Classic View: System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary
Search Term: Attribute Dictionary
The Attribute/Dictionary tool shows all core fields and code values created for the current Release Pack version and localized for the applicable district or state.
Custom Attribute/Dictionary
Attribute/Dictionary Field Definition
This data is stored in the campusAttribute table. Attribute fields available in the Campus Attribute Detail editor are defined in the following tables, which also include the corresponding column name in the campusAttribute (Campus-created fields) table of the database.
Custom Attribute Detail Editor
Field Option |
Description |
Database Location |
Display Name |
Lists the text label of the field, as displayed within the user interface. | |
Screen Location |
Indicates the location of field display and data storage. Dropdown list options include core data objects/areas of Campus available for customization. |
CampusAttribute.object |
Field Name | Lists the abbreviated name for the attribute stored by the database, as entered by the user. For example, for an interface field named Behavior Event Role, the shortened form entered in this field might be Role. |
CampusAttribute.element |
Data Type |
Defines the form the field/attribute should take on the tool within the user interface - dropdown list, text box, number field, etc. |
CampusAttribute.dataType |
Max Size |
Indicates the maximum number of characters allowed for entry with the field. |
CampusAttribute.maxSize |
Seq |
Indicates the order of the field on the tool on which it is displayed, as related to other fields on the tool. When no sequence is indicated, values display in numeric or alphabetic order. |
CampusAttribute.seq |
Hide |
When marked, the attribute (field) does not display for users on the selected tool. When Enrollment fields are marked as Hide, those fields are also hidden from Ad hoc Reporting tools. This field does not apply or appear to state-level users. |
CampusAttribute.hidePortal |
Required |
When marked, the custom field requires a value before the page can be successfully saved. In addition, the field name displays in red text (instead of black) and is followed by an asterisk (*) to indicate that it is required. |
CampusAttribute.required |
Copies Forward | When marked, the data associated with the attribute copies forward into the next calendar. Attributes associated with the following areas have this checkbox:
CampusAttribute.copiesForward |
Default Value |
Lists the default value that is auto-populated in the field when a new record is created. |
CampusAttribute.defaultValue |
Comments |
Displays any additional information associated with this attribute. |
CampusAttribute.comments |
Modify Attribute/Dictionary Information
Attributes can only be modified, not created, unless it is a custom attribute, which would be added using the Custom Attribute tool.
- Select the data element to modify. The Detail editor displays.
- Make the desired modifications to the selected element. Data must be entered in the required fields.
- Click the Save icon when finished.
Dropdown list Fields (Dictionary Detail Editor)
The following fields are displayed within the Dictionary Detail editor when viewing the codes/values associated with a dropdown list field. This list of codes can be sorted clicking any of the header rows of the columns. Dictionary items that are not marked active are not available for selection on the defined tool and display at the bottom of this list.
For Campus Attributes that have a data type of dropdown list, a list of Dictionary items needs to be added for areas that are not locked and can be modified by users. Active dictionary items are available for selection when modifying that tool.
For example, in the image below the Calendar attribute of Type allows the user to add additional items. By selecting the Add Row button, a new code can be entered and chosen when modifying that Calendar attribute (Image 5), and a new dictionary item can be selected.
New Dictionary Item Selected on Tool
When the total number of dictionary items is greater than or equal to 50, the dropdown list on the tool becomes an auto-search field, allowing the user to type the first few letters of the item and the available choices filter to those matching the entered text.
Dictionary List - Auto-Filter Functionality
In the image above, the Home Primary Language dictionary list is over 200 items. When searching for a language on the Demographics tool, the dropdown list contains a search field; entered characters filter the available languages to those matching the search fields. Searching can be done on either column (code or name) of the dictionary list.
This data is stored in the campusDictionary table.
Field |
Description |
Database Location |
Code |
An abbreviated version of the value that displays directly before the value entered in the Name field when displayed for selection within the field. For example, if the value in the Code field is 1P and the value in the Name field is First Priority, the dropdown item available for selection from the field displays as 1P: First Priority. |
CampusDictionary.code |
Name |
Text descriptor of the code value as it should display in the field dropdown list. This directly follows the value entered in the Code field when displayed for selection within the field. For example, if the value in the Code field is 1P and the value in the Name field is First Priority, the dropdown item available for selection from the field displays as 1P: First Priority. | |
Seq |
The order of the field on the tool, as it relates to the other fields on the same tool. |
CampusDictionary.seq |
Value |
Used to store additional, localized data related to the value (e.g., mapping a local value to state values) and/or for state-reporting purposes. This text is not displayed to end users as part of the visible dropdown list value. |
CampusDictionary.value |
Standard Code |
Used for SIF naming purposes. This text is not displayed to end users as part of the visible dropdown list value. |
CampusDictionary.standardCode |
Active |
If marked, checkbox indicates the value should be actively available for selection from the dropdown field to which it is assigned. If this checkbox is not marked, the dictionary item does not display in the dropdown field. | |
Add Dictionary Items
- Locate the appropriate Campus Attribute for which to define dictionary items.
- Click the plus sign next to the attribute to show the Dictionary list.
- Select the Dictionary entry in the Editor list.
- Click the Add Row button. A new blank row displays at the top of the Dictionary Detail.
- Enter the desired values in each of the fields defined above.
- Click the Save icon when finished. The new entry saves and displays.
Remove Dictionary Items
If a dictionary item is assigned, it is best to just mark the item in the Dictionary list as inactive. This keeps the entry for historical purposes. If a dictionary item truly needs to be removed, select that item from the list and click the X on the left hand side of the table.
Remove Dictionary Items