Landing Page Template

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This template is intended for diataxis landing pages.

Basic elements: 

  • Copy and paste this template into the landing page (Custom Content version). This preserves the URL of the existing landing page.
  • No introductory image/video in the interest of efficiency.
  • Add an introductory sentence to the tool. This can be the same as the first sentence of the article itself.
  • Only add a div when absolutely necessary to these landing pages. Please keep it simple whenever possible. 
  • Each diataxis type has its own green box.
  • Green boxes can also be divided into sections using a horizontal line. Include a h3. for each section.
  • Topics with links to docs and videos. For docs, links can be to the whole article, or to a specific section of an article, if appropriate. When linking to a specific heading or section of an article, the best practice is adding an Anchor instead of linking to the heading itself. This will hopefully prevent the link from being broken if the heading title changes.
    • Where more than one type of content exists, use the Article | Video construction and leave the topic as plain text. If there is only one type of content, make the topic the link. Where possible, don't make all text in the topic part of the link to increase readability.
  • Link Text Guidelines: Where appropriate, the article's name or the topic name should be the link text. Limit the link text to a few words. Avoid link text such as "click here," "click this link," etc. For example, View technical specifications (good example), vs. To learn more about the technical specifications, click here (bad example).
  • When a section (H3) only has one bullet point/topic, consider combining it with another section to include more than one bullet point under the heading. This is a general guideline and is not a firm rule.
  • An overview of tool rights related to this tool.

For an example, see the Digital Learning Applications landing page. here and delete.


Introductory sentence here!



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OneRoster version 1.0 has been deprecated by 1EdTech. Campus will not support issues with the 1.0 connection after 12/31/19. No action is required from districts at this time; vendors should have implemented or be working towards OneRoster version 1.1 or the upcoming 1.2. As vendors move to new versions, districts will need to provide the v1p1 or upcoming v1p2 API Base URLs.