Fees (Households)

Classic View: Census > Household > Fees

Search Terms: Fees

The Household Fees tool displays fees transactions for all members of a household, including fee assignments, payments and adjustments.

If the household has reached the maximum fee amount established by the school and/or district, that will be noted in the Fees Editor.

If a school or district has a household maximum set, individuals' fees should be managed here, on the Household Fees tool.

Deposits cannot be made in the Household Fees tool. Deposits can be made in Student Fees or Person Fees; however, surplus values do appear in the Household Fees Editor.

The following articles are available:

See the Fees page for additional information on tasks that can be performed on all Fees tools.

Household Fees Logic

Fees are not directly tied to a calendar: if fees remain unpaid from a previous year, they will appear in the Unpaid Fees amount. However, the calendar selected in the Campus Toolbar controls the calendar in which the fee is assigned. 

Inactive students with previous enrollments can pay old, unpaid fees and students with future enrollments can pay unpaid fees on future calendars using Online Payments.

Fees are assigned to a person and are not dependent on an enrollment. Therefore, the fees listed for a person can include fees assigned by other schools.

Calendar rights are enforced when assigning fees to individuals. Users will only be able to select fees that are created for a school to which they have rights. Fees created for use by all schools in the district will also display.

Primary vs. Secondary Households

When managing fees for students who belong to multiple households, or for blended households which include students with primary and secondary memberships in the household, the following items should be considered: 

  • Only members indicated as primary can be assigned fees in the Household Fees editor.
  • Only fees assigned to members indicated as primary will calculate towards the Household Fee Maximum.
  • If a student has primary household memberships in two households, the Household Fee Max does NOT apply for any person in the household. However, the Student Fee Max (if set) does apply to all students in the household.