Release Pack Campus.2116 - April 2021

Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in Campus. 

The Release Information article lists the approximate release date of all Campus releases. 

See the Rx Pack - Campus.2116 article for a list of Rx releases to the Campus.2116 release pack.

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.


> Campus.2116




See the Supported Platforms article for more information about supported technologies. 

Update Manifest

See the Campus Release Pack Enhancements article for a list of just enhancement release notes. 

Core Cases

ComponentCase NumberDescription
Academic Programs
Academic Plan–Academic Progress Report updates in Campus Student/Parent Portal applications
Activity RegistrationSIS-145014[Enhancement] Activity Proposals and New Activity Dashboard Tool
Activity Registration
Add Individual Students Field Updated on Activity Roster
Ad hoc ReportingSIS-143710[Enhancement] Expand All/Collapse All Added to Right Click Menu in Pivot Table
AttendanceSIS-144956Attendance - Virtual Participation Types
BehaviorSIS-142530Behavior Management Functionality in New Look
Blended LearningSIS-145009Blending Learning Groups - Sibling Group Assignment
Blended LearningSIS-145091[Enhancement] Student Blended Learning Group Assignments
Blended LearningSIS-145711Calendar Day - Rotating Days and Blended Learning Groups
Campus InstructionSIS-133752Section Standards Report
Campus InstructionSIS-144616Control Center - Attendance Comments
Campus InstructionSIS-144646Deleting Sections - Section Groups
Campus Instruction
[Enhancement] Assignment Updates
Campus InstructionSIS-145275Saving An Existing Assignment
Campus LearningSIS-145100[Enhancement] Learning Tools on Assignments - Accept Scores
Campus Learning
Engagement Check-In Updates
CensusSIS-145549Mailing Labels Report
CensusSIS-145833Student State ID Tool Rights
CustomSIS-145456Outline Links Not Working in Chrome v.89 and Edge v.89
CustomSIS-145651Custom Tabs Failing to Load in New Look and Feel of Infinite Campus
Early WarningSIS-145659Bug Preventing Daily Early Warning Scores
Ed-FiSIS-145417Ed-Fi Course Offerings Resync Update
FormsSIS-145526Custom Module Name Field Fix
Grades ReportingSIS-51127Grades Report - Active and Inactive Teachers
HealthSIS-145730Covid Vaccine Code Added
Learner PlanningSIS-142729Team Members Guardian Address Display Fix
Learner Planning
Evaluator Assessments WYSIWYG Editors Not Retaining Template Formatting
Learner PlanningSIS-145125[Enhancement] Goal Monitoring Ad hoc Fields Added
Household Search Improved in New Look of Infinite Campus
OneRosterSIS-143198[Enhancement] Staging Sites for Learning Interoperability
Online PaymentsSIS-131451[Enhancement] New Fund Description Field
Online PaymentsSIS-142785Payment Refunds for Inactive Products
Online PaymentsSIS-144061Resolving or Revoking Canceled Transactions
Online PaymentsSIS-145358[Enhancement] Payment Deposit Logic for Multiple Accounts
Online PaymentsSIS-145920Update for Payment Methods and Bank Accounts
Online Payments
Adjust In and Adjust Out Adjustments Updated
Online Payments
Refunds on New Payment Platform Fixed
Point of SaleSIS-124541PIN Barcode Label Sorted by Homeroom Teacher Updated
Point of SaleSIS-139730[Enhancement] Food Service Bar Code Added to Employee Self Service
Point of SaleSIS-94690PIN Report Update
Response to InterventionSIS-143056RTI Documents Copy Button Update
Requests Satisfied Report
School ChoiceSIS-144801School Choice Messenger - Alphabetic Grade Levels
School StoreSIS-139055[Enhancement] Delete Images in School Store
School StoreSIS-145460Column Grouping on the Pick List
[Enhancement] Excessive Sync Retry Statuses Added to Search Framework Status Tool
Some Password-Related Account Security Preferences Not Functioning in State Editions
SecuritySIS-144550Minimum Password Characters Setting Not Enforcing Rule when Creating a New User Account and Password
[Enhancement] PIV Card Authentication Registration Process Added
Users Receiving Connection Error When Submitting New Password After Password Reset
Student ScheduleSIS-139194Walk-In Scheduler - Requests for Inactive Courses
[Enhancement] Ability to Delete Shared Surveys Added
Survey Response Extract Not Display Other Option Responses Correctly
Survey Response Extract Displaying All Reponses When Allow Repeat Responses is Checked
Transcripts - Score Group for Posted Grades
TranscriptsSIS-142653Credit Summary - Transcript Link
TranscriptsSIS-143098Transcripts - Course Entry
VerificationSIS-145314Data Certification Tools UI Path Update

