Data Pipeline EDIS Export (Colorado)

Classic View: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > EDIS Export

Search Terms: EDIS Export

The Data Pipeline EDIS Export allows districts to review State Education IDs. This extract can be used in conjunction with the EDIS/RITS Import Tool.

EDIS Export

Report Logic

One record reports for any staff member who has an active District Employment record based on the selection (active, inactive, or all) in the extract editor.The staff member must have an active District Assignment record for the school selected on the extract editor.

Records are matched using the state locator extract based on the Person ID. If Campus is missing or has a different State ID value, the value from the import file updates the Campus value.

Report Editor

The following fields are available for selection.

Effective DateStaff employment records within the selected calendar(s) as of this date are included in the extract.
FormatSelection indicates how the extract generates, either in CSV or HTML format.
Staff without EDIDsWhen marked, only staff who are not currently assigned a staff ID are included in the report.
Active/InactiveAllows users to include or exclude staff from reporting based on whether or not they have an active or inactive employment record as of the Effective Date entered in the selected school.
School SelectionSelection indicates from which school staff data reports. At least one school needs to be selected.
Report GenerationThe extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date of the report.
  2. Select the desired Format.
  3. If only those staff members who do not have staff IDs should be included in the report, mark the Staff without EDIDs checkbox.
  4. Select the school(s) from which to report the data.
  5. Click the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the selected format.

EDIS Export, CSV Format

EDIS Export, HTML Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
EDIDReports the unique state educator ID Number.

Numeric, 8 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

SSNReports the educator's Social Security number.

Numeric, 9 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Soc Sec Number

District CodeReports the state district number of where the educator has a district assignment or employment record.

Numeric, 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

LAEDIDReports the locally assigned staff number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Staff Number

Last Name

Reports the educator's last name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the Last Name reports from the Legal Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


First Name

Reports the educator's first name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the First Name reports from the Legal First Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Middle Name

Reports the educator's middle name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the Middle Name reports from the Legal Middle Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name


Birth DateReports the educator's birth date.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Reports the educator's gender.

  • 01 - Female
  • 02 - Male

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the Gender reports from the Legal Gender field. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender
