KG Readiness (Missouri)

Classic View: Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness

Search Terms: KG Readiness

The KG Readiness tool allows districts to assess a student's progress towards a successful educational career prior to the start of their kindergarten year. 

KG Readiness records CANNOT overlap. This means a student can only have one active record at any given time. A new record can only be added if the previous record has an End Date. 

In the Campus.2140 Release Pack (September 2021), the KG Readiness field on the Enrollment record was removed in favor of reporting readiness information from this tool. Any active enrollment that included KG Readiness data was converted to a new KG Readiness record. 

KG Readiness Editor

Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import KG Readiness information to this tool.

Manage KG Readiness Records

To add a new record, click the New button and enter a Start Date on the KG Readiness Detail. Select Yes, No or Unknown from each of the lists fields, as appropriate for the selected student. Click the Save button when finished. 

To end a record, select the applicable saved KG Readiness record and enter an End Date.

To completely remove the record, select the applicable saved KG Readiness record and click the Delete button. This should only be done if the record was added in error. 

KG Readiness Field Descriptions

Start Date

Lists the Start Date of the student's KG Readiness record.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.startDate


MOSIS Student Core Extract

End Date

Lists the End Date of the student's KG Readiness record.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.endDate


MOSIS Student Core Extract

KG Readiness

Indicates whether the student is prepared in key dimensions of early learning and development (social and emotional, language and literacy, cognitive, motor, health and physical well-being, and positive attitudes and behaviors toward learning.)

  • Y: Yes Kindergarten Ready
  • N: Not Kindergarten Ready

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.readiness


MOSIS Student Core Extract

KG Physical Well-being and Motor

Indicates whether the student has age-appropriate growth, health, physical abilities, such as gross and fine motor skills that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
  • U: Unknown

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.physicalMotor


MOSIS Student Core Extract

KG Social and Emotional

Indicates whether the student has age-appropriate behavioral health and learning abilities, including the abilities to interact with others and self-regulate (social), as well as perceptions of self, abilities to understand the feelings of others and express their own feelings (emotional) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
  • U: Unknown

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.socialEmotional


MOSIS Student Core Extract

KG Cognition and General Knowledge

Indicates whether the student has age-appropriate thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as knowledge about particular objects and the way the world works (including mathematical knowledge, abstract thought and imagination), that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
  • U: Unknown

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.cognitiveGeneral


MOSIS Student Core Extract

KG Approaches Toward Learning

Indicates whether the student has age-appropriate use of skills and knowledge (including enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, confidence, persistence and initiative) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten. 

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
  • U: Unknown

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.learningApproaches


MOSIS Student Core Extract

KG Language and Literacy

Indicates whether the student has age-appropriate literacy and communication skills such as listening, speaking and writing (emergent literacy includes print awareness, story sense, early writing and the connection of letters to sounds) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
  • U: Unknown

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Learner > KGReadiness > KGReadiness > kgReadiness.languageLiteracy


MOSIS Student Core Extract