State-Specific Cases

StateCase NumberDescription
ArizonaSIS-143026[Enhancement] Unaccompanied Youth Field Added to Homeless Tab
ArizonaSIS-145422Duration in School Hours Validation Update
ArizonaSIS-145577Distance Learning Student and School Summary Extracts Calculation Updates
ArizonaSIS-145608[Enhancement] Ed-Fi Unaccompanied Youth Update
ArizonaSIS-145621Language Code American Sign Language (ASL) Reactivated
[Enhancement] New BIE fields added
BIESIS-145189[Enhancement] Two-Factor Authentication Available
(Iowa) – Enrollment Syncing
[Enhancement] US DOI Privacy Policy Added to User Menu
[Enhancement] Account Security Preferences to Only Apply to Staff Users
CAASPP Mapping
Paperless Assessment Reporting
CaliforniaSIS-145238Enrollment End Date, End Status
CaliforniaSIS-145291CALPADS Work Based Learning Extract
CaliforniaSIS-145332Immunizations Update
ODS Reports
ColoradoSIS-144804Student Enrollments
ColoradoSIS-144959[Enhancement] Student Interchange Graduation Guidelines
ColoradoSIS-145208IEP Updates
ColoradoSIS-145405Course Term Options
ColoradoSIS-145777Immunizations Update
ConnecticutSIS-145471Immunizations Update
GeorgiaSIS-144993Special Ed Attribute Dictionary Fix
GeorgiaSIS-145293IEP Updates
GeorgiaSIS-145336Student Transcript Primary Teacher
HawaiiSIS-144369EL WIDA Student Pre-ID Extract
HawaiiSIS-145139Gifted & Talented Fields Update on Federal/State Program Updater
HawaiiSIS-145414EL and Service Tool Changes for 2020-21
IllinoisSIS-142152Student Address Report
IllinoisSIS-143409ISBE Regional Safe Schools
IllinoisSIS-144121Behavior Response Fields Available in Filter Designer
IllinoisSIS-145475Attendance Validation Report
IllinoisSIS-145563ISBE Student Attendance - Negative Minutes
KansasSIS-145444KCAN Extract
KansasSIS-145454KIDS Collection - School Entry Date Logic
KentuckySIS-145250Eligibility Determination Fix
Student Participation Report Updated to Include Daily Learning Model Data
English Learner Logic Update for LEAD Extract
KentuckySIS-145618State Seals Information Section Added to Graduation Tool
Safe Schools Updated to Include In-District Removal Resolutions
Conversion Script Run to Populate ProgramParticipationCTE Table
SIMS Extract Attendance Calculation Updates
SIF DisciplineIncident Trigger Logic Update
MinnesotaSIS-144375STAR LB Extract Course Reporting
MinnesotaSIS-144669Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Association Resync Update
MinnesotaSIS-144848Ed-Fi Student School Association and Student Education Organization Association Updates
MinnesotaSIS-144929Digital Equity Tab
MinnesotaSIS-144944Ed-Fi Student Language Instruction Program Association Updates
MinnesotaSIS-145094Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Association Update
Early Learning Tab
MinnesotaSIS-145499Deleting Early Education Records
MissouriSIS-128250MOSIS CTSO
MissouriSIS-144507MOSIS Student Core
Language of Impact Validations Added to Student Locator
MontanaSIS-145248NCES Course Codes Added
CTE Concentrator Modifications
MontanaSIS-145338Serving School and Resident School Fields Added to Enrollment
KG Under 5 Board Approved Fields Deprecated and Converted to Filler Fields on Fall/Spring Enrollment Count
NebraskaSIS-142565[Enhancement] Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Event and Student Section Attendance Event Updates
NebraskaSIS-145149Ed-Fi New Adviser PersonID Import/Export Tools
NevadaSIS-145028New Ad Hoc Fields
NevadaSIS-145525SCED Code Update
NevadaSIS-145683Certification Achieved Date Removed
Save on Flags Tab
New JerseySIS-144007SMART SID Management Remote Days
New JerseySIS-145086Updated County Code
New JerseySIS-145450SMART CTE Submission, Student CTE Record
New MexicoSIS-144914Staff Template Update
New YorkSIS-143705SIRS Student Lite Update
New YorkSIS-144759SIRS Programs Fact Update for FRAM
New YorkSIS-144836Immunizations Update
New YorkSIS-145259SIRS Student Daily Attendance, Student Attendance Code
OhioSIS-144834Special Ed Update
Student Program Record (GQ) State Seal Update
Student Course Grade (FR) Update
PennsylvaniaSIS-142301Immunizations Update
PennsylvaniaSIS-145095IEP Updates
PennsylvaniaSIS-145465IEP Fix
PennsylvaniaSIS-145557Table 8A Extract
PennsylvaniaSIS-145597PIMS Keystone Exemption Extract
TennesseeSIS-125636New Ed-Fi Resources
TennesseeSIS-126214Ed-Fi Locator Tool
TennesseeSIS-145594EIS 040 Student Extract Update
UtahSIS-144981Academic Programs Tools Now Available
SIF StudentAttendanceSummary Updates
VirginiaSIS-144194Master Schedule F Records Update
VirginiaSIS-145564New Assessment State Codes
Ed-Fi Configuration Message
Ed-Fi Student Section Association and Grades Resources Updates
WisconsinSIS-145175Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Association Update
Ed-Fi Performance Base Conversion Descriptor
WyomingSIS-145143WDE-684 Special Ed File Update
WDE-950 Courses File Update

Technical Information

See the Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2116 article for a list of schema changes in this release.

Academic Programs

Academic Plan–Academic Progress Report updates in Campus Student/Parent Portal applications (SIS-124366)

The following updates have been made to the Academic Progress Report for the Campus Student and Campus Parent Portal applications.

1. All students can access the report. Previously, this report was only accessible to students with a Primary enrollment.

2. The report has been relocated to the Documents tool and is listed under the category Other.

Article(s): Academic Plan Campus Student

Path: Campus Student/Campus Parent (Portal) > Documents > Other > Academic Progress > Academic Progress Report

Activity Registration

Activity Proposals and New Activity Dashboard Tool (SIS-145014) [Enhancement] 

A new tool called "Activity Dashboard" is now available. This tool allows primary and secondary activity owners to manage their activities. Activity owners can see previous, current, upcoming and proposed activities. The proposed activities feature is also new with this release. The Activity Dashboard allows users with the appropriate tool rights to propose new activities.

