Classic View: Student Information > General > Enrollments
Search Terms: Enrollments
The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is a historical view, this list could be long.
Enrollments are listed by grade level first then by enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. Enrollment records can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
Nebraska Enrollment Editor
General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information editor describes the calendar, schedule, grade, start/end date and reason for the creation or ending of the enrollment record.
The following table describes each field within the General Enrollment Information editor:
Code | Description |
Calendar | The calendar assigned to the enrollment record. |
Schedule | The schedule assigned to the enrollment record. |
Grade | The student's grade level. |
Class Rank Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from being included in class rank calculations. |
Start Date | The start date of the enrollment record. |
No Show | Indicates the student was a no show. This field will often exclude the enrollment record from being included in state reports. |
End Date | The end date of the enrollment record. |
End Action | Indicates whether the student was promoted, demoted or retained following the end of the enrollment record. |
Service Type | Indicates the type of service the student receives. |
Start Status | Indicates the reason for starting a new enrollment record. |
End Status | Indicates the reason for ending the enrollment record. The following end statuses allow class rank to be calculated on the student transcript:
Start Comments | Comments about creating the enrollment record. |
End Comments | Comments about ending the enrollment record. |
State Reporting Fields
The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting.
The following are fields that appear in Nebraska State Reports. Field names which are underlined appear as dropdown lists in the product with a list of available options appearing below the table.
The Reports Used In column details which state reports draw from each field. Each report name is a link that leads to that report's page, which includes tables of options for each field if they appear as dropdown lists in Campus.
Field | Description | Database Location |
State Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from being included in state and federal reports. | Enrollment. stateExclude |
High Ability Learner | Indicates whether the student is participating in gifted and talented programming. | Enrollment. giftedTalented |
Title 1 | Indicates if the student is served by Targeted Assistance or a School-wide Title 1 program. | Enrollment. title1 |
Section 504 | Indicates if the student is a qualified individual under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. | Enrollment. section504 |
Ward of State | Indicates if the student is considered a Ward of the State. | Enrollment.stateWard |
Single Parent | Indicates if the student is a Single Parent. | Enrollment.singleParent |
Directory Opt Out | Indicates if the student has opted out of the Directory Information. | |
Immigrant | Indicates the student's immigrant status. | Enrollment.immigrant |
Targeted Assistance | Indicates the student receives a majority of Title 1 services at a non-public school. | Enrollment.targeted Assistance |
Home District | Reports the student's district of residence based on the student's household address. | Enrollment. residentDistrict |
Serving District | Reports the school district where the student receives services. | Enrollment. servingDistrict |
Enrollment Options | Identifies students who may be taking courses outside of their home district/school or residing outside of their school/district boundaries. | Enrollment.options |
School of Assignment | Indicates the school to which the student is assigned. | CustomStudent.value Enrollment. schoolofAssignment |
Resident School | Indicates the school number the student should attend based on their address. This is required when the student is contracted in or contracted out. | Enrollment. facilityCode |
Expected Grad High School | Indicates the High School from which the student is expected to graduate. | |
Secondary School | When this field is populated, reports the student's information to this new school as an override to the current school. | |
Resident Status | Indicates the student's resident status in the district. | Enrollment.stateAid |
Admission Status | Indicates the student's current admission status. | Enrollment. stateFundingCode |
Percent Enrolled | Reports the full-time equivalent for this student's assignment to a school for services or instruction in whole numbers. | Enrollment. percentEnrolled |
Homeless | Indicates the homeless status of the student. | Enrollment.homeless |
Homeless Start Date | Entered date reflects when the student became homeless. | CustomStudent.value Enrollment. homelessStartDate |
District Accountable | Indicates if the student should be considered in district-level Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) calculations. | CustomStudent.value Enrollment. districtAccountable |
School Accountable | Indicates if the student should be considered in school-level AYP calculations. | CustomStudent.value Enrollment. schoolAccountable |
AYP Grade | Indicates the grade that is used for AYP calculations. | CustomStudent.value Enrollment. aypGrade |
Title 1 | ||
Reading | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Reading or English Language Arts services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Reading |
Math | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Math services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Math |
Science | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Science services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Science |
Civics | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Social Studies services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Civics |
History | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 History services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 History |
Geography | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Geography services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Geography |
Guidance Counseling | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Guidance Counseling services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 GuidanceCounseling |
Health | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Health services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Health |
Nutrition | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Nutrition services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 Nutrition |
Social Work | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Social Work services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 SocialWork |
Early Childhood Education | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Early Childhood Education services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 EarlyChildhoodEd |
Voc/Career | Indicates the student received/is receiving Title 1 Vocational/Career services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 VocationalCareer |
Support Other | Indicates the student received/is receiving other Title 1 services at any time during the school year. | Enrollment.title1 SupportOther |
Support Other Desc. | Describes the other Title 1 service the student receives. | Enrollment.title1 SupportDescription |
Special Education Fields
The Special Ed Fields editor contains all Special Education items that need to be indicated on a student's enrollment record for state and local reporting purposes.
Field | Description | Database Location |
Special Ed Status | Identifies the student as receiving special education services for the selected enrollment. | Enrollment.specialEdStatus |
Primary Disability | Reports the student's main disability for which the student is receiving services. | Enrollment.disability1 |
Secondary Disability | Reports the student's secondary disability for which the student is receiving services. | Enrollment.disablity2 |
Tertiary Disability | Reports the student's third disability for which the student is receiving services. | Enrollment.disability3 |
Vision Disability | Indicates the student's vision impairment.
| Enrollment.disability4 |
Hearing Disability | Indicates the student's hearing impairment.
| Enrollment.disability5 |
Special Ed Setting | Selection indicates where the student's special education services are administered. | Enrollment.specialEdSetting |
Special Ed Exit Date | The date the student stopped receiving special education services. | Enrollment.sped ExitDate |
Special Ed Exit Reason | Lists the reason the student stopped receiving special education services. | Enrollment.sped ExitReason |
Special Ed with Peers (100.00) | Indicates the percentage of time the student receives special education services with other students. | Enrollment.spedWithRegEdPeer |
Special Ed without Peers (100.00) | Indicates the percentage of time the student receives special education services without other students. | Enrollment.spedWithout RegEdPeer |
Regular Education (100.00) | Indicates the amount of time the student receives regular education instruction. | Enrollment.regularEducation |
Provider Type | Indicates the type of school where the student receives instruction.
| Enrollment.providerType |
Surrogate (Parent Involved) | Indicates that a surrogate was appointed to a student receiving special education services and the student's parent is also involved. | Enrollment.noSurrogateParent |
Primary Placement Type | Designates the nonpublic placement status of special education students. | Enrollment.primary PlacementType |