General Information (Personnel Master)

Classic View: Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > General Information

The General Information section contains confidential information, not tied to a specific work assignment, about a person employed by the district. This information is used by business administration applications in Campus.

Some of the options on this page can be customized on the HR Codes Setup screen.
To track additional data, add User Fields to this screen.

What can I do?What do I need to know?

Change the Current Record

  1. Select HR General Information from the left-hand navigation.
    The Current Record displays.
  2. Edit the Current Record. All fields may be updated except the Personnel Number.
  3. Click the Comments button to display the Comments window and enter comments about the change.

    It is highly recommended that you always enter comments when making changes.

  4. Click the Save button.
    Campus saves the changes and creates a new Historical Record with the current date.

Add I-9 Verification Details to a Record

If an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form is on file, Campus allows you to enter information regarding the documentation used to validate employment and to identify expiration dates.

I-9 Verification Details window with example documents entered.   



List A Documentation

  • U.S. Passport / U.S. Passport Card
  • H1B Non-immigrant VISA
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Foreign Passport
  • Alien Registration Receipt Document
  • Employment Authorization Document

List B Documentation

  • State Driver's License/ID Card
  • Federal/State/Local ID Card
  • School ID Card
  • Voter Registration Card
  • U.S. Military Card/Draft Record
  • Military Dependent ID Card
  • U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
  • Native American Tribal Document
  • Canadian Driver's License
  • < 18 School Record/Report Card
  • < 18 Clinic/Doctor/Hospital Record
  • < 18 Daycare/Nursery School Record

List C Documentation

  • Social Security Card
  • Certification of Birth Abroad
  • Certification of Report Birth
  • Original/Certified Birth Certificate
  • Native American Tribal Document
  • U.S. Citizen ID Card
  • Resident Citizen ID Card
  • Employment Authorization issued by DHS

Complete the following steps to add I-9 Verification Details.

  1. Select HR General Information from the left-hand navigation.
    The Current Record displays.
  2. Select the I-9 on File checkbox and click the Verification button.

    The I-9 Verification Details window displays.
  3. Enter the following information for the List A, List B, and List C Documentation:
    • Documentation Title. Select a valid option from the drop-down list.
    • Issuing Authority. The agency responsible for distributing the document.
    • Document Number. The identifying number on the document.
    • Expiration Date (if any). The document's expiration date if applicable.
  4. Click the Update Verification Info button.
  5. Click the Comments button to display the Comments window and enter comments about the change.

    It is highly recommended that you always enter comments when making changes.

  6. Click the Save button.

View Historical Records

  1. Select the plus sign (+) next to HR General Information to expand the records.
  2. Select the date that you want to view.
    The Historical Record displays. Historical records are read-only and cannot be modified.

Example Historical Record without comments   

Manage File Attachments

This feature is only available if your administrator has  enabled the attachment feature.

Example Attach Files button.   

To view documents, click the  Attach Files button.

Users with the appropriate tool rights may also complete the following tasks.

Screen Examples and Field Descriptions

Current Record (Field Descriptions)

Example General Information - Current Record   

Descriptions are not provided for ALL fields. Descriptions are provided for fields that may require a concise explanation.




The employee's Person ID (generated by Campus).

Personnel Number

The unique identifier within HR for the person.

State Number

This field stores the unique staff identifier to be reported to the state. This field is optional.


BIE Only: This field displays only when the Human Resources application is implemented in a BIE environment. This field is used for tracking a separate ID used in BIE implementation.

Social Security Number

The unique Social Security Number for the person. Campus does not allow duplicate Social Security Numbers.

I-9 on File

This checkbox indicates whether there is an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form on file.

Verification Button

This button is enabled when the I-9 on File checkbox is selected. Clicking the button displays a window where you can track documentation used for validation of the I9 and expiration dates as applicable.

Background Check

This checkbox indicates whether a background check is complete.


This field indicates a person's eligibility for Pay and Benefits. Values in this field are defined in  Human Resources > Administration > Status Codes.

Oct 1 Status Override
Massachusetts Only
The value selected in this field reports the MA EmploymentStatus within the SIF EmploymentRecord object.
EOY Status OverrideMassachusetts Only
The value selected in this field reports the MA EmploymentStatus within the SIF EmploymentRecord object.

Employment Type

Reflects the persons' type of employment. Values in this field are defined in  Human Resources > Administration > HR Codes.

Race Ethnicity

This field identifies the person's race/ethnicity and is used for state reporting.

Certified/Support Type

Oklahoma Only

This field identifies the employee as Certified or Support.


This field indicates a person's veteran status. Values in this field are defined in  Human Resources > Administration > HR Codes.

Retirement Information (Field Descriptions)

Example Retirement Information   

 Additional fields are available for Georgia districts. See the following topic for more information: Retirement Plan Information (Georgia Only)



Add Retirement Plan Info Button

Clicking the button displays a window where you can assign a new Retirement Code. The same Retirement Code may not be used twice.

Retirement Organization

The Retirement Organization indicates the retirement plan to which the employee belongs. Values in this field are defined in  Human Resources > Administration > HR Codes.

Account Number

The Retirement Account Number.


This field is required for districts in Minnesota.

Start DateThis is the first date on which the employee was a member of the retirement organization.

Eligibility Date

This is the date the employee became eligible for membership in the retirement organization.

End DateThis is the last date on which the employee was a member of the retirement organization. Adding an End Date allows you to add a new retirement record where there is an existing end-dated record for the same retirement association. You may do this as long as the dates do not overlap.


Marking this checkbox indicates that the employee is receiving annuity payments.

Retirement Tier

New York Only

Contribution levels associated to the calculations for the retirement plan.

Employment Dates (Field Descriptions)

Example Employment Dates   



Add Employment Dates

This button allows you to enter a new employment date. You may only add a new Employment Date record if the Termination Date is filled in on the previous Employment Date record.


Districts in Minnesota must also have the Exit Reason filled on the previous Employment Date record.

Hire Date

This is the person's first day of employment. This date also displays at the top of the page.

Work Assignments include a Start Date. Campus does not require the Hire Date and Start Dates to be the same.

Position Status

California Only

A coded value representing an Employment Status Category.



The individual is granted the right not to be fired without cause after an initial probationary period.



The individual is in a trial period of his or her employment to determine whether or not he or she is suitable for the position.



The individual is hired with the intention that he or she will be employed for a finite period of time.



Any other type of employment status.

Teaching Start Year 

 California Only 

Identifies the year the person started teaching.

Teaching Years Modifier

California Only

The Teaching Years Modifier is a whole number entered for missing time in the whole of the teaching career. For example, if the teacher started teaching in CA at District A in 2001 but took maternity leave in 2003, the district may enter the teaching start year as 2001 with a 1 in Teaching Years Modifier to subtract from the total.

District Teaching Years Modifier

California Only

The District Teaching Years Modifier is a whole number entered for missing time in the whole of the teaching career at the district level. For example, if the teacher started teaching in CA at District A in 2001 but took maternity leave in 2003, the district may enter the teaching start year as 2001 with a 1 in Teaching Years Modifier to subtract from the total.

Total Years Prior Experience

New York Only

Identifies the number of years of experience the employee had prior to working in the district. This number is populated when a new employee is added.

Total Years District Experience

New York and Oklahoma Only

Identifies the years of experience a staff member has had in the district. Information in this field is used in state reporting. 

Hire Status

This field indicates the status of the employment and is required when the Hire Date field is populated. This is a state-specific field and only displays if your state requires this information.

Probation Type

This field indicates the probationary period assigned to a person. Values in this field are defined in  Human Resources > Administration > HR Codes.

Probation Date

This field indicates when the person's probation will end. This field only displays when the Probation Information (Type) field is populated.

Seniority Date

This is the date from which seniority is calculated. This field is optional.

Tenure Date

The date on which the person received or will receive tenure.

Last Date Worked

This is the last day the person was physically present at the location. This date may be different than the Termination Date if vacation pay or other agreed upon payments extend the Termination Date. If this date is populated and the Termination date is populated, this date must be earlier than or equal to the Termination date.

Termination Date

This is the last date through which the employee will receive pay or benefits. Campus displays a warning if future Work Assignments or future leave events exist.
If you approve the termination date and

  • there is an open Work Assignment or a Work Assignment with an end date beyond the termination date, Campus automatically ends the open work assignments with the termination date.
  • the Work Assignment starts in the future, Campus deletes the future Work Assignment and creates a blank historical record that only includes the comment "Work Assignment automatically ended due to termination."
  • there is an open-ended leave event, Campus automatically ends the leave event.
  • the leave event starts on a future date, Campus deletes the future leave event.
  • a Work Assignment is associated with an active record in the student information system, Campus does not allow the termination.
SIF ExcludeMassachusetts Only
Marking this checkbox prevents reporting records in SIF.
Retirement Date

This date indicates the date an employee retires. Retirees may also have a Termination Date entered if they are truly retiring; however, the Termination Date is not required for the Retirement Date to be specified. A new Start Date or Employment Date record may be created if the retiree may return to work part-time under a new work assignment.

