OLR Release Notes describe all changes included within the release pack which may impact users who use Online Registration as add-on functionality to their existing student information system. Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support. See the Online Registration Product Documentation for more information.
OLR 6.0.46 (6/30/2022)
- An issue occurred where a district was able to delete default OLR Status provided by Campus. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2052)
- Users were able to navigate to the Staff Approval page from unsubmitted applications that were previously submitted and change the status of the application. This issue was corrected and the status on unsubmitted applications can no longer be changed. (CDP-2054)
- Tool right error messages were displaying in the Student Processing tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2056)
OLR 6.0.45 (6/21/2022)
- Users were seeing an error when attempting to use the Student Processing or Health Staff Processing tools when they did not already have a Configuration Group set from using a different tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2037)
- All students in the OLR application were displaying in the Online Registration Student tool even though it should only have displayed a summary for the currently selected student. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2040)
- Under certain rare conditions, Staff Processing searches generated errors when the Existing With Parent Removed Application Type option was used. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2043)
- The Students with Submitted Applications audit report was reporting far fewer results than intended in certain situations where the number of students returned by the search criteria was very large. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2045)
- You can now easily create an Ad Hoc filter based on criteria you select on the Students Without OLR Applications and Students with Submitted Applications reports. At the bottom of these report editors is a new button called Generate Selection Editor Ad Hoc Filter. When you click this button, Campus saves a new Ad Hoc filter based on your selected criteria and saves it in your personal user account in Ad Hoc. This feature is only available to users who have Ad Hoc tool rights. (CDP-2029)
- OLR School Boundary logic was updated to use the Resides checkbox (Census > Address > Schools). With this change, if a household address has School Boundary records that include multiple multiple schools with the same grade level, the school with the Resides checkbox marked now displays as the school in OLR. If multiple schools have the same grade level and the Resides checkbox is marked, OLR behaves the same as it does currently and chooses one of the schools to display. (CDP-2048)
OLR 6.0.43 (6/8/2022)
- When using the Login AS Parent/Guardian option in Staff Processing for an Existing type application, the application was incorrectly loaded in New mode rather than Existing which caused some elements, such as the Household > Primary Address pleat, to behave incorrectly. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1962)
- The federal race selections for students were not always displaying in the selected language on the OLR receipt. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1964)
- When starting an Annual Update application, sometimes the same student was displaying multiple times if the student had multiple enrollments in the same calendar. The same issue was occuring in the Parent Information tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1966)
- The dropdown list for students in the Student Processing review screen was not loading in certain circumstances. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1970)
- The Students With Submitted Applications, Unsubmitted Applications, and Students Without OLR Applications OLR Audit Reports all have a field called Enrollment Effective Date that appears when the Active Students Only option is selected. This field is required when it is available, but the required indicator was not displaying. This issue was corrected. As part of this change, the default date for the Enrollment Effective Date field is now the current date. (CDP-1988)
- A change was made to prevent users from deleting an OLR Configuration group if there is only one Configuration group. An OLR Configuration group must exist in order for Campus to create new OLR Configuration groups. (CDP-1990)
- The leading zeros on student numbers were being removed when they were sent to the search function in OLR Staff Processing making it impossible to get results when using the Student Number if a District used leading zeros for student numbers. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1996)
- The OLR Dashboard was not displaying properly in the new look and feel of Campus when All Schools was selected. This issue was corrected. (CDP-2015)
- The following corrections were made to the Application Queue dropdown list on Staff Processing tool. (CDP-2021)
- Application Queue was not sorting in alphabetical order. This was corrected.
- Users could not deselect an Application Queue after selecting it. This was corrected.
- Only the name was displaying. This was corrected and now the name and description display.
