Section Roster Report

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The Section Rosters Report allows school staff outside of teachers to generate course section rosters in batch form for each teacher or course selected. The roster effective date is used to determine which students to include on the roster. This report can be sorted by Teacher and then either Course Name or Course Number. Section Roster Report

This report can be generated for a single section from the Section Roster tool using the Print Options icon.

Report Editor Details

Users can enter selections for the following options to aid in reviewing course section information.





This is the term number (Quarter 1, Trimester 2, etc.) that is entered on the calendar. Terms display in sequence order assigned to the term on the Calendar Terms editor. If the current date falls within the current calendar's Term dates, the current term is automatically selected. If the current date is outside of the calendar term dates (e.g., generating in summer for the next school year), this field is not selected. This is a required selection.

Effective Date


This date determines which students display on a roster. This fields displays the current date by default, but can be changed by entering a new date in mmddyy format or selecting the calendar icon to choose a date. Only active students currently scheduled into the selected course section on the entered date print on the report. This is a required entry.

Page Printing Options

Users can select which items to print for the Section Roster Report: 

  • Shade Alternate Rows - prints a gray/blue alternating row to allow for easier reading. This option is selected by default.
  • Add a page break after each (course) section - inserts a page break for easy printing. This option is selected by default.
  • Print Homeroom Courses Only - this determination is based on the Homeroom checkbox being marked on the Course Editor or on the Course Section Editor.
Display Options

Users can include the following course information:

  • Course State Code - prints the state code assigned to the course
  • Staff Number - prints the teacher's staff number
  • Show Section Placement - prints period information (period name and meeting time) next to the selected course(s).
  • Show Incoming Students - prints students who have been scheduled into the course section after the entered effective date.
  • Show Dropped Students - prints students who are no longer active in the course section
  • Show Blended Learning Group Summary - prints summary counts of the total number of students who are in Blended Learning Groups. The name of the group prints, along with the gender breakdown of the group with a total count. 

Student Options

Users can include the following student information:

  • Student Number - prints either the student's Local Number (assigned by the district) or the State ID (assigned by the state)
  • Student Picture - prints either a Small or Large picture
  • Household Phone and Address - prints the guardian's address and phone number
  • Guardians- prints all guardians associated with the student (a relationship between the student and the guardian exists, and the Guardian checkbox is marked)
    • Show Guardian Contact Information - prints the guardian's phone numbers (work and cell phone)
  • Counselor Name - prints the student's assigned counselor
  • Graduation Cohort Year - prints the student's Cohort Year from the Graduation tool
  • Race/Ethnicity - prints either the student's Federal Race/Ethnicity or the State Race/Ethnicity
  • Date of Birth - prints the student's birth date
  • Gender Identity - prints the student's preferred gender as noted on the student's Identity Record in the Gender field (not the Legal Gender field available in the Protected Identity Information).
  • Health Conditions - prints an icon for students who have active health conditions
  • Programs/Flags - prints icons for active flags, IEPs, and PLPs
  • Blended Learning Group - prints the name of the Blended Learning Group to which the student is assigned. 
  • Locker - prints the student's assigned locker information. When this selection is made, additional Locker options are available, like Locker Location, Lock Combo, and the type of Locker (academic, phy ed, etc.).

Sort Sections By

The Section Rosters report can be sorted by Teacher/Course Name or Teacher/Course Number. Rosters are sorted by the Teacher, then by either the Course Number, Course Name, or Period. This means all courses taught by Teacher A are organized by the course number, course name or period. The teacher's name is always included in the report.

  • Teacher/Course Name - for each teacher selected, the section rosters print alphabetically by Course Name.
  • Teacher/Course Number - for each teacher selected, the section rosters print numerically by Course Number.
  • Teacher/Period - for each teacher selected, the section rosters print numerically by Period

Period Schedule

This is the schedule for which section rosters should be printed. This option only displays when the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar has multiple Schedule Structures. The default selection for this option is All.

Period Schedule information prints in the report header.


This is the list of periods assigned to the selected Calendar and period schedules. The default selection for this option is  All Periods. 


Select which teachers (or all teachers) to include in the report, and prints in the report header.

Teachers (primary, secondary, etc.) are included in the report based on their Staff History Assignment Start and End Dates.

  • If there are no assignment dates entered for the teacher, that teacher's name is included.
  • If the teacher's assignment has a start date before or during the term selected on the report editor but no end date, that teacher's name is included.
  • If the teacher has an assignment end date before the term selected on the report editor, the teacher's name is not included.
  • If the teacher has an assignment end date during the term selected on the report editor, the teacher's name is included.
  • If the teacher has an assignment start date after the term selected on the report editor, the teacher's name is not included.

Select which courses are included in the report. The following logic occurs when selecting teachers and courses:

  • If both a specific teacher and a specific course are selected to be included in the report, the teacher must be assigned as a Teacher to a section of that specific course in order for information to be returned. Primary and secondary teachers are included.
  • If just a course is selected, all sections of that course are included in the report.
  • If just a teacher is selected, all course sections where the teacher is assigned as the primary or secondary teacher are included in the report.

The default selection for this is by Course Name.

Report Generation

To display the results of the report immediately, click the Generate Report button. This is best if the selection criteria is small (one or two calendars, a short date range, a smaller student selection, etc.).

To displays the results of the report at a later time, click the Submit to Batch button. This is best if the selection criteria is large (several calendars, a large date range, a large student selection, etc.) or when including student pictures. When this is done, a message displays asking for the selection of more Batch Queue options. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Blended Learning Groups use the following logic:

  • When the Show Blended Learning Group Summary display option is marked, but no students in the section are assigned to a Blended Learning Group, that option does not print.
  • When a student is not assigned to a Blended Learning Group but the Blended Learning Group Student Option is marked, the label prints next to the student's name with the words No Active Group Assignment.

An active group assignment is based on the student's roster start date in the section. 

  • When the roster start date is BEFORE effective date, the roster start date is used to evaluate against Blended Learning Group Assignment Start/End Date to determine group membership.
  • When the roster start date is AFTER or EQUAL TO effective date, the entered effective date is used to evaluate against Blended Learning Group Assignment Start/End Date to determine group membership. 

See the Blended Learning article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Term for which to generate section rosters. Only one term can be selected for any one generation of the report and it is a required selection.
  2. Enter the Roster Effective Date
  3. Select the desired Page Printing Options. The option to add a page break after each course section is the default selection.
  4. Select the desired Display Options selections.
  5. Select the desired Student Options selections.
  6. Determine how the course sections should be sorted - by Teacher/Course Name, Teacher/Course Number or Teacher/Period.
  7. Select the Period Schedules, Periods, Teachers and Courses to include in the report. 
  8. Click Generate Report or Submit to Batch. The report displays with the selected options.

When students are assigned a gender other than male or female, the student is counted as gender= O and counted in the total number of Active/Incoming/Dropped Students. The actual gender code displays for the student. At this time, only California and New Jersey districts have an option for an alternative gender code.

Section Roster - Report - All Options 

Section Roster Report - Simplified Print, No Gender Selected

Previous Versions

Section Roster Report [.2032 - .2211]