If you are also using the Campus Payroll module, the Retirement Date is sent to the "Date Retired" field in Payroll.

Exit Reason

The reason why the employee is no longer employed with the district. This field is required when a termination date is populated.

This is a state-specific field and only displays if your state requires this information.

Retired Code 

Oklahoma Only 

Retirement status codes required for Oklahoma state reporting.

  • 1 Retired Regular Teacher


This button displays the Comments window where you can enter details about changes to the record. It is highly recommended that you always enter comments when making changes.The comments window also displays previously entered comments.

Expected Attendance

Massachusetts Only 

Cumulative number of days a staff member was expected to be present (defined as at least half the school day) in the district.  

Actual Attendance

Massachusetts Only

Cumulative number of days a staff member has been present (defined as at least half the school day) in the district.

State Specific Field Descriptions

The field descriptions in this topic provide additional information about fields that are only available in certain states.

Tenure Records (New York Only)

The Tenure Records section is only available to districts in New York. Information entered here is included in the SIRS Staff Tenure report.

A staff member may have multiple Tenure Records if they are pursuing tenure in multiple areas.

Click here to expand...

Example Tenure Records (NY Only)   

State Tenure Area Code

The area in which the staff member has tenure or is pursuing tenure.

 Expand to view State Tenure Area Codes
ETAElementary tenure area
MGTMiddle grades tenure area (seventh and/or eighth grades)
SETSecondary English
SSSSecondary social studies
SMTSecondary mathematics
SSTSecondary science
SFLSecondary foreign languages
GBEGeneral business education
DETDriver education
SEBSpecial education-blind
SEDSpecial education deaf
SEHSpecial education-speech and hearing
SEGSpecial education-general
HEGHome economics-general/Family and consumer science
IAGIndustrial arts-general (technology education)
PETPhysical education
RRTRemedial reading
SMSSchool media specialist (including library or educational communications)
ESLEnglish as a second language
HOTHealth occupations
HEOHome economics-occupational
OBEOccupational business education and distributive occupation subjects
TSTTechnical/Trade subjects
District Tenure Area Code

The area in which the staff member has tenure or is pursuing tenure in the District.

The values in this field can be customized on the HR Codes Setup screen.
Human Resources > Administration > HR Codes > Personnel > District Tenure Area Code

Status Code

This code indicates the staff member's status for the Tenure Area Code.

NOTTENELIGNot tenure eligible
PROBEXTProbation extended
TENGRANTTenure granted
TENDENTenure denied
Status Start DateThe start date of the Status Code as approved by the district. This date is updated whenever the tenure status code changes.
Original Probation End DateThe date probation in the tenure area is scheduled to end.
Actual Probation End DateThe date probation in the tenure area ends.
Probation Extended

This checkbox indicates whether probation for the associated tenure record was continued beyond the original tenure probation end date.

When this checkbox is marked, the Status Code cannot be PROBATION.

Probation Start DateThe start date of the staff member's probation period for the associated tenure record.
Extended Probation End Date The anticipated end date of the extended probation. 
ETAElementary tenure area
MGTMiddle grades tenure area (seventh and/or eighth grades)
SETSecondary English
SSSSecondary social studies
SMTSecondary mathematics
SSTSecondary science
SFLSecondary foreign languages
GBEGeneral business education
DETDriver education
SEBSpecial education-blind
SEDSpecial education deaf
SEHSpecial education-speech and hearing
SEGSpecial education-general
HEGHome economics-general/Family and consumer science
IAGIndustrial arts-general (technology education)
PETPhysical education
RRTRemedial reading
SMSSchool media specialist (including library or educational communications)
ESLEnglish as a second language
HOTHealth occupations
HEOHome economics-occupational
OBEOccupational business education and distributive occupation subjects
TSTTechnical/Trade subjects

Federal Income Information (Massachusetts Only)

The Federal Information section is only available to districts in Massachusetts.

This section allows users to identify up to three Federal Income sources and the percent of an individual’s salary paid from the federal grant.

Click here to expand...

Federal Income Information Example (MA Only)   

Federal Income

The Federal Income source.

 Click here to view codes...
000Not Applicable
140Teacher Quality
141T.Q. - Content Institutes
146A.P. Content Institutes
150Math/Science Partnerships
151II B Content Institutes
160Enhanced Ed. Through Tech.
164Tech. Data Driven Decision
165Integrated Tech. Models
170Tech. Enhancement-Options
171Content Institutes
180LEP Support
184LEP - Summer Support
185Language Instruction
190State Assessment Program
196Char. Ed Content Institute
216Mental Health Support
240Sped 94-142 Allocation
241Sped Supplement
242Sped: Electronic Portfolio
243Sped 94 -142 Transition
244IEP Training
245Sped 94-142 Y.A.L.D.
246Project Focus Academy
247Project Focus
248DeafBlind: Match Maker
249Sped Public/Private Collb
250Specialized Training
251Sped SPRIG
252Sped Corrective Action
255Sped Integration
256Spec Assistance & Mentoring
257SPED School to Work Trans
262SPED Early Childhood Allocation
263Sped Autistic Programs
266Sped-General Ed. Support
267SPED-Middle School Read
268Low Incidence Programs
269Title 5: Materials Supportl
270Title 5: Targeted Support
274Sped Program Improvement
285Adult Ed Corrections
286Adult Ed Volunteers
289Sped-Professional Develop
299Community Service CII
302Title V (Formerly Title VI)
304Even Start
305Title I Distribution
306Chapter 1 Neglected-DOC
307Chapter 1 Delinquent-DYS
308Chapter 1 Migrant
310McKinney Homeless
316School Achievement
323Title 1-School Support
327Workplace Literacy Ptship
331Drug Free Schools - Dist
332Drug Free Schools - CII
333Drug Free Schools-Emergen
334Comp Health Res Library
337English Literacy MELD
340Adult Basic Education D.
341Adult Basic Education CII
342Adult Ed. Career Centers
343Adult Ed SABES
344Adult Ed PALMS
353Ad. Ed. Learning Together
354Learn & Serve Sch. Based
400Occ Ed-Vocational Skills
401Perkins Post Secondary
408Occ Ed-Consortium
410State Lead-Prof Develop
411State Lead - Research
413State Lead - Curr Devel
414Student Org./Vica
419State Lead - Other
420SP-Voc Skills Training
421Program Improvement
422CTE-Summer Transition
423CTE-Content Institutes
425Elim. Sex Bias Voc. Skills
429Eliminate Sex Bias-Other
430Occ Ed Corrections
431Career Resource Network
432High Schl. Reform
440CBO Voc Skills Training
452Corr-Skills Training
468Tech Prep Other
494DET/Workplace Education
520Learn & Serve Comm. Based
534Public Charter Schools
535Pub. Charter Schools
537Charter Sch. Dissemination
547Breakfast Expansion
548Nutrition Education
573Comprehensive Schl. Reform
581Transition to Teaching 2
582Transition to Teaching 1
583School Support Program
584Javits Gifted & Talented
591Advanced Placement Incent
595Comm. Service Partnerships
634Reading Excellence Supp.
642CDC supplemental grants
643Gay/Straight Alliances
644CDC: Model Schools
645Reg. Health Coordinators
64721st Century Comm. Learng.
659ABE Learning Disab. Trng.
669Distance Learning-Federal
670ABE Curriculum Dev. & Impli.
671Coord. Family Lit Project 2
672Coord. Family Lit Project 3
674Coord Family Lit Project 1
690Rural Ed Achievement Prog
704Project Playgroup
727Read 1st-Targeted Assist
728Reading First Program
751Character Education
760School Age IDEA
762Pre-School IDEA
770Title I, Part A
