J-7 CSR Enrollment (California)

Classic View: CA State Reporting > J-7 CSR Enrollment

Search Terms: CSR J-7

The J-7 CSR Enrollment Extract lists class size averages, sorted by grade level and average enrollment for the year. Growth classes, which begin after the first day of school, report separately from regular classes. Students must be enrolled in a course section on April 15 or the last Instructional Day before April 15 for the courses to report.

CSR J-7 Enrollment Report

The J-7 CSR Report can be generated two ways:

Batch queue functionality is available with this report. Instead of generating the report immediately, a larger selection of data can be chosen and set to generate at a specific time (after school hours, for example). See the Batch Queue (Admin) article for more information on this process.

Evaluation Report Type

Report Logic

The following courses report:

  • Course Sections where students in grades KN-03 (state grade level) are enrolled are used in the calculation of class size averages.
  • Course Sections where students in grade KN-03 AND other grade levels are also included.
  • If the Course Section has no active students on April 15 or the last instructional day prior to April 15 (if that date is not an instructional day), the course does not report.

Students who have an active Independent Student Program (state code = 111 or 170) are not included in the student count of the course section or in the class size average on the days the Program is active.

Averages are calculated to two decimal places. The averaging period is from the first Instructional Day of school until April 15 (or the last instructional day before April 15).

The report is grouped and ordered first by grade level, as such: KN, 01, 02, 03, combination.

  • All courses with multiple grade levels after the single grade level courses are sorted and counted by year average totals in the same manner.
  • Within each grade level, records are grouped by Year Average (Rounded), sorted alphabetically by teacher last name.

Averaging data for Growth Classes, which start after the first day of school, are reported after the regular classes in a separate section. This information is printed on the Growth Courses Exception Report.

Report Editor



Report Type

Two options are available - Evaluation or District-wide. The Evaluation report type is the default selection.

  • The Evaluation version reports Class Size Averages sorted by grade level and average enrollment for the year. This version can only be generated for one calendar at a time based on the selection of the calendar in the Campus toolbar and is used to evaluate which classes are appropriate for reporting on the District-wide version.
  • The District-wide version reports aggregate data for all selected classes in the district. This version can be generated for multiple calendars, but due to the size of the results, it should always be generated using the Batch Queue option.

Grade Level

If a grade level is marked, information about the students enrolled in that grade reports. Only calendars that include grade levels KN-03 report.

An alphanumeric grade level can be selected as well. Schools using ungraded levels can select UE or US as needed.


The report generates in PDF format only.

Course Sections

A list of course sections to include is available. All sections may be selected or a series of sections can be selected.

Generate the J-7 CSR Extract for the Evaluation Report Type

  1. Select the Report Type for the J-7 CSR as Evaluation.
  2. Select which Grade Levels to include on the report.
  3. Select the Format of the report.
  4. Select the Course Sections to include on the report.
  5. Click the Generate Report button to display the results of the extract immediately. Or click the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report generates.

J-7 CSR Evaluation Report

Report Definitions




Name of the course.


Number of the course and section number, reported as such:
 0011-22 (course number-section number).


Name of the primary teacher.
 If there is a change in the primary teacher during the Averaging Period, the last names of the all Primary Teachers report.

Grade Levels

Reports the grade level(s) of the students scheduled into the course section. If a student changes grade levels but remains on the section roster, both grade levels report.

Grade Level Breakdown

Reports the number of students in each grade level if more than one grade level is represented in the selected course sections. This number represents the breakdown by grade as of the Reporting Date.
 A student who changes grade levels while enrolled in the course section counts only in the grade level the student is in as of the reporting date. A student who exits and re-enters the course section but does not change grade levels counts once for the grade level.
 If there is only one grade level in the selected course sections, this information is not reported.

Year Average (Actual)

Reports the average daily enrollment by summing the number of students on the roster for each instructional day divided by the total number of instructional days.
 Students active in Program 111 or 170 are not included. This reports to two decimal places.

Year Average (Rounded)

Reports the yearly average of enrollments in the course as followings:

  • For Year Average(Actual) values up to 20.44, round to a whole number. NN.44 rounds down, NN.45 rounds up.
  • For values from 20.45 or greater, report the actual number (no further rounding)

Total Classes/ 

Reports the number of classes in a grade level that have the same Year Average (Rounded) value. For Year Average (Rounded) values from 20.45 and up count the number of classes with values in the following groups:

  • 20.45 to 21.44
  • 21.45 to 22.44
  • 22.45 to 22.94
  • 22.95 to 24.94
  • 24.95 and greater

Start Date

Reports the first instructional day a student is enrolled in the course, not including students in Program 111 or 170.

Growth Year Average

Reports the average daily enrollment by summing the number of students on the section roster for each instructional day and dividing by the total number of instructional days.
 Students in Program 111 or 170 are not included in this average. Instructional days through April 15 are counted. This value reports to two decimal places.

Growth Year Average (Rounded)

Reports the actual growth year average rounded value up to 20.44. NN.44 rounds up, NN.45 rounds down. If the value is 20.45 or higher, the actual number (no rounding) reports.

District-Wide Report Type

Report Logic

The following courses can report:

  • All calendars with at least one grade level K-3 may be reported, except those marked as State Exempt.
  • Course sections included for selection must have a State Code of 1000 and the Instructional Strategy cannot be 300 or 700.
  • Course sections must be marked as Homeroom on either the Course or the Section. Or, if the Homeroom Only checkbox is not selected, courses and sections do not need to be marked as homeroom.

The following students report:

  • All students in a selected course section including students marked as State Exclude must be included in the enrollment count UNLESS:
    • The student has an active Program 111 or 170 (Independent Study). The student is not included in the enrollment count on all days in which the program is active.
    • When the Exclude SDC students checkbox is marked, students with the Attendance Funding Category of 19: Special Day are not included in the enrollment count.

Report Editor


Report Type

Two options are available - Evaluation or District-wide. The Evaluation report type is the default selection.

  • The Evaluation version reports Class Size Averages sorted by grade level and average enrollment for the year. This version can only be generated for one calendar at a time based on the selection of the calendar in the Campus toolbar and is used to evaluate which classes are appropriate for reporting on the District-wide version.
  • The District-wide version reports aggregate data for all selected classes in the district. This version can be generated for multiple calendars, but due to the size of the results, it should always be generated using the Batch Queue option.

Grade Level

If a grade level is selected, information about the students enrolled in that grade reports. Only calendars that include grade levels KN-03 report.


The report generates in PDF format only.

Homeroom Only

When marked, the report only includes courses or sections that are considered to be homeroom courses.

Exclude SDC Students

When marked, students assigned the Attendance Funding Category of 19: Special Day are not reported.

Course Sections

A list of course sections to include is available. All sections may be selected or a series of sections can be selected.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Report Type for the J-7 CSR as District-wide.
  2. Select which Grade Levels to include on the report.
  3. Select the Format of the report.
  4. Mark the Homeroom Only if only those course sections should print.
  5. Mark the Exclude SDC students if those students should not be included on the report.
  6. Select the Course Sections to include on the report.
  7. Click the Generate Report button to display the results of the extract immediately. Or click the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report generates.

When the Calendar, Homeroom Only and Exclude SDC Students fields are selected, the printed view indicates those selections.

J-7 CSR District-Wide Report

Report Definitions


Number of Pupils-Whole Numbers

Average number of students in a class for the Reporting Period. A row reports for each unique Average Number (whole number) calculated for the reported class.  Average numbers of 20 or more are also reported in the section below the Total.

  • This value is calculated by summing the number of students on the roster each instructional day from the first day of school to April 15 or the last instructional day before April 15, and dividing by the total number number of instructional days.This number is calculated to two decimal places but rounded to the nearest whole number.
    • Growth courses are reported with a value that corresponds to the Growth Year Average on the Evaluation version of the extract.
    • Values NN.45 to NN.49 round up to the nearest whole number.

Number of Classes

This is the total number of classes in a grade (1, 2, 3, KN or a combination of grades) with the same Average Number (number of pupils). If there are no classes in a particular grade for an Average Number, zero (0) reports.

TotalThis row reports the total number of classes reported for each grade level using the whole number averages above.
Number of Pupils-breakdown for Average  20 or greater
  • Rows for the specific Year Average ranges always report. If there are no classes with a Year Average in a given range, zero (0) reports.
  • These counts are a breakdown of the whole number averages reported above the Total.  They are not included in the Total.

Total Ineligible

This is a count of all students in a combination class who are not eligible to be included in CSR funding. If "All Grades" is selected on the extract editor, this is the total number of students in Grade 4 or above. If individual grade levels are selected on the extract editor, this is any student above the highest selected grade.

Count by Grade

Count of all students in a specific grade level in the combination classes as of April 15 or the last instructional day before April 15.