Crisis Event (Nebraska)

Classic View: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Crisis Event

Search Terms: Crisis Event

The Crisis Event tool tracks students who were enrolled, or are eligible for enrollment, but have temporarily or permanently enrolled in another school or district because of a crisis-related disruption in educational services.

Crisis Event Record

Crisis Event Detail

The following fields are available on the Crisis Event editor.

Start DateIndicates the date the student began participation in the event.
End DateIndicates the date the student ended participation in the event.

Crisis Event


Indicates the event that has the potential to displace students.
 Displaced IndicatorIndicates if a student is temporarily or permanently enrolled in another school or district because of a crisis-related disruption in educational services.
CommentsComments regarding the crisis event.

Add a Crisis Event Record

  1. Select New to enter a new crisis event for the student.
  2. Enter the applicable information for the student.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished. The saved record displays in the Crisis Event summary.