776Education Technology
800Refugee Children-Impact
820IDEA Repair & Renovation
830Federal 50-50 Program
Federal Income PercentThe percent of an individual’s salary paid from the federal grant.
000Not Applicable
140Teacher Quality
141T.Q. - Content Institutes
146A.P. Content Institutes
150Math/Science Partnerships
151II B Content Institutes
160Enhanced Ed. Through Tech.
164Tech. Data Driven Decision
165Integrated Tech. Models
170Tech. Enhancement-Options
171Content Institutes
180LEP Support
184LEP - Summer Support
185Language Instruction
190State Assessment Program
196Char. Ed Content Institute
216Mental Health Support
240Sped 94-142 Allocation
241Sped Supplement
242Sped: Electronic Portfolio
243Sped 94 -142 Transition
244IEP Training
245Sped 94-142 Y.A.L.D.
246Project Focus Academy
247Project Focus
248DeafBlind: Match Maker
249Sped Public/Private Collb
250Specialized Training
251Sped SPRIG
252Sped Corrective Action
255Sped Integration
256Spec Assistance & Mentoring
257SPED School to Work Trans
262SPED Early Childhood Allocation
263Sped Autistic Programs
266Sped-General Ed. Support
267SPED-Middle School Read
268Low Incidence Programs
269Title 5: Materials Supportl
270Title 5: Targeted Support
274Sped Program Improvement
285Adult Ed Corrections
286Adult Ed Volunteers
289Sped-Professional Develop
299Community Service CII
302Title V (Formerly Title VI)
304Even Start
305Title I Distribution
306Chapter 1 Neglected-DOC
307Chapter 1 Delinquent-DYS
308Chapter 1 Migrant
310McKinney Homeless
316School Achievement
323Title 1-School Support
327Workplace Literacy Ptship
331Drug Free Schools - Dist
332Drug Free Schools - CII
333Drug Free Schools-Emergen
334Comp Health Res Library
337English Literacy MELD
340Adult Basic Education D.
341Adult Basic Education CII
342Adult Ed. Career Centers
343Adult Ed SABES
344Adult Ed PALMS
353Ad. Ed. Learning Together
354Learn & Serve Sch. Based
400Occ Ed-Vocational Skills
401Perkins Post Secondary
408Occ Ed-Consortium
410State Lead-Prof Develop
411State Lead - Research
413State Lead - Curr Devel
414Student Org./Vica
419State Lead - Other
420SP-Voc Skills Training
421Program Improvement
422CTE-Summer Transition
423CTE-Content Institutes
425Elim. Sex Bias Voc. Skills
429Eliminate Sex Bias-Other
430Occ Ed Corrections
431Career Resource Network
432High Schl. Reform
440CBO Voc Skills Training
452Corr-Skills Training
468Tech Prep Other
494DET/Workplace Education
520Learn & Serve Comm. Based
534Public Charter Schools
535Pub. Charter Schools
537Charter Sch. Dissemination
547Breakfast Expansion
548Nutrition Education
573Comprehensive Schl. Reform
581Transition to Teaching 2
582Transition to Teaching 1
583School Support Program
584Javits Gifted & Talented
591Advanced Placement Incent
595Comm. Service Partnerships
634Reading Excellence Supp.
642CDC supplemental grants
643Gay/Straight Alliances
644CDC: Model Schools
645Reg. Health Coordinators
64721st Century Comm. Learng.
659ABE Learning Disab. Trng.
669Distance Learning-Federal
670ABE Curriculum Dev. & Impli.
671Coord. Family Lit Project 2
672Coord. Family Lit Project 3
674Coord Family Lit Project 1
690Rural Ed Achievement Prog
704Project Playgroup
727Read 1st-Targeted Assist
728Reading First Program
751Character Education
760School Age IDEA
762Pre-School IDEA
770Title I, Part A
776Education Technology
800Refugee Children-Impact
820IDEA Repair & Renovation
830Federal 50-50 Program

