Campus Student & Campus Parent - Study Guide

Campus Student and Campus Parent put school information at your fingertips with real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules, and more.

Welcome to Campus Student and Campus Parent!

Get started with an overview of using the Campus Student and Campus Parent apps.

Getting Started with Campus Student and Campus Parent



Supported Platforms

Review information about the supported platforms, browsers, and apps for accessing Campus Student and Campus Parent.


Campus Student

The Campus Student Portal includes useful features for students and is optimized for use on mobile devices and tablets.

Campus Student Portal


Course Registration (Campus Student)

Using the Course Registration tool, students enrolled in any future calendar can select which courses they would like to take. This is just a course request process and does not guarantee placement into a course.


Academic Plan (Campus Student)

Students can view their assigned Academic Program and the courses they have planned to take in each school year using the Academic Plan tool.


Responsive Scheduling (Campus Student)

Students can use the Responsive Schedule tool to select the sessions they would like to attend for an upcoming responsive day.


Campus Parent

The Campus Parent Portal is designed specifically for parents and is optimized for use on mobile devices and tablets.

Campus Parent Portal


Update Contact and Demographic Information

Parents and guardians can update contact and demographic information using Campus Parent.


Absence Request (Campus Parent)

Parents and guardians can use the Absence Request tool to submit a request that informs the office in advance when their student is not going to be in school.


School Store - Getting Started for Parents

Parents can make purchases using the School Store from Campus Parent. Depending on setup, parents can purchase spirit wear, school supplies, register for school activities, or make donations.


My Cart (Portal)

My Cart: From My Cart, students and parents can add money to their food service account. 


Food Service: Review what meals and food items were purchased, as well as add money to your account, using the Food Service tool.


Campus Student & Campus Parent Setup

The Campus Portal provides parents and student access to student information and school communication. Some of the tools and features available in Campus Student and Campus Parent may require additional setup or may allow schools and/or districts to customize preferences.

Portal Setup (Admin)

All Campus districts can utilize Campus Student and Campus Parent Portals. Schools should only use these portals after proper setup and after data in Campus is accurate.


Portal Overview


Display Options

The Display Options tool allows schools to create Display Options Templates that are used to determine which features and tools appear in Campus Student and Parent Portals.



Batch Edit Display Options

From Display Options, users can make mass updates to Display Options templates and calendar and term settings using Batch Edit options.


Copy Display Options Template: Administrators can copy a Display Options Template from a source school to other schools in the district using the Copy Template tool.


Batch Edit Display Options Templates: Multiple schools can be updated en masse using the Batch Edit Template tool.


Batch Edit Calendar and Term Settings for Display Options: From Display Options, users can make mass updates to Display Options templates and calendar and term settings using Batch Edit options.


Enable Push Notifications

When Push Notifications are enabled, Campus Student and Campus Parent users who have subscribed to notifications will receive push notifications informing them of changes to student data available in the mobile portal.


Self Service Options

The Portal Self Service Options allow districts to display and allow updates to Census data for users of Campus Parent and Campus Student.


Languages and Translations Setup

Districts can manage the language and translations available in the Campus Student and Campus Parent portals using the Languages and Translations tools.


Languages: Administrators can add new languages for Campus Parent and Campus Student using the Languages tool.



Translations: The Translations tool allows administrators to enter a language translation for individual fields within a specific tool or application. 



Generating Portal Reports

Portal Usage Report: Administrators can review a list of which students and parents have Portal accounts and see account activity using the Portal Usage Report.


Portal Request Summary Report: Description of the topic. Example: Attendance for individual students can be entered and edited from this location.
