ILPA Caseload (Kentucky)


The ILPA tools are used only in Kentucky.

Classic Path: Student Information > ILPA > Caseload

 Search Terms: ILPA Caseload

The Caseload provides two ways users can view the students in their caseloads, the list in the Index and the caseload itself. Students appear in a user's caseload based on the user's Team Memberships of Team Manager. The students who appear in the caseload is not determined by the Year, School, or Calendar selected in the Campus toolbar.

Image of the ILPA CaseloadILPA Caseload

Student List in the Caseload

Clicking on the Caseload tool opens a table view of students for whom the user is the Team Manager. The number of students in the table appears at the top. Expand or collapse the table by clicking the + or - icon in the top left corner.

The student's name and the folder icon are links to the Documents tool.

Columns in the table are sortable by clicking the black arrow icons. Click once for ascending and twice for descending. Hold SHIFT to sort multiple columns.

Information only populates in these tables based on locked documents.

Field Description Populates From
Student The name of the student and the student's gender and State ID. Census > People > Demographics > First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Gender, Person Identifiers > Student State ID
DOB The student's date of birth and age, calculated based on the current date. Census > People > Demographics > Date of Birth
Grade The grade level of the student's most recent enrollment. Hovering over this value displays the School Year of the enrollment. Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade Level
Last Plan The start date of the student's most recent ILPA, if applicable. Hovering over this value displays the Start Date, End Date and document Format. Student Information > ILPA > General > Documents> Plan > Plan Information editor > Start Date
Anticipated Transition  The date the student is anticipated to transition from alternative setting to previous school. Student Information > ILPA > General > Documents > Plan > Plan Information editor > Anticipated Date of Transition
Placement Reason The reason the student was placed in an ILPA program. Student Information > ILPA > General > Documents > Plan > Plan Information editor > Reason for Placement

Print the Caseload

Printing the Caseload is best done using your browser's print function:

Browser Print Instructions
Chrome Right click > Print or CTRL P
Internet Explorer Right click > Print or CTRL P
Firefox Right click over caseload > This frame > Print frame

The Caseload can also be copied and pasted into an excel spreadsheet from most browsers.