requires the routine use of medical 

device or of assistive technology to 

compensate for the loss of usefulness 

of a body function needed to 

participate in activities of daily living, 

and 4) lives with ongoing threat to his 

or her continued well-being. Aligns 

with federal requirements.

This is optional, does not report.



The date of the last special education evaluation.

This is optional, does not report.



The date of the last IEP review.

This is optional, does not report.



The effective date of the most recent IEP.

Report Start Date of IEP/NPSP.

printedFormat: ‘miIEP%’, 'miNPSP%',

Student Information  > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP/IFSP > Start Date



The end date of the most recent IEP.

Report End Date of IEP/NPSP.

printedFormat: ‘miIEP%’, 'miNPSP%',

Student Information  > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP/IFSP > End Date



The date of the notice/offer of a 

Free Appropriate Public Education 

(FAPE) associated with the 

student's most recent individualized education program (IEP).

If reporting from an IEP/NPSP
  1. Report Offer of a FAPE. 

Student Information  > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP > Offer of a FAPE

For planType.printed

Format starts with 

"miIEP" or 

"miNPSP", SEPlan.



The full-time equivalency (FTE) for 

which the student is eligible for 

special education programs or 

services provided only to students 

with disabilities who do not 

qualify for Section 52 membership.

Reports Section 52 FTE.

Student Information  > General > Enrollments > SPED > Section 52 FTE

CustomStudent value 

for enrollment.



The full-time equivalency (FTE) for 

which the student is eligible for 

special education programs or services

provided only to students with 

disabilities who do not qualify for 

Section 53 membership.

Reports Section 53 FTE

Student Information  > General > Enrollments > SPED > Section 53 FTE

CustomStudent value 

for Enrollment.fte



The date on which the entity received the signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form. It is the beginning of the timeline for completion of the initial IEP.

Report Consent Date.

printedFormat: miESR12, zzESREval

Reports from most recent ESR prior to or on the Start Date of the IEP. Use ESR Consent Date to determine.

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents Tab > Evaluation > Consent Date




The number of calendar days that 

the evaluation and completion of 

the initial IEP went beyond the 

30 school-day timeline or agreed-

upon written extension.

  1. If Extension Days is > 0, report DaysBeyondTimeline with corresponding integer.
  2. If Extension Days is = 0 or NULL, this field should not be included.

printedFormat: miESR12, zzESREval

Reports from most recent ESR prior to or on the Start Date of the IEP. Use ESR Consent Date to determine.

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents Tab > Evaluation > Extension Days




The completion of an initial 

individualized education program 

(IEP) is the date on the notice of 

the offer of a free appropriate public 

education (FAPE).

Report FAPE Date.

printedFormat: miESR12, zzESREval

Reports from most recent ESR prior to or on the Start Date of the IEP. Use ESR Consent Date to determine.

Student Information  > SPED > documents > eval > FAPE Date



additionalPlanDate If a student has had more than
plan conducted since s/he was last
reported, districts may utilize this characteristic to report the
additional plan dates between
the previous and current plan. 

This is optional, does not report.



An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. Indicates the services being 

provided to the student by the 


See array for field logic.


An unordered collection of studentSpecialEducationProgram


(MI EXT) Support services 

student receives through program.

See array for field logic.


An unordered collection of studentSpecialEducationProgram


The staff providing Special Education services to the student.

This is optional, does not report.

disabilitiesThe disability condition(s) that
 best describes an individual’s impairment, as related to special education services received.

See array for field logic.


Indicates when the student, as stipulated in his/her current IEP, participates in a center program, 

a cooperative-agreement 

program designed specifically

 for special education students 

or a cross-district special 

education program.

If overlapping enrollment Start Status = 21 and Special Ed Status = 1, report true.

Student Information  > general > enrollments


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Special Education Program Services

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field



The ID of the Service Descriptor.


  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code associated with the assigned Special Education Program service.
  2. Service must be active at least one day in the Scope Year to report.

printedFormat: ‘miIEP%’, 'miNPSP%', 


Student Information > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP > Special Ed Program



True if service is a primary service.,

Optional, do not report.



First date the Student was in this option for the current school year.,

Report service Start Date.





Last date the Student was in this option for the current school year.

  1. Report service End Date.




Program Supports

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The ID of the Service Descriptor.


1. Report the Ed-Fi Code associated with the assigned Related Service.

2. Service must be active at least one day in the Scope Year to report.

printedFormat: ‘miIEP%’, 'miNPSP%'.


Student Information  > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP > Related Service



Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


A disability category that describes a child’s impairment.

Report mapped Ed-Fi Code for Primary Disability or Additional Disability.


Student Information  > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP > Enrollment Status


The source that provided the disability determination.

This is optional, does not report.



A description of the disability diagnosis.

This is optional, does not report.



The order by severity of student’s disabilities: 1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, etc.

If reporting Primary Disability, report '1'

  1. If reporting Additional Disability, report '2'
OStudent Information > SPED > Docs > IEP/NPSP > Enrollment Status
designationsWhether the disability is IDEA, Section 504, or other disability designation.

This is optional, does not report.



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Service Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code Value

Short Description



Programs for Mild Cognitive Impairment

Programs for Mild Cognitive Impairment


Programs for Moderate Cognitive Impairment

Programs for Moderate Cognitive Impairment


Programs for Severe Cognitive Impairment

Programs for Severe Cognitive Impairment


Programs for Emotional Impairment

Programs for Emotional Impairment


Programs for Learning Disabled

Programs for Learning Disabled


Programs for Hearing Impairment

Programs for Hearing Impairment


Programs for Visual Impairment

Programs for Visual Impairment


Programs for Physical or Other Health Impairment

Programs for Physical or Other Health Impairment


Programs for Severe Multiple Impairment

Programs for Severe Multiple Impairment


Early Childhood Special Education (Classroom) Program

Early Childhood Special Education (Classroom) Program


Programs for Severe Language Impairment

Programs for Severe Language Impairment


Programs for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Programs for Autism Spectrum Disorder


Elementary or Secondary-Level Resource Program

Elementary or Secondary-Level Resource Program


Early Childhood Special Education Services

Early Childhood Special Education Services

Special Ed Setting Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
02Public or Private Special Education School Building at Public ExpensePublic or Private Special Education School Building at Public Expense
03Public or Private Residential Facility at Public ExpensePublic or Private Residential Facility at Public Expense
05Correctional FacilityCorrectional facility including juvenile detention facilities (community-based, community jail or residential)
06Homebound/HospitalizedThe student receives special education and related services at home or in hospital facilities because of illness.
07Private or Home School at Private/Parent ExpenseParentally Placed in Private or Home School at Private/Parent Expense
11Inside the Gen Ed Classroom 80% or moreThe student remains in the general education setting for greater than or equal to 80 percent of the school day.
12Inside the Gen Ed Classroom 40% - 79% of school dayThe student remains in the general education setting for less than 80 percent of the school day and greater than or equal to 40 percent of the school day.
13Inside the Gen Ed Classroom less than 40% of school dayThe student remains in the general education setting for less than 40 percent of the school day.
22Early Childhood Special Education ProgramSpecial education services designed primarily for children with disabilities provided by a program housed in regular school buildings or other community based settings.
23HomeThe student receives his/her special education and related services in the principal residence of the child's families or caregivers.
25Residential FacilityPublicly or privately operated residential school or residential medical facility on an inpatient basis.
26Separate SchoolPublic or private day school designed specifically for children with disabilities. 
27Service Provider LocationService Provider Location
38OtherSetting that is not home or community-based.
46A1Regular EC program at least 10 hrs/wk, majority of SE hrs. in EC program (A1)
47A2Regular EC program at least 10 hrs/wk, majority of SE hrs. in other location (A2)
48B1Regular EC program less than 10 hrs/wk, majority of SE hrs. in EC program (B1)
49B2Regular EC program less than 10 hrs/wk, majority of SE hrs. in other location (B2)

Program Support Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
200Teacher Consultant (T.C.)Autism Spectrum Disorder MARSE R340.1749
210T.C. Mentally ImpairedMARSE R340.1749
220T.C. Emotionally ImpairedMARSE R340.1749
230T.C. Learning DisabledMARSE R340.1749
240T.C. Hearing ImpairedMARSE R340.1749
250T.C. Visually ImpairedMARSE R340.1749
261T.C. Physical ImpairmentMARSE R340.1749
262T.C. Other Health ImpairmentMARSE R340.1749
280Homebound/HospitalizedMARSE R340.1746
290Speech and Language ImpairedMARSE R340.1745
291Adaptive Physical EducationInstruction in physical education to students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services (pupils whose disabilities preclude integration into regular physical education classes).
310School Social WorkerMARSE R340.1011–R340.1018. To be counted as a special service, the school social work service must be listed as a service on the student's IEP.
320School PsychologistMARSE R340.1151–R340.1158. To be counted as a special education service, school psychological services must be listed as a service on the student's IEP.
360Occupational TherapyOccupational therapy deals with improving, developing or restoring functions impaired or lost through illness, injury or deprivation; improving ability to perform tasks for independent functioning when functions are impaired or lost; and preventing, through early intervention, initial or further impairment or loss of function.
370Physical TherapyPhysical therapy is defined in the Michigan Public Health code under Section 17801. Services are provided by a licensed physical therapist.
383Music TherapyMusic therapy activities are provided to students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services by a certified music therapist.
390Art TherapyArt therapy activities are provided to students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services by a certified art therapist.
400Audiological ServicesAudiological services are services provided by an audiologist to identify students with hearing loss and provide rehabilitation and counseling concerning hearing loss.
406Interpreter for the DeafServices provided by a qualified interpreter who assists the student with a hearing impairment and school personnel with communication.
410Recreation ServiceRecreation services are the assessment of a student's leisure functioning, providing therapeutic recreation services, participation in a recreation program in a school designed specifically for students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services, or providing leisure education.
440Special TransportationSpecial transportation must be provided in an approved school vehicle in a regular seat, wheelchair or an approved baby seat. This specifically excludes students who need ambulance service, a medical attendant or other care outside the responsibility of the schools.
450School Health ServicesSchool health services must be provided by a qualified school nurse or other qualified person. To be counted as a special education service, the school nurse must be working solely with students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services or the service should be indicated in the student's IEP.
460Rehabilitation Counseling ServicesThe student receives counseling services provided by a qualified rehabilitation counseling professional. Such services are intended to explore the effect of the student's disability on employment and other post-school activities, which include vocational programs funded by Michigan Rehabilitation Services or the Michigan Commission for the Blind.
470Orientation & Mobility ServicesOrientation and mobility instruction for the visually impaired must be provided by an approved orientation and mobility instructor.
480Worksite – Based LearningWorksite-based learning means transition services, such as on-the-job training, related counseling and follow-up services. A written agreement plan is required as specified in MARSE R340.1733 (i).
490Community Training/Vocational Education (General Education)Students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services who also receive vocational training in a community setting or individual vocational training program at a worksite with non-disabled peers.
491Special Needs (Adapted Vocational Ed.)Alteration of a vocational education program is being provided by general education to accommodate different needs of a student with disabilities receiving special education programs/services.
492Individual Vocational EducationTraining programs designed to fit the special interests of a student with disabilities receiving special education programs/services that are generally not available in a general-education vocational program.
493Community Training/Vocational Education (Special Education)Students with disabilities receiving special education programs/services who receive vocational training in a community setting or individual vocational training program at a work site primarily with peers with disabilities receiving special education programs/services.

Reason Exited Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code


Short Description



IEP team determined student no longer in need of special education service

The child or student was exited from special education programs and/or services after the IEP team determined that s/he no longer met the criteria to be eligible for special education programs or services.


Parent revoked consent for student to receive special education services

The student was exited from special education programs or services because his/her parent or guardian revoked his/her consent for the student to participate in special education programs and/or services.

Part C Transition Timeliness Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
50IEP on or before child's third birthdayIEP held on or before the child's third birthday
53IEP after child's 3rd birthday: Parent did not make child availableIEP held after the child's third birthday: Parent did not make child available
54IEP after child's 3rd birthday: Timeline began in previous districtIEP held after the child's third birthday: Timeline began in previous district
55IEP after child's 3rd birthday: Personnel not available for evaluationIEP held after the child's third birthday: Personnel not available for evaluatioN
56IEP after child's 3rd birthday: Personnel not available for IEPIEP held after the child's third birthday: Personnel not available for IEP
57IEP after child's 3rd birthday: External reports not availableIEP held after the child's third birthday: External reports not available
61IEP after child's 3rd birthday: Late Notification from Part C to Part B LEAIEP held after the child's third birthday: Late Notification from Part C to Part B LEA
62IEP after child's 3rd birthday: Late referral to Part CIEP held after the child's third birthday: Late referral to Part C

Result of Initial IEP Descriptor

Ed-Fi Code
Short DescriptionDescription
1Student was found eligibleThe student was evaluated and found eligible for special education programs and/or services.
2Student was found not eligibleThe student was evaluated and found not eligible for special education programs and/or services.
3Student found eligible, services refusedThe student was evaluated and found eligible for special education programs and/or services; however, the parent or guardian refused special education programs and services.

Type Of Plan Descriptor

Short DescriptionDescription
3Non Public Service PlanNon Public Service Plan