Census Staff Pass-Through Queries

The following queries are related to census and/or staff information and require that the Census/Staff radio button be selected from the main Filter Designer page.

These sample queries are for example purposes only. They are a starting point to give an idea of how this tool can be used. A request for Campus Support to design, modify, or troubleshoot a Pass-Through Query is a request for Custom Development, which is subject to a fee.

Staff Members with Individual Tool Rights

This query returns staff member staff members who have individual tool rights assigned instead of group tool rights, as recommended.

Box A

INNER JOIN UserAccount ua ON ua.personID = individual.personID INNER JOIN UserToolRights utr ON utr.userID = ua.userID

Box B

No text necessary

Students Marked as No Shows

This query returns students who have been flagged as "no-show" students (those who have enrollment records but have never actually attended school). The user will need the calendarID of the desired school calendar ( this example uses a value of 80).

This query cannot be performed in Student mode. No Show students are excluded from the student view, so this query must search within all people.

Box A

INNER JOIN Enrollment e ON e.personID = individual.personID

Box B

AND e.noshow = 1 AND e.calendarID = 80

People with a Staff Number but no District Assignment Record

This query returns staff members who are not linked to a district assignment.

Box A

LEFT OUTER JOIN EmploymentAssignment e ON e.personID = individual.personID

Box B

AND individual.staffNumber IS NOT NULL AND e.personID IS NULL

Staff Members with Disabled User Accounts

This query returns staff members who have disabled user accounts.

Box A

INNER JOIN UserAccount ua ON ua.personID = individual.personID

Box B

AND individual.staffNumber IS NOT NULL AND ua.homepage IS NULL AND ua.disable = 1

Staff Members who have not Logged In

This query returns staff members who have not logged into their accounts between the specified date range.

Box A

INNER JOIN UserAccount ua ON 
ua.personID = individual.personID LEFT OUTER JOIN SecurityAccess sa ON 
sa.userID = ua.userID AND sa.[timestamp] BETWEEN 'MM/DD/YYYY' AND 

Box B

AND individual.staffNumber IS NOT NULL
AND ua.homepage IS NULL
AND sa.accessID IS NULL

Staff Members with User Accounts Set to All Tools

This query returns staff members who have the All Tools checkbox set on their user accounts.

Box A

INNER JOIN UserAccount ua ON ua.personID = individual.personID AND allModules = 1

Box B

No text necessary

Teachers with no Lesson Plans for the Current School Year

This query returns information on teachers who have not set up the Lesson Planner in the current school year.

Box A

INNER JOIN Section se ON se.teacherPersonID = individual.personID
INNER JOIN Course c ON c.courseID = se.courseID
INNER JOIN Calendar cal ON cal.calendarID = c.calendarID
INNER JOIN SchoolYear sy on sy.endyear = cal.endyear and sy.active = 1
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanGroup lpg ON lpg.sectionID = se.sectionID
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanGroupActivity lpga ON lpga.groupID = lpg.groupID
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanActivity act ON act.activityID = lpga.activityID
INNER JOIN activeTrial at ON at.trialID = se.trialID

Box B

GROUP BY individual.personID, individual.lastName, individual.firstName HAVING SUM(COALESCE(act.activityID, 0)) = 0

Teachers with Lesson Plans for at least one Section in the Current School Year

This query returns information on teachers who have set up at least one course section in the Lesson Planner for the current school year.

Box A

INNER JOIN Section se ON se.teacherPersonID = individual.personID
INNER JOIN Course c ON c.courseID = se.courseID
INNER JOIN Calendar cal ON cal.calendarID = c.calendarID
INNER JOIN SchoolYear sy on sy.endyear = cal.endyear and sy.active = 1
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanGroup lpg ON lpg.sectionID = se.sectionID
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanGroupActivity lpga ON lpga.groupID = lpg.groupID
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanActivity act ON act.activityID = lpga.activityID
INNER JOIN activeTrial at ON at.trialID = se.trialID

Box B

GROUP BY individual.personID, individual.lastName, individual.firstName
HAVING SUM(COALESCE(act.activityID, 0)) > 0

Teachers with at Least One Section in the Current School Year but No Lesson Plans

This query returns teachers assigned to at least one section in the current schol year, but do not have any lesson plans created.

Box A

INNER JOIN Section se ON se.teacherPersonID = individual.personID
INNER JOIN Course c ON c.courseID = se.courseID
INNER JOIN Calendar cal ON cal.calendarID = c.calendarID
INNER JOIN SchoolYear sy on sy.endyear = cal.endyear and sy.active = 1
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanGroup lpg ON lpg.sectionID = se.sectionID
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanGroupActivity lpga ON lpga.groupID = lpg.groupID
LEFT OUTER JOIN LessonPlanActivity act ON act.activityID = lpga.activityID
INNER JOIN activeTrial at ON at.trialID = se.trialID

Box B

No text necessary

Teachers who have used the Save Draft on Behavior Referrals

This query returns a list of teachers who have saved drafts of student behavior referrals.

Box A

INNER JOIN BehaviorIncident i ON i.referralPersonID =

Box B

AND i.status = 'DF'

Parent or Guardian without User Accounts

This query returns a list of parents/guardians who do not have a Campus Portal Account or a Campus Application account.

Box A

JOIN v_CensusContactSummary ccs ON ccs.contactPersonID = individual.personID  
JOIN student s ON s.personID = ccs.personID  
LEFT JOIN UserAccount ua ON ua.personID = ccs.contactPersonID

Box B

AND ccs.guardian = 1 
AND ua.userID IS NULL 
AND s.activeyear = 1

Parent or Guardian with User Accounts but no Logins

This query returns a list of parents/guardians who have a Campus Portal Account but have not logged into it.

Box A

JOIN v_CensusContactSummary ccs ON ccs.contactPersonID = individual.personID 
JOIN student s ON s.personID = ccs.personID  
JOIN UserAccount ua ON ua.personID = ccs.contactPersonID  
JOIN v_UserAccountUsage uav ON uav.userid = ua.userid

Box B

AND ccs.guardian = 1  
AND ccs.portal = 1 
AND uav.totallogincount = 0 
AND s.activeyear = 1