When an activity is proposed, it appears in the Activity Monitor under the "Proposed" filter. Users with read rights to the new Activity Registration > Activity Monitor > Activity Approval tool right can view proposed activities and approve, decline, or return (for changes) the activity to the user who proposed the activity.

Notifications appear for the appropriate users when a proposed activity is submitted and when a proposed activity has been reviewed. (Notification links for proposed activities are currently unavailable in the new look and feel of Campus.)

Article(s): Activity Dashboard; Activity Monitor

Path: Activity Registration > Activity Dashboard; Activity Monitor

Add Individual Students Field Updated on Activity Roster (SIS-145552)

The dropdown list that displays student's names on the Activity Roster was displaying all students associated with the schools on the activity instead of just displaying students with an active enrollment in those schools. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Activity Monitor and Activity Roster

Path: Activity Registration > Activity Monitor > Roster

Ad hoc Reporting

Expand All/Collapse All Added to Right Click Menu in Pivot Table (SIS-143710) [Enhancement] 

The Pivot Designer tool has been updated to provide Expand All/Collapse All options in the menu displayed when right-clicking a cell within a pivot table.

Article(s): Pivot Designer

Path: Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Analysis > Pivot Designer


Attendance - Virtual Participation Types (SIS-144956)

In the Classroom Monitor and Section Attendance, inactive Participation Types were still displaying and available for selection when recording student attendance. And, Participation Types were not displaying in sequential order.

Both of these issues have been corrected.

Article(s): Attribute Dictionary; Classroom Monitor; Section Attendance

Path: System Admin > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > StudentVirtualParticipation > Participation Type; Attendance > Classroom Monitor; Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Attendance


Behavior Management Functionality in New Look (SIS-142530)

Users can now unlock an incident and view the complete details of an incident in the New Look of Campus.

Article(s): Behavior Management

Path: Behavior > Behavior Management Tool

Blended Learning

Blending Learning Groups - Sibling Group Assignment (SIS-145009)

Inactive students with siblings who have active enrollments were being assigned Blended Learning Groups when creating new Automatic Groups. This has been corrected.

Article(s): New Blended Learning Groups

Path: Scheduling > Blended Learning Groups

Student Blended Learning Group Assignments (SIS-145091) [Enhancement] 

The Blended Learning Group Assignments tool, first released in the Campus.2112 Release, now allows for the editing and adding of blended learning groups.

The Student Attendance tool no longer allows the editing and adding of blended learning groups.

Article(s): Blended Learning Group Assignments, Student Attendance

Path: Student Information > General > Blended Learning Group Assignments, Attendance

Calendar Day - Rotating Days and Blended Learning Groups (SIS-145711)

When modifying Day Attributes (rotating days) on a past or future day, the associated Blended Learning Group was removed from that day. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Calendar Days

Path: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

Campus Instruction

Section Standards Report (SIS-133752)

Previously, the Section Standards Report defaulted to a future school year. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Section Standards Report

Path: Instruction > Reports > Section Standards

Control Center - Attendance Comments (SIS-144616)

Previously, attendance comments entered in the Control Center did not display if the user left and returned to the attendance screen, although the comments were saved in the database. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Control Center

Path > Control Center > Attendance icon

Deleting Sections - Section Groups (SIS-144646)

Previously, users were unable to delete course sections because of the backend section groups created for the Control Center. This has been corrected so that section groups created for the Control Center are deleted when a section is deleted.

Article(s): Sections

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Section

Assignment Updates (SIS-144803) [Enhancement] 

The process for adding a new assignment to multiple sections has been streamlined. To add an assignment to multiple sections, click the Save and Add Sections button after entering the initial assignment details. Select the desired sections in the list that displays and then modify dates and grading as desired. Dates autopopulate to match the original assignment. Set grading individually or click the Fill button in the column header to set grading en masse. Any grading details that can apply to all sections (such as an alignment that is valid in all) populate by default.

Article(s): Assignments & Resources

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Add

Saving An Existing Assignment (SIS-145275)

Previously, after making allowed changes to an existing assignment, users were unable to resave the assignment in some circumstances. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Assignments & Resources

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Add

Campus Learning

Learning Tools on Assignments - Accept Scores (SIS-145100) [Enhancement] 

When a teacher attaches a Learning Tool with score passback enabled to an assignment, the Accept Scores checkbox is now marked by default.

Article(s): Attach Content

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Add > Learning Tool

Engagement Check-In Updates (SIS-145676)

The following updates have been made to the Engagement Check-In tool:

  • For assignment-related questions, labels have been added to indicate assignments that are not visible to the class (Hidden) and Individualized assignments.
  • Teachers can now hover over a response in the Response Summary screen to see a list in a tooltip of students who selected that response.
  • Teachers who do not have assignment-related tool rights can now view Engagement Check-In.
  • Various bug fixes.

Article(s): Engagement Check-In

Path: Instruction > Control Center > Smiley Face Icon (Engagement Check-In)


Mailing Labels Report (SIS-145549)

The following modifications have been made to the Mailing Labels Report, related to the recent enhancements made in the Campus.2112 Release:

  • The Starting Position field now recognizes the entered values for Row and Column.
  • When saving a report template (new functionality in Campus.2112), all fields are saved on that template EXCEPT for the Effective Date.
  • When multiple calendars are selected, the Grade field includes ALL grade levels from the selected calendars, not just the calendar chosen in the Campus toolbar.
  • The Effective Date field is pre-populated with the current date. It can be changed to another date.
  • The Student Grade Labels and the Guardian Labels allow the selection of both Student and Census Ad hoc Filters.
  • The Private Mailing Addresses field is no longer automatically marked. In order for Private Mailing Addresses to be included in the report, the user must mark the checkbox.
  • Users who do not have access to Campus Instruction can still generate the Mailing Labels report as long as tool rights are assigned to Census > Reports > Mailing Labels.
  • If specific calendars have been selected for a report prior to choosing a saved template, the calendar selection is cleared and displays the calendars that were selected on the saved template.
  • Minor UI updates were made for consistency on the report editor.