CPI Reporting (Georgia Only)

The CPI Reporting section is only available to districts in Georgia. Information from these fields is used in the Certified/Classified Personnel Information (CPI) data collection.

Click here to expand...

CPI Reporting Example (GA Only)   

Assignment Type CodeIdentifies whether a staff member is Certified or Classified.
Certificate Level

The highest Certificate Level the staff member holds even if they hold multiple certificates.

  • 1 Vocational
  • 2 Vocational
  • 4 Bachelor
  • 5 Masters
  • 6 Education Specialist
  • 7 Doctorate

Certificate Level is reported in CPI RECORD TYPE = "B01"; for all active Certified personnel and must match the information on file at the Professional Standards Commission (PSC).

Payroll Years of ExperienceThe Payroll Years of Experience of a staff member.
State Pay StepThe equivalent step number or step level from the Department of Education's Georgia Annual Salary Schedule at which the individual's base state minimum salary is paid.
Local Years of ServiceThe total number of years that an employee has been employed.
Participating in State Health PlanIdentifies whether the staff member participates in the state offered health plan. This flag indicates whether the employee has the State Health Plan (Yes), Other Plan Provided By District, or no health plan with the district (No).
Exclude from CPIWhen this checkbox is marked, the employee is excluded from the Certified/Classified Personnel Information (CPI) data collection.

Identifies the staff member's role for the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS).

Retirement Plan Information (Georgia Only)

The Retirement Plan Information section has localized fields that are only available to districts in Georgia. Information from these fields can be used in Georgia state retirement reporting.

Click here to expand...

Localized Retirement Plan Info Fields (GA Only)   

Job Classification Code

Options in this field change depending on the Retirement Organization the user selects.

Selected Retirement OrganizationJob Classification Code Options
PSERS: Public School Employee Retirement System
  • 01: Engineering/Technology Support
  • 02: Facilities/Materials/Equipment
  • 04: Food Services/Farm Services
  • 05: General Support Services
  • 12: Public Safety/Corrections/Investigations
  • 16: Transportation
  • 17: Unspecified
TRS: Teachers' Retirement System
  • 00: teaching faculty
  • 01: instructional aides
  • 02: paraprofessionals
  • 03: executive, administrative, managerial
  • 04: clerical, secretarial, administrative support
  • 05: technology, technical, professional
  • 06: lunchroom, maintenance, warehouse and transportation
ERS: Employees' Retirement System
  • 00: Education/Instruction/Testing
  • 01: Engineering/Technology Support
  • 02: Facilities/Materials/Equipment
  • 03: Financial Management/Revenue
  • 04: Food Services/Farm Services
  • 05: General Support Services
  • 06: Health Care
  • 07: Information/Telecommunication Systems
  • 08: Laboratory Services/Physical Sciences
  • 09: Legal
  • 10: Parks/Recreation/Natural Resource Mgt
  • 11: Personnel Administration
  • 12: Public Safety/Corrections/Investigations
  • 13: Real Estate/Property Management
  • 14: Regulatory Compliance
  • 15: Social Services/Counseling
  • 16: Transportation
  • 17: Unspecified
  • 18: Conversion
  • 19: Part-time legal
  • 20: Agency Head
NE: Not Enrolled
  •   NA: Not Applicable 
Termination Reason

Options in this field change depending on the Retirement Organization the user selects.

Selected Retirement OrganizationTermination Reasons
PSERS: Public School Employee Retirement System
  • 00: Contribution Group or Pension Plan Change
  • 01: Retirement
  • 02: Death
  • 03: Other
  • 04: Transfer
TRS: Teachers' Retirement System
  • 01: Left Employment
  • 02: Retirement
  • 03: Death
  • 04: Other
ERS: Employees' Retirement System
  •  NA: Not Applicable 
NE: Not Enrolled
  •  NA: Not Applicable 
Reason for No Enrollment

This field is required when the NE: Not Enrolled is selected in the Retirement Organization dropdown list. Options include the following:

  • 00: Full-Time Student
  • 01: Work Study Student
  • 02: Rehired Retiree Part-time
  • 03: Non Employees
  • 04: Other Pension Plan
  • 05: Discontinue ERS after age 65
  • 06: Other

Retirement Plan Information (Wisconsin Only)

The Retirement Plan Information section has localized fields that are only available to districts in Wisconsin. Information from these fields can be used in Wisconsin state retirement reporting.

Click here to expand...

Localized Retirement Plan Info Fields (WI Only)   

FieldDescriptionAd hoc Field
Employment Category
  • 00 - Ineligible
  • 40 - Teachers
  • 42 - Educational Support Personnel



Action Code
  • 00 - Active Employees
  • 01 - Resignation or retirement
  • 03 - Termination for ineligible employees

  • 04 - Termination due to a non-work related illness or injury

  • 05 - Dismissed or discharged

  • 06 - Termination due to death

  • 07 - Termination for local elected officials who waive part-time elected service.

  • 08 - Termination due to a work-related illness or injury

  • 10 - Employment Category change

  • 40 - Informal LOA; No Annual Earnings
  • 50 - Military LOA at Year End
  • 51 - Unpaid LOA at Year End
  • 53 - Layoff at Year End
  • 54 - Leave of absence due to a non-work related illness or injury

  • 58 - Leave of absence due to a work-related illness or injury



Last Earnings DateThe date the employee last worked.

