SIF v2.7 - StudentSectionMarks

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This object contains the marks entered for a student in a class section for a specific marking period.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

Event Type
AddAdding a Grading task to an existing course that is tied to a student section mark's section.
Add/ChangeAny changes to the GradingScore, GradingTask will trigger a change/add event as appropriate.

Check relevant columns (any change to the following columns will trigger a change):

Grading Score = Score, Percent and Comments

Grading Task = State Reported

Grading Task Credit = Score Group



Add/DeleteWhen student's Enrollment is added/deleted.
Add/ DeleteWhen the Enrollment becomes excluded/unexcluded based on the Zone Options.
DeleteWhen the Roster is removed.

When the Score and Percent used to be null and one is changed to not null.

DeleteWhen the Score or Percent used to be not null and they are now both null.

Object Population and Business Rules

When (Scheduling>Courses>Course>Active) is set to checked, report all applicable StudentSectionMarks instances for the students enrolled in the course.

When (Scheduling>Courses>Course>Active) NOT = Checked, do not report a StudentSectionMarks object for the marks given to the students in this course.

Will not report when:

  1. Any course with a state code marked as "Exempt" or if null
  2. If course is marked Exclude in a calendar
  3. Student is enrolled into only a non-primary enrollment, and the SIF Zone Option has "Exclude All Secondary Enrollments" = Checked.
  4. Exclude No Show Enrollments is checked
  5. Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments is checked
Add events will only be generated for objects that also report SectionInfo
We will only report calendar associated with the Active school year
  • The score is specifically tied to a section, so if the student switches sections, this object only applies to the one section.  
  •  For being rostered in a section, we look to see if they were rostered in the section for that score at all.  No dates are checked.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdA GUID that identifies an instance of this object. This RefId is new for 2.7M and MUST be supported like other objects that have a RefId (i.e. it is the key for the object). The alternate keys MUST continue to be supported.

Core: GradingScore.scoreID,  District.districtGUID, MA: Roster.personID, Term.termID, District.districtGUIDM
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the StudentPersonal object that this item refers to.

@SectionInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to.

@TermInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies the marking period that the following marks are recorded in.

@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.

IsFinalIndicates if the grades are "Final" from the perspective of the teacher or school. Does not mean that change events will not occur for this item.

Reports "true"

(For posted/final grade and not in-progress grade)

MarkListA list of marks received for this student in this section. For each Mark entry, at least one of the sub-elements must be specified.

MarkList/MarkOuter wrapper for marks reported for this section, in this term.
Student Information > General > Grades
MarkList/Mark/@MarkInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies a mark that was given for this student.

MarkList/Mark/PercentageThe percent score for this mark (0.00 - 100.00).
Instruction > Grading By Task | StudentGradingScore.percentC
MarkList/Mark/NumericThe raw numeric score for this mark.
Instruction > Grading By Task | StudentGradingScore.scoreC
MarkList/Mark/LetterThe letter grade for this mark.
Instruction > Grading By Task | StudentGradingScore.scoreC (MA -M)
MarkList/Mark/NarrativeThe free form text narrative for this mark.
Instruction > Grading By Task | StudentGradingScore.commentsC