Article(s): Mailing Labels Report

Path: Census > Reports > Mailing Labels

Student State ID Tool Rights (SIS-145833)

In states that use the Additional ID field in Person Identifiers on the Demographics tool (could be called Parent Unique State ID, Student PIN, Education ID, etc.), users assigned R rights to the Student State ID field could not view Demographic data. This has been corrected. The Demographics tool displays without error when a user has R rights to this field.

Article(s): Demographics

Path: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers


Outline Links Not Working in Chrome v.89 and Edge v.89 (SIS-145456)

Outline links were failing to work properly for users accessing Infinite Campus via the Google Chrome v.89 and Microsoft Edge v.89 browsers. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Outline Links

Path: System Administration > Custom > Outline Links

Custom Tabs Failing to Load in New Look and Feel of Infinite Campus (SIS-145651)

A bug was causing custom tabs to not load properly in the New Look and Feel of Infinite Campus. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Custom Tab

Path: System Administration > Custom > Custom Tab

Early Warning

Bug Preventing Daily Early Warning Scores (SIS-145659)

A bug was preventing daily Early Warning scores from populating correctly in the tool. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Early Warning

Path: Student Information > Counseling > Early Warning


Ed-Fi Course Offerings Resync Update (SIS-145417)

When a Resync was performed for the Course Offerings resource by Course ID, all of the other courses for the school were being deleted at the ODS. This issue has been corrected.

Article(s): Resync (Ed-Fi)

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Tools > Resync


Custom Module Name Field Fix (SIS-145526)

Certain words used in the Module Name field on the Custom Modules tool were causing the module to not display in the Custom Forms tool. This has now been fixed so those words can be used, including:

  • Form
  • Locked
  • Copy
  • Override

Article: Custom Module

Path: System Administration > Custom > Custom Module

Grades Reporting

Grades Report - Active and Inactive Teachers (SIS-51127)

Logic for including active and inactive teachers on the Grades Report has been modified, as follows:

  • For Active Course Sections (sections whose first day of the first placed term is on or before the current date and last day of the last placed term is on or after the current date):
    • The Teacher or Primary Teacher does not have any start or end dates on the Staff History record.
    • The Teacher or Primary Teacher has a start date on or before the current date and an End Date that is on or after the current date.
  • For Completed Course Sections (sections whose last day of their last placed term is before the current date):
    • The Teacher or Primary Teacher does not have any start or end dates on the Staff History record.
    • The Teacher or Primary Teacher has an End Date on or after the last scheduled day of the course.

Sections without an assigned teacher or primary teacher are not included (grades/sections/students) in the report.

Article(s): Grades Report

Path: Grading and Standards > Reports > Grades Report


Covid Vaccine Code Added (SIS-145730)

The following vaccine codes have been added for all states:

  • Covid (J&J)
  • Covid (AstraZeneca)

Article: Vaccines

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

Learner Planning

Team Members Guardian Address Display Fix (SIS-142729)

Previously, when there were two guardians for a student and each lived at separate addresses, both displayed the student's address instead of their own. This logic has been updated to display the correct guardian address.

Article: Special Ed Team Members; PLP Team Members; Counseling Team Members; RTI Team Members; (KY Only) ILPA Team Members

Path: Student Information > Module > General > Team Members

Evaluator Assessments WYSIWYG Editors Not Retaining Template Formatting (SIS-145101)

Evaluator Assessments editors in the following SPED documents have been updated to retain template bank formatting (if any exists):

  • 2019.2 Ohio ETR
  • ESR Part B Eval 2020
  • MN ESR Part C Eval 2020
  • MN FBA

Article(s): ESR Part B Evaluation (Minnesota); ESR Part C Evaluation (Minnesota); Functional Behavior Assessment (Minnesota)

Path: Student Information>SPED>General>Documents

Goal Monitoring Ad hoc Fields Added (SIS-145125) [Enhancement] 

The following Goal Monitoring fields have been added to Ad hoc (Ad Hoc > Filter Designer > Student > Query Wizard > Learner Planning):

  • Date
  • Plan
  • Goals
  • Objectives
  • Type of Data
  • Data Recorded As
  • Data Entries
  • Changes in Intervention
  • Comments
  • Adequate Progress

Article: Goal Monitoring

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Goal Monitoring


Household Search Improved in New Look of Infinite Campus (SIS-142157)

Enhancements were made to Household search functionality within the New Look of Infinite Campus to improve the ranking of results for best match, including a boost to matching on household members, better prediction for when users are attempting to match on addresses, and exact matches on household phone numbers rising to the top of the list.

Article(s): Try the New Look of Campus

Path: N/A


Staging Sites for Learning Interoperability (SIS-143198) [Enhancement] 

Staging sites have been updated to populate the correct data in the Learning Interoperability tool (Digital Learning Application Configuration). This change means that districts can test their OneRoster connections on staging sites.

Article(s): Learning Interoperability

Path: System Administration > Campus Learning > Learning Interoperability

Online Payments

New Fund Description Field (SIS-131451) [Enhancement] 

A new field called "Fund Description" is now available on the Payment Setup > Fund Accounts screen. Campus automatically uses the Fund ID as the Fund Description, but you can change the Fund Description to suit your district's needs. The field only allows 120 characters and cannot include trailing spaces. The Fund Description does not automatically display on the Payments Reporter but you can select the column and have it display.