- The Staff Processing tool was updated to only allow users to select a single row on the Search Results tab. A change was also made to ensure double-clicking on an application now displays the correct application. (CDP-2002)
- In order to enhance privacy, the Date of Birth field is now hidden for all existing Emergency Contact records that are pulled into an OLR application for an Annual Update or Existing - New Student application. (CDP-2009)
- The old Open Enrollment pleat was removed from OLR. The Open Enrollment pleat was deprecated several years ago and the School List field should be used instead. (CDP-1955)
- A blank option was added to the Default Message field in the OLR Status tool so that users can remove the Default Message if necessary. (CDP-1998)
- A warning was added to the OLR Notification Editor to warn users that a previously selected User Group no longer exists. (CDP-1968)
- A warning was added to the OLR Notification Editor to warn users that OLR Builder fields are set up to be conditional upon themselves. It is no longer possible to set up Builder fields this way, but this warning alerts users to fix any fields that were set up this way in the past. (CDP-1986)
- The Yes and No values in the dropdown list for the Previously Attended this District question on the OLR Kiosk and Email Sign Up pages can now be translated. Two new literals are now available in the OLR Literals Bank: start.yes and start.no. Both literals can be edited in Login > Loginemailmain or Login > Loginkioskmain. (CDP-1973)
- The Next value on the OLR Kiosk pages can now be translated. A new literal called login.next is now available in the OLR Literals Bank and can be edited in Login > Loginkioskmain. (CDP-2001)
- The following OLR captcha fields now match the required messages in the application. For example, instead of saying "First Name is required," the onscreen message now says "This field is required." (CDP-2012)
OLR 6.0.42 (4/4/2022)
- After a document failed to upload, subsequent attempts to upload the same document were also failing. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1619)
- The kiosk link was sending a welcome email if the parent provided an email address. This issue was corrected and an email will not be sent. (CDP-1688)
- The menu link for the OLR Queue Applications in the new look and feel of Campus was going to the OLR Setup tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1952)
- An issue was occurring where users could select the current field from the list of Parent fields causing a field to be its own parent. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1953)
- Some emancipated minors could not start an OLR Annual Update application. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1957)
- The OLR Set Up tool was renamed "OLR Setup." (CDP-1911)
- Cosmetic updates were made to improve the appearance and usability of screens with cards and scrollbars. (CDP-1935)
OLR 6.0.41 (3/25/2022)
- An error was occurring when districts tried to delete a configuration group with a database ID of 1. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1939)
- Several default fields and pleats that are available for OLR Prime only were displaying in the OLR Builder for OLR Standard Districts. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1942)
- After a recent change to the Disable calendar filter for staff processing OLR System Setting, All Schools was only included in the list of schools to select in the Student Processing and Staff Processing tools if the user had the setting enabled but not if they had tool rights for all schools and calendars. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1944)
OLR 6.0.40 (3/23/2022)
Fixes & Improvements
- The Disable Calendar Filter for Health Processing OLR System Setting was not functioning correctly. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1919)
- A few places in the OLR System Setting tool were updated to remove invalid references to the word Year. As part of this change, the tool tip for the Enable the 'Use Enrolled School' Option in Staff Processing setting was updated to clarify it is working off of the year of the application's Configuration Group since applications no longer have years. (CDP-1933)
- The PDF version of the OLR Batch Summary Report sometimes failed to include data if there was an eSignature field enabled in the Student section and there was more than one student in the OLR application. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1936)
OLR 6.0.39 (3/15/2022)
- The OLR Literals Bank and OLR Lists Bank were displaying errors when users tried to save changes. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1915)
OLR 6.0.38 (3/10/2022)
- An error was displaying when users tried to create a new pleat in the Emergency Contact or Other Household Members section of the OLR Builder tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1899)
- Logic on the OLR Portal was updated to check the Allow multiple Parent Portal applications per year OLR System Setting for each open configuration. Previously, the OLR Portal was only checking one open configuration. (CDP-1901)
- When users tried to create a new configuration in the OLR Setup tool by copying an existing configuration, the parent field in the OLR Builder record was only getting updated to the corresponding ID in the new configuration group when the parent field was in the same pleat. This issue was also happening for Document Upload Option records. These issues were corrected. (CDP-1909)
- Colorado Only - OLR posting logic was updated to post Hispanic for the state race if Yes is selected for the Hispanic question regardless of how many other race checkboxes are selected. (CDP-1889)
- Tooltips (
) were added in the OLR Literals Bank to literals that display on the first screen of the OLR Parent Portal to identify literals that do not belong to one specific configuration. When changes are made to these literals, the change can be seen in all configurations. (CDP-1891)
- Users can now add the Home County, Mailing County, and Secondary County dropdown lists to pleats in the OLR Builder. (CDP-1896)
- To access the OLR Literals Bank and OLR Lists Banks, users must also have tool rights to the Language Groups tool. A new message was added to the OLR Literals Bank and the OLR Lists Bank to inform users when they do not have tool rights to the Language Groups tool. (CDP-1898)
- A Configuration Group needs to exist in the same year as the current active Campus year in order to properly determine if a user is an active student. A warning now displays in the OLR Information Center when that Configuration Group does not exist. (CDP-1903)
OLR 6.0.37 (3/2/2022)
- For some Existing - New Student applications, the application was pulling in the wrong Emergency Contact. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1874)
- OLR Parent/Guardian records that were marked as not in the household could not be deleted without first removing the address. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1869)
- The unsaved data warning was displaying when when users tried to navigate away from the OLR Literals Bank and OLR Lists Bank after saving all changes. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1863)
- Some eSignature records were not printing as expected on the Online Registration Summary report. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1860)
- The following text was added to the OLR Posted - Portal Activation Notification letter for new districts only (districts that start using OLR with this release): Please use your Portal Activation Key(s) and Parent Portal URL Link below to create your Parent Portal Account. (CDP-1855)
- Error messages for the OLR Setup tool were improved and include details for helping the user resolve the issue that caused the error. (CDP-1853)
- The following OLR statuses were added for new districts only (districts that start using OLR with this release). (CDP-1852)
- BatchPosted (This status will be the default status for Batch Posting for new districts.)
- Approved - New Family
- Approved - Existing Family
- The error message that displays when a user tries to delete a configuration group that has applications associated with it was improved. (CDP-1825)
OLR 6.0.36 (2/10/2022)
- The Search Results screen in the Student Processing tool was not displaying any information in the Processed, Calendar, or Comments columns. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1845)
- There was an error in the process that determined whether an application was eligible for batch posting. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1842)
- An update was made to ensure age range warnings do not display if the literals are blank. (CDP-1840)
- Tooltips (
) were added to the OLR Literals Bank to identify literals that do not belong to one specific configuration. When changes are made to these literals, the change can be seen in all configurations. (CDP-1839)
- The Parent Information tool and the OLR Queue Applications tool were not displaying correctly in the new look and feel of Campus. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1833)
- The following issues were occurring when viewing an application via the portal. These issues were corrected. (CDP-1811)
- There was an issue where some parents could view any other application receipts from their household, even if they didn't have portal and guardian rights to all students in the app.
- The registration window by school entries were being pulled from one configuration instead of matching them and applying per configuration.
- Added a missing warning telling users when they will load into an existing application created by someone else in the household.
- Some of the exclude lists were not properly filtering by year.
- The list of students displayed did not properly filter by year.
- Four new default notifications are now available on the OLR Notification Editor for new installations of OLR only: OLR School Assigned, OLR Application Submitted, New Medications, and New Health Conditions. By default, these notifications are disabled. (CDP-1804)
- Cosmetic updates were made to ensure the look and feel of OLR is consistent across the different tools. (CDP-1780)
OLR 6.0.34 (2/2/2022)
- The Display Name field on the OLR Builder tool now stops users from entering more than 35 characters. (CDP-1806)
- The Field Name field on the OLR Builder was updated to ensure Field Names are unique. If the Field Name is the same as an existing field, Campus now instructs the user to enter a different name. (CDP-1809)
- An error was displaying when users tried to delete a translation group. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1812)
- The Search Results on the Staff Processing tool were not always displaying as expected. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1816)
- Users with tool rights to one of the three Processing tools but no tool rights to the OLR Status tool were receiving tool rights errors when accessing the Processing tools. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1819)
- An error was displaying when users tried to move the OLR Other Household Member record to the Student section. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1826)
OLR 6.0.33 (1/27/2022)
- The OLR Builder was not allowing users to delete default values. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1786)
- Non-emancipated minor students were able to access OLR through Campus Student. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1791)
- Some districts were seeing a 500 Internal Server Error when viewing statuses (staff processing, settings, ect.). This issue was corrected. (CDP-1792)
- The OLR Lists Bank was updated to allow for the use of hyphens. (CDP-1794)
- The OLR translation literals for new.header and kiosk.header were not displaying properly. (CDP-1797)
- The value Any was not loading properly when when a user returned to a previously saved OLR NotificationRule set to send notifications off of Student Processing actions. This issue was corrected.(CDP-1799)
OLR 6.0.32 (1/20/2022)
- Some of the Views in the OLR schema were displaying errors. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1777)
- Relationships between students and parent/guardians were not posting correctly. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1778)
- Fields that were set to toggle off of Federal Race checkboxes were not displaying on the receipt and were not posting in some cases. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1781)
OLR 6.0.31 (1/18/2022)
- A loading icon was added to the search screens. If you are returning lots of results, the loading icon lets you know that the results are still loading on the screen. (CDP-1727)
- Blank List Bank Translations were not displaying correctly in the OLR Lists Bank tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1775)
OLR 6.0.29 (1/13/2022)
- Some of the program icons were not displaying properly in the Online Registration Student tool. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1744)
- The OLR List Bank Replacer was incorrectly stating that lists matched when every item in the OLR list was contained in the Campus list, but the Campus list had more entries than the OLR list. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1750)
- The List Bank allows you to change the values of English translations in the English Language Group that were created before the upgrade to OLR 6.0; however, changes were not saving correctly. This issue was corrected. (CDP-1753)
- To prevent errors, the Code field on the OLR Document Upload Options screen was updated to only allow letters, numbers, and the underscore character. (CDP-1762)
- Changes were made to ensure users with minimal tool rights can access the OLR Batch Summary tool. (CDP-1765)
OLR 6.0.27 (1/5/2022)
The following issues were corrected with this release:
- When starting an application on a kiosk or via an email link, an error would display if the Start Date was the current day. (CDP-1731)
- Campus was not stopping users from starting an annual update OLR application even when the registration window was closed for all schools in which students in the household were enrolled. (CDP-1733)
- The OLR Staff Processing and Health Staff Processing tools were not displaying in the new look and feel of Campus when All Calendars was selected. (CDP-1736)
- The OLR Batch Summary Report tool was not always displaying. (CDP-1738)
- The following tools were not properly recognizing tool rights for configuration groups and were displaying errors: OLR Health Staff Processing and OLR Batch Summary Report. Now, users with tool rights for any OLR tool may access the configuration groups on those tools. (CDP-1739)
- If the household section of an application included signature boxes, an error was displayed when users tried to print the receipt. (CDP-1742)
OLR 6.0.23
System Configuration by Year | Schema Changes | Customizations No Longer Supported | New UI | Workflow and Literals Changes
System Configuration by Year
The largest change with Online Registration version 6.0 is that most system configuration is now done per year, instead of global configurations.
- Years are now referred to as Configurations in the UI.
- New configurations are created by copying an existing configuration.
- There is a maximum of one configuration per year at this time.
- The year on applications cannot be modified anymore, as all configuration information is tied to the year.
Schema Changes
Action Required
Modify queries to reflect the following schema changes to avoid broken queries.
Numerous schema changes were made to represent configurations and to standardize the OLR schema.
- Views in the OLR schema; i.e., [olr].v_api_student, with names starting with v_api_ were created to make querying data easier. We can support these long term much easier than direct table access; so, please use them when writing queries. If you have feedback on these views or feel there is other data you need to be made available in them, please let us know. These exist in OLR 5.3; so, be sure to update any queries or reports before moving to 6.0.
- Data that could be assumed to be unique previously may not be unique anymore. Specifically, many config tables now require unique values per config, not globally.
- Olr_application no longer has an endYear column. You will need to join to olr_configGroup on olr_configGroupID and use the endYear on olr_configGroup.
- Many nullable columns are no longer nullable. This is mostly bit fields enforcing 0/1 as the only values instead of allowing null/0/1.
- Many unused columns were removed.
- Many foreign key constraints were added to both enforce better data integrity and to make figuring relationships out easier.
- A number of columns that were referencing olr_personID, but were not named olr_personID (usually olr_studentPersonID or olr_parentPersonID) were renamed to olr_personID and now have the above mentioned constraints.
- For the table dbo.olr_person, the calendarID and enrollmentID columns are now called qualificationCalendarID and qualificationEnrollmentID to better denote their meaning.
- Lots of data that was stored in the olr_studentOther table and olr_parentOther table was moved to olr_customStudentSave and olr_customParentSave.
Customizations No Longer Supported
Action Required
Remove customizations prior to taking the version 6.0 update if possible. Customization issues display as warning messages in the OLR Information Center.
Customizations are no longer supported. This includes changes provided by Campus in the past. This does not include anything you are able to build via the UI. We have reached out to all districts we believe this applies to. Many customizations can be recreated using the existing OLR toolset.
New UI
Many of the Online Registration administrative tools have been updated with the new look and feel of Campus. See the Online Registration Overview and Tool Rights document for a list of all tools available in the Online Registration toolset.
Workflow and Literals Changes
Suggested: review literals after taking the update. See the OLR Literals Bank documentation for additional information. Multiple literals have been added and may require translation.
The initial user flow for email applications, kiosk applications, and portal applications has been updated.
Literals in the updated areas are more restrictive about valid HTML. Only valid HTML is allowed. Script tags, style attributes, and anything the angular framework feels is unsafe are not allowed.