Classic View: Student Information > General > Graduation
Search Terms: Graduation
The Graduation tool provides districts with the ability to track graduation information used in state reporting, AYP (Average Yearly Progress) determinations and NCLB (No Child Left Behind) report cards. Districts can track when a student first entered ninth grade and calculate his/her expected graduation date.
Graduation information is not currently collected in Idaho state reports.
See the core Graduation article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Graduation records.
General Graduation Information
The Graduation Detail section lists the student's general graduation information (diploma date, NGA cohort information, etc.) and any required fields necessary for state reporting.
General Graduation Information Editor
Diploma Type
The Diploma Type drop-list allows users to select the type of plan under which the student graduated.
NGA Cohort Year
This field is used as part of the National Governor’s Association graduation calculation rate. The selected year is often four years after the ninth grade start year; if a student has not graduated high school in four years (could be less than or more than four years), this selection can be changed.
Post Grad Plans
The Post Grad Plans field allows districts to track information about a student's potential plans once they have graduated from high school.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
The State Reporting Graduation fields are unique to the state of Arizona. These fields allow districts to enter graduation-specific data for each student in the state of Arizona.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
5 or More Year Completor
Identifies the student as graduation from high school in five or more years.
Early Graduate Attendance
Flags students who graduate at semester and district may receive a portion of ADA for the remainder of the school year.
Early Completer
Flags student as participating in an Early Completers program upon completion of high school graduation coursework requirements." />
Follow-up Status
Indicates the student's post-graduation status as of the year following high school graduation.
Graduation Award Information
The Graduation Award Information section allows the addition of State Seals to a student's graduation record. The State Seal dropdown list must be populated if a selection has been made for Type and/or Language.
Graduation Award Information
Date Awarded
Date the student was awarded the State Seal.
Identifies the classification of the seal program.
State Seal
Indicates the State Seal code and description for the seal earned.
Indicates the language in which the student was determined proficient and that the state seal is awarded for.