Article(s): Fund Accounts (Payments Setup)

Path: System Administration > Payments > Payment Setup > Fund Accounts

Payment Refunds for Inactive Products (SIS-142785)

Districts were unable to process payment refunds when the product was marked as inactive in the School Store. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Payments Reporter

Path: System Administration > Payments > Payments Reporter

Resolving or Revoking Canceled Transactions (SIS-144061)

Districts were unable to resolve or revoke a transaction that was in a status of CANCELED. This was corrected.

Article(s): Payments Reporter

Path: System Administration > Payments > Payments Reporter

Payment Deposit Logic for Multiple Accounts (SIS-145358) [Enhancement] 

Logic was added for disbursing money to districts and schools that have multiple accounts and have migrated to the new payment platform. These disbursements appear as deposits in the Deposit Reporter tool.

Article(s): Payments Deposit Reporter

Path: System Administration > Payments > Deposit Reporter

Update for Payment Methods and Bank Accounts (SIS-145920)

An update in the Campus.2108 release introduced an issue where, in some instances, values from Payment Method fields were removed and incorrect bank information was saved when users inactivated bank accounts and created new ones. These issues were corrected.

Article(s): Payments Setup

Path: System Administration > Payments

Adjust In and Adjust Out Adjustments Updated (SIS-146014)

The Adjust Out value (that ensures the deposit total is a valid monetary value) was updated to prevent inconsistencies in the account balance. To keep the values consistent, the logic was adjusted so that the Adjust Out value is always negative and is always applied as a positive credit (Adjust In) on the next deposit.

Article(s): Payments Deposit Reporter

Path: System Administration > Payments > Deposit Reporter

Refunds on New Payment Platform Fixed (SIS-146100)

Districts that migrated to the new payments platform could not issue refunds. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Payments Reporter

Path: System Administration > Payments > Payments Reporter

Point of Sale

PIN Barcode Label Sorted by Homeroom Teacher Updated (SIS-124541)

When users created PIN barcode labels that were sorted by Homeroom Teacher, students were not always displaying under the correct homeroom. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): PIN Report

Path: Point of Sale > Reports > PIN Report

Food Service Bar Code Added to Employee Self Service (SIS-139730) [Enhancement] 

Staff members with a food service account and a PIN can now use a barcode to quickly make food service purchases. The Food Service Bar Code is located in Employee Self Service > My Food Service and can be scanned at the point of sale.

Article(s): My Food Service (Employee Self Service)

Path: Employee Self Service > My Food Service

PIN Report Update (SIS-94690)

When users chose the "Homeroom Teacher" Sort Option, students with multiple enrollments were reporting without a homeroom even when they were scheduled into a course with a homeroom. This issue was corrected. As part of this change, for a homeroom to report the term End Date associated with the homeroom must be null, the current day, or in the future.

Article(s): PIN Report

Path: Point of Sale > Reports > PIN Report

Response to Intervention

RTI Documents Copy Button Update (SIS-143056)

The Copy button was displaying on the RTI Documents tool, even though this button does not have any tool rights or functionality. The button has been removed.

Article: RTI Documents

Path: Student Information > RTI > General > Documents


Requests Satisfied Report (SIS-145798)

The Requests Satisfied Report was incorrectly reporting request totals for a course that had more than one section. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Requests Satisfied Report

Path: Scheduling > Reports > Requests Satisfied

School Choice

School Choice Messenger - Alphabetic Grade Levels (SIS-144801)

The School Choice Messenger returned an error when the selected grade levels included alphabetic characters (e.g., KG). This has been corrected.

Article(s): School Choice Messenger

Path: System Administration > School Choice > School Choice Messenger

School Store

Delete Images in School Store (SIS-139055) [Enhancement] 

Users can now delete any image in the School Store and have the default picture display instead.

Article(s): School Store

Path: School Store

Column Grouping on the Pick List (SIS-145460)

The feature for grouping column headers on the Pick List was not working correctly. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Pick List

Path: School Store > Reports > Pick List


Excessive Sync Retry Statuses Added to Search Framework Status Tool (SIS-145429) [Enhancement] 

The following statuses were added to the Search Framework Status tool:

  • Yellow Status – Indexing - The search index is taking longer to index than expected.
    • This message appears if a site is taking more than 4 hours to index.
  • Red Status – Indexing - The search framework is taking much longer to index than expected.
    • This message appears if a site is taking more than 24 hours to index.

Article(s): Search Framework Status

Path: System Administration > Search Framework Tool


Some Password-Related Account Security Preferences Not Functioning in State Editions (SIS-144154)

The following Account Security Preferences have been fixed to function properly within State Editions of Infinite Campus:

  • Password History Length
  • Password Expiration Time
  • Password Reset Disallowed Time
  • Minimum Password Characters

Article(s): Account Security Preferences

Path: System Administration > User Security > User Preference Management > Account Security Preferences

Minimum Password Characters Setting Not Enforcing Rule when Creating a New User Account and Password (SIS-144550)

Users were incorrectly allowed to create and save passwords (for new user accounts) which did not not meet the minimum character length set in Account Security Preferences. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Account Security Preferences

Path: System Administration > User Security > User Preference Management > Account Security Preferences

PIV Card Authentication Registration Process Added (SIS-145341) [Enhancement] 

PIV Card authentication functionality has been updated to include a more streamlined registration process. These updates allow PIV Cards to fully work as a means of authenticating and logging into Infinite Campus.

