Retention Report (Kentucky)

PATH: KY State Reporting > Retention Report

Search Term: Retention Report

The Retention Report provides a count of students who are held back (retained) in the prior grade.  

Image 1: Retention Report Editor

Student Selection Criteria

The following lists the selection criteria used for Retained Students:

  • A student who is enrolled in a grade level that is marked as State Exclude will appear on the report. However, if a student is enrolled as a state exclude student (marked on enrollment record) or enrolled in a calendar that is marked as state exclude, that student will not appear on the report.
  • Students must be enrolled in grades 04-12 who fall under the definition of retention.
  • Students marked as Service Type S: Partial and N: Special Ed on their enrollment record do not report.
    • Students marked only S or N on their enrollment record do not report.
    • If the student has both P: Primary AND S or N in enrollments, only the P: Primary will be considered in report logic.

Students must have been enrolled on the last instructional day of the previous year. Students may have a withdrawal on the last day of instruction and still appear on the report. 

When students meet the above criteria, two populations are pulled for the report:

Population 1:

  • Students whose first enrollment in the current year is assigned the same state grade as their most recent enrollment in the previous year in the same district. Most recent enrollment and first enrollment is defined by the most recent start date.
  • Students pull regardless of whether End Action is selected as R: Retained. If End Action is not R: Retained, however, the student will also display on the warnings.

Population 2:

  • Students whose most recent enrollment in the previous year is marked as R: Retained for End Action and who have no enrollments in that same district in the current year. No Show enrollments do not count as enrollments for the purpose of this report and are ignored.

Student with a Supplemental School Year Program record within the Current Year will be excluded from the report, even if they did not advance state grade levels.

Generating the Retention Report

  1. Select the appropriate Format for the selected extract type.
  2. Select the appropriate calendar(s) to include in the report.
  3. If all calendars should be selected, mark the Select All checkbox. 
  4. Click the Submit to Batch button. The report will be sent to the Batch Queue List found at the bottom of the editor.
  5. Once the report has been generated, select the blue Get report text found the in the Download column. The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format. 
  6. If errors or warnings are found in the data, that information will appear first. To continue generation of the actual report, select the Click Here button at the top of the errors/warnings page to generate the report.

Report Layout


District Number

The District Number tied to the retention. District student attended during -1 year.

Numeric, 3 digits


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

District NameThe district name tied to the retention. District student attended during -1 year.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Name
School NumberThe school number tied to the retention.  School student attended during -1 year.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > Location Number
School NameThe school name tied to the retention.  School student attended during -1 year.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

System Administration > Resources > School > School Name
State ClassificationSchool state classification.

Text – output Code, i.e., A1, A5

System Administration > Resources > School > State Classification

State Student ID

Unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Last Name

Student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

First Name

Student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Middle Name

Student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

Date of Birth

Student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Student's federal designation of racial makeup.

Reported values are as follows:

  • Hispanic
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • 2 or more

Text, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity
GenderClassification of student being either male or female.

Alphanumeric, 1 character  M or F

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender

Grade level of the student. Only students in grades 04-12 are reported. 


Grade levels for inactive schools are considered when reporting data within the Retention Report.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Grade
Economic Disadvantaged

Indicates the student receives free or reduced meals based on their socio-economic status.

Logic pulls the FRAM Eligibility code which is active as of the last day of the final enrollment of -1 year. Logic uses FRAM data in the district associated with the most recent Primary enrollment start date.

The following values are reported:

  • A: Non-Refundable
  • F: Free
  • R: Reduced
  • S: Paid
  • If no FRAM record exists, report S: Paid.

Numeric, 4 digits


FRAM > Eligibility
English Learner Status

Indicates student is in an English Learners (EL) program.

Report YES:

  1. Home Primary Language <> (0400, NULL) AND
  2. Person has at least one record in the LEP table, associated with the district that is querying the results, where programStatus = ‘LEP’ AND exitDate = NULL OR >= last instructional day of the Minus One Year AND
  3. Person has at least one record in the LepService table, associated with the district that is querying the results, where lepServiceTypeID <> NULL AND
  4. LepService startDate <= last instructional day of the Minus One Year AND
  5. LepService endDate = NULL OR >= last instructional day of the Minus One Year AND
  6.  Person has at least one record in the LepAccomodationType table, associated with the district that is querying the results, where type = ‘I’ AND
  7. LepAccommodation.startDate <= last instructional day of the Minus One Year AND
  8. LepAccommodation.endDate = NULL OR >= last instructional day of the Minus One Year.

Else, report NO.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Yes or No





Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > LEP > Program Status

Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > LEP

Accommodations > Type

Special Education Status

Report YES if the student had an active, locked IEP as of July 1 for the Current Year.

Else, report NO.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Yes or No


PlayType.module = 'specialEd'

Plan.locked = '1'




Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Status


Report YES, if any homeless record from the same district overlaps the last instructional day of the Minus One Year.

Else, report NO


Output YES, NO




Student Information > General > Program Participation > Homeless

Report YES, if any migrant record from the same district overlaps the last instructional day of the Minus One Year.

Else, report NO


Output YES, NO

Migrant. lastQualifyingArrivalDate

Migrant. eligibilityExpirationDate


Student Information > General > Program Participation > Migrant
Foster Care

Report YES, if any foster care record from the same district overlaps the last instructional day of the Minus One Year.

Else, report NO


Output YES, NO




Student Information > General > Program Participation > Foster Care
Gifted and Talented

Report YES, if any gifted record from the same district overlaps the last instructional day of the Minus One Year 


(State Grade (DE.13) is 00-03 and Category = 12) 


(State Grade (DE.13) is 04-12 and Category <> 12),

Else, report NO


Output YES, NO





Student Information > General > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented
Military Connected

Report YES, If the student has at least one record in the v_StudentMilitaryConnectionsSummary table overlaps the last instructional day of the Minus One Year AND Status like ‘%active duty,%’.

Else, report NO


Output YES, NO

V_StudentMilitaryConnectionsSummary. StartDate

V_StudentMilitaryConnectionsSummary. EndDate

V_StudentMilitaryConnectionsSummary. DisrictID

Census > People > Military Connections

Understanding the Validation Report

The Validation Report allows districts and the state to identify students who have the one (or both) of the following issues:

#Validation TextSelection CriteriaFields Outputted


“Warning 01: Student grade levels are the same between enrollments; however, the previous year enrollment does not have an End Action = R: Retain.

These records will appear in the Retention Report.” 

Triggered if the End Action DOES equal ‘R’ and the current grade level is greater than the previous.

If first enrollment of the current year is a No Show, warning will still trigger if either of the above criteria is met.

Record will produce on retention report.












“Error 01: Students previous year enrollment has End Action = R: Retain; however, student’s previous year enrollment and current year enrollment show advancement in grade levels.

These records will not return in the Retention Report.”

Error triggered if student’s -1-year enrollment has an end action of R: Retain but the -1-year enrollment grade level is less than the grade level on the current year enrollment.

Record will not produce on retention report.