For a complete walkthrough of this process, see the PIV Card Registration Process for Administrators and PIV Card Registration Process for Staff Members articles in the Campus Community Knowledge Base.

Article(s): PIV Card Registration Process for Administrators, PIV Card Registration Process for Staff Members

Path: System Administration > User Security > User Preferences Management > Login Security Settings

Users Receiving Connection Error When Submitting New Password After Password Reset (SIS-145900)

Users were incorrectly receiving a connection error when attempting to submit a new password after requesting to reset their password via the forgot your password process. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Campus Login Screen > Forgot Your Password?

Student Schedule

Walk-In Scheduler - Requests for Inactive Courses (SIS-139194)

The Walk-In Scheduler was not loading and returned a generic error when users attempted to open the Requests Panel and the student was currently scheduled into an inactive course that had a Skinny Scheduling Rule with an active course.

This has been corrected.

Article(s): Walk-In Scheduler

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > walk-In Scheduler


Ability to Delete Shared Surveys Added (SIS-144814) [Enhancement] 

The ability to delete a shared survey (user group surveys) has been added to the Survey Designer tool. Now, users who have D(elete) tool rights for the Survey Designer tool can delete any surveys within the tool (including user group surveys).

Article(s): Survey Designer

Path: Surveys > Survey Designer

Survey Response Extract Not Display Other Option Responses Correctly (SIS-145448)

The Survey Response Extract was failing to properly display responses for questions using an “other” option. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Response Extract (Survey)

Path: Surveys > Reports > Response Extract

Survey Response Extract Displaying All Responses When Allow Repeat Responses is Checked (SIS-145799)

The Survey Response Extract was incorrectly displaying all responses when the Allow Repeat Responses option was checked instead of only the most recent survey response. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): Response Extract (Survey)

Path: Survey > Survey Designer > Reports > Response Extract


Transcripts - Score Group for Posted Grades (SIS-125928)

Modifying a score on a student's Transcript that was posted using the Transcript Post tool was associated with the first matching score in the list of available options, often from a Score Group that was no longer used. This has been corrected. In addition to Score Group/Rubric Names, the GPA Value and Unweighted GPA Value display next to the Score option.

Article(s): Transcripts

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts

Credit Summary - Transcript Link (SIS-142653)

The link to the Student Transcript from the Credit Summary tool - selecting the Total value from the Credit Category - has been updated to display the recently updated Transcript.

Article(s): Credit Summary

Path: Student Information > General > Credit Summary

Transcripts - Course Entry (SIS-143098)

When adding a new course to a student's Transcript, the list of available courses now returns from all of the following:

  • Course/Section from the school where the student was previously enrolled (School Number on the Transcript record).
  • Course/Section from the school selected in the Campus toolbar in which the student is currently enrolled.
  • Course Master used at the district.

If a Course Number and Name is identical in any of the three catalogs mentioned above, the list only shows one result that is the course at the Course/Section level for the school where the student was previously enrolled (School Number on the Transcript record).

The list of courses returned also depends on the school year selected for the Transcript record. If there is no school year selected, the school year selected in the Campus toolbar is used.

Appropriate fields are auto-populated, including SCED and Online Learning fields, when adding a new record either from the Detail screen or the Main screen. GPA Weight, Credits Attempted, Credit Type, Terms Long and Credit Overflow Override are also updated as Course Numbers are entered. Editing an existing record does not change those values automatically.

Article(s): Transcripts

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts


Data Certification Tools UI Path Update (SIS-145314)

The locations of the Type Membership and Event Certification tools in the new Campus UI have been changed to Reporting > Data Certification.

Article(s): Type Membership, Data Certification

Path: Reporting > Data Certification > Type Membership, Reporting > Data Certification > Event Certification

State-Specific Notes


Arizona – Unaccompanied Youth Field Added to Homeless Tab (SIS-143026) [Enhancement] 

An Unaccompanied Youth dropdown list has been added to the Homeless tab. This new field allows users to track this information without the need to have a flag or program created.

Also, the Federal/State Updater tool has been updated so this field is available when the Homeless program is selected.

Article(s): Homeless (Arizona)

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Arizona – Duration in School Hours Validation Update (SIS-145422)

The validations for the Duration in School Hours field have been updated so that the field is only shown as red and enforced as required when the resolution is mapped to a state resolution code.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Behavior> Behavior Management

Arizona – Distance Learning Student and School Summary Extracts Calculation Updates (SIS-145577)

The AZ Distance Learning Student Summary and AZ Distance Learning School Summary Extracts were not calculating Aggregate Membership Days, Aggregate Days in Distance Learning, and Percentage of Scheduled Days in Distance Learning when a student has an enrollment in a future calendar or school year. To correct this issue, logic has been updated to calculate values based on the enrollment record that is active in the calendar selected in the extract editor.

Article(s): Attendance Extract (Arizona)

Path: AZ State Reporting > Attendance Extract

Arizona - Ed-Fi Unaccompanied Youth Update (SIS-145608) [Enhancement] 

The Student Needs resource has been updated to report Unaccompanied Youth data from the Homeless tool.

Article(s): Arizona Ed-Fi Data v3.3 - Student Needs

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Arizona – Language Code American Sign Language (ASL) Reactivated (SIS-145621)

Language code 46: American Sign Language (ASL) has been reactivated and can now be selected in language fields such as the State Seal of Biliteracy and Home Primary Language.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation > Language

Bureau of Indian Education

BIE– New BIE fields added (SIS-143467) [Enhancement] 

New BIE fields have been added to various locations in the product for BIE schools only.

  • BIE School Type was added to the School History editor in System Administration > Resources > School. This field is used to identify schools as being either Tribally Controlled, Bureau Operated or Navajo.
  • BIE Experienced Educator was added to the District Assignments tab in Census. Users should consult and follow BIE guidelines on when to select this field.
  • BIE Subject was added to the Credentials tab in Census. This field displays when Credential Type: Licensure/Certification is selected and identifies the subject area the staff member holds a license or certificate in.

Article(s): N/A

Path: System Administration > Resources > School; Census > People > District Assignments; Census > People > Credentials > Employment Credentials

BIE – Two-Factor Authentication Available (SIS-145189) [Enhancement] 

The ability to enable and use two-factor authentication has been made available for BIE users. By default, this functionality is disabled and must be enabled via Login Security Settings.

For more information on this process, see the Login Security Settings article in the Campus Community Knowledge Base.

Article(s): Login Security Settings

Path: System Administration > User Security > User Preference Management > Login Security Settings > Send an alert and require verification token from an authentication application when logging into a new device

BIE (Iowa) – Enrollment Syncing (SIS-145546)

An issue preventing student enrollments from syncing from BIE District Edition up to the (Iowa) State Edition has been fixed. This issue was localized to Iowa BIE schools only.

Article(s): N/A

Path: N/A

BIE – US DOI Privacy Policy Added to User Menu (SIS-145720) [Enhancement] 

Access to the US DOI Privacy Policy has been added to the User Menu within Infinite Campus.

Article(s): N/A

Path: User Menu > US DOI Privacy Policy

BIE – Account Security Preferences to Only Apply to Staff Users (SIS-145886) [Enhancement] 

Password-related Account Security Preferences have been updated to only apply to Staff Accounts and not Student or Parent Portal accounts.

Article(s): Account Security Preferences

Path: System Administration > User Security > User Preference Management > Account Security Preferences


California - CAASPP Mapping (SIS-144349)

CAASPP 2019-2020 has been added to the available options for the CAASPP Import.

Article(s): CAASPP Import

Path: Assessment > CAASPP Import

California - Paperless Assessment Reporting (SIS-145097)

The following tests are now available for Paperless Reporting:

  • CAST
  • CAAS

Reports can be generated for tests through the 2021 school year.

Article(s): Paperless Assessment Reporting

Path: Student Information > General > Paperless Assessment Reporting

California - Enrollment End Date, End Status (SIS-145238)

When the Enrollment End Date field is populated, the Enrollment End Status field must also be populated, and vice versa.

Article(s): California Enrollments

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information

California - CALPADS Work Based Learning Extract (SIS-145291)

Field 8, Work Based Learning, now reports the selected code from the student's Work Based Learning record. Also note that the attribute/dictionary for Work Based Learning Type has been locked.

Article(s): CALPADS Work Based Learning Extract; California Work Based Learning

Path: CA State Reporting > CALPADS Work Based Learning Extract; Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Work-Based Learning (ELO)

California Immunizations Update (SIS-145332)

The Measles, Mumps, and DTaP vaccine immunization compliance rules have been updated for California.

Article: California Immunization Rules

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

California - ODS Reports (SIS-145489)

When multiple records exist for both synchronized data and update/delete/add data, only the synchronized data reports.

Text fields are now 255 characters.

Article(s): CA ODS Reports

Path: CA State Reporting > CA ODS


Colorado - Student Enrollments (SIS-144804)

The Homeless, Homeless Residence and Title 1 fields have been removed from the Enrollment editor.

Article(s): Colorado Enrollments

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Colorado - Student Interchange Graduation Guidelines (SIS-144959) [Enhancement] 

An All Guidelines checkbox has been added to the Graduation Guidelines report editor. When marked, all guidelines a student has earned across all years and enrollments are included in the extract.

Article(s): Student Interchange Graduation Guidelines

Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Graduation Guidelines

Colorado IEP Updates (SIS-145208)

Several updates have been made to Colorado IEP, including:

  • a new print format, CO IEP 2021, is now available.
  • updates to the LRE editor:
    • the age range (as of December 1) drop down has been changed to checkboxes, Ages 3-5 and Ages 6-21. Both boxes can be marked if necessary.
    • When 3-5 is selected, the Placement Options Considerations for 3-5 display.
    • When 6-21 is selected, the Placement Options Considerations for 6-21 display.
    • If both 3-5 and 6-21 are selected, both sets of questions display.
    • A date field/calendar picker, called End of 3-5 services, has been added.
    • A date field/calendar picker, called Start of 6-21 services, has been added.
  • Validation has been added so the date for the start of the 6-21 services cannot be prior to the end of the 3-5 services.

Article: Individual Education Plan (Colorado)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Colorado - Course Term Options (SIS-145405)

Options for the Course Term field have been updated.

Article(s): Course Information

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Information

Colorado - Immunizations Update (SIS-145777)

The Varicella vaccine immunization compliance rules have been updated for Colorado.

Article: Colorado Immunization Rules

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines


Connecticut Immunizations Update (SIS-145471)

The Hepatitis A vaccine immunization compliance rules have been updated for Connecticut.

Article: Connecticut Immunization Rules

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines


Georgia Special Ed Attribute Dictionary Fix (SIS-144993)

An issue with the Hide functionality tied to Attribute Dictionaries not working with the Georgia IEP has been fixed.

Article: Individual Education Plan (Georgia)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Georgia IEP Updates (SIS-145293)

An issue with the Transition Services editor on the Georgia IEP has been resolved.

Article: Individual Education Plan (Georgia)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Georgia - Student Transcript Primary Teacher (SIS-145336)

The Primary Teacher field on the Student Transcript now sorts in alphabetical order by last name.

Article(s): Transcripts

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts


Hawaii - EL WIDA Student Pre-ID Extract (SIS-144369)

The EL WIDA Student Pre-ID Extract is now available for districts in Hawaii. This file is used to load students into WIDA AMS. In some cases, the Pre-ID file upload is used to place the initial order of ACCESS for ELLs testing materials for the state.

Article(s): EL WIDA Student Pre-ID Extract (Hawaii)

Path: HI State Reporting > EL WIDA Student Pre-ID Extract

Hawaii - Gifted & Talented Fields Update on Federal/State Program Updater (SIS-145139)

The Gifted & Talented fields on the Federal/State Program Updater tool were updated to display in the same order as the appear in the Gifted & Talented tool.

Article(s): Federal/State Program Updater; Hawaii Gifted & Talented

Path: Program Admin > Federal/State Program Updater, Student Information > General > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented

Hawaii - EL and Service Tool Changes for 2020-21 (SIS-145414)

  • The name field for the EL tool's Status Code and Action Code can now be edited the Custom Attribute Dictionary.
  • The following fields on the EL Services tool were deprecated: English Language Development Program and Bilingual Program (Native Language Content Instruction).
  • The EL State Services list was updated. Current items, other than Not a State Reported Type were removed and hte following items were added.
    • ESL/ELD: Dedicated ESL/ELD Course - ELD
    • NP: Newcomer Program - ELD
    • LT: Long-Term English Language Learners Program - ELD
    • CB: Content-Based ESL - ELD
    • SI: Sheltered Instruction
    • TB: Transitional Bilingual Program - Bilingual Program
    • TW-DL: Two-Way Dual Language Program - Bilingual Program
    • OW-DL: One-Way Dual Language Program - Bilingual Program
  • All current EL Services Type were removed and the list from above was added.
  • The Time in Language field and Time in Language Other field on the Services tool was hidden.

Article(s): N/A

Path: N/A


Illinois - Student Address Report (SIS-142152)

A Strip Apostrophes option has been added to the editor of the Student Address Report. When marked, any last or first name that includes an apostrophe is removed.

Article(s): Illinois Student Address Report

Path: IL State Reporting > Student Address

Illinois - ISBE Regional Safe Schools (SIS-143409)

Report logic has been modified to include all students in grades 6 to 12 who are in a Regional Safe School Program at any point within the selected calendar. Previously, the report only included students in grades 9 to 12.

The following Regional Safe School Program fields are now available in the Filter Designer:

  • Reason for Referral
  • Eligibility Status
  • GED Tutoring
  • Tutoring
  • GED Test Successfully Completed
  • Curriculum Related Employment
  • Date of Alternate Education Plan
  • Behavior Modification Training
  • Community Service Participation
  • Individual/Group Counseling
  • Life Skills Training
  • Mentoring
  • Parenting classes for Parents
  • Referral to Social Services

Article(s): ISBE Regional Safe Schools

Path: IL State Reporting > ISBE Extracts > Regional Safe Schools

Illinois - Behavior Response Fields Available in Filter Designer (SIS-144121)

The following fields used in Behavior Response records are now available in the Filter Designer:

  • Imminent Danger to Self
  • Imminent Danger to Staff
  • Imminent Danger to Other Students

Article(s): Behavior Management Tool

Path: Behavior Management > Add Response

Illinois - Attendance Validation Report (SIS-145475)

The ISBE Monthly Attendance Extract and ISBE Student Attendance Extract now include the option to generate an Attendance Data Validation Details Report. This can be used to review student attendance minutes prior to submitting the extracts to the state.

The Data Validation report includes a row for every date included in the report editor (limited to 30 days), listing the student's identifying information plus a total number of scheduled period minutes and present minutes.

See the article(s) below for detailed information on this report.

Article(s): ISBE Monthly Attendance Extract; ISBE Student Attendance Extract

Path: IL State Reporting > ISBE Extracts > Monthly Attendance V2, Student Attendance

Illinois - ISBE Student Attendance - Negative Minutes (SIS-145563)

The ISBE Student Attendance Extract was reporting negative minute values for in-person instruction fields. This has been corrected.

Note the following:

  • If the student is present on a Physical Day, the minutes per day are included in the In-Person Instruction (field 12) calculation.
  • If the student is present (Participated) on a E-Learning Virtual Day, the minutes per day are included in the E-Learning (field 17) calculation.
  • If the student is present (Participated) on a Remote Learning Virtual Day, the minutes per day should be included in the Remote Learning (field 18) calculation.

Absent Unexcused minutes, Medically Homebound minutes, Absent Excused Minutes, and Hospitalized minutes are subtracted from the In-Person, E-Learning and Remote Learning calculations based on the student's Participation Type.

Article(s): ISBE Student Attendance

Path: IL State Reporting > ISBE Extracts > Student Attendance


Kansas - KCAN Extract (SIS-145444)

Logic for the First Instruction Date and Last Instruction Date has been updated to only create a row for the term scheduled in which the course is scheduled, and to correctly report when the student is a Migrant student.

Article(s): KIDS KCAN Extract

Path: KS State Reporting > KIDS KCAN Extract

Kansas - KIDS Collection - School Entry Date Logic (SIS-145454)

Logic for reporting the School Entry Date has been modified to consider the current enrollment as the enrollment that is effective within the calendar that was selected in the extract editor.

If there are multiple previous enrollments, only the enrollment with the newest end date is used in the comparison. If there is more than one enrollment with the same end date (that is the most recent end date), then only compare against the primary enrollment.

Article(s): KIDS Collection

Path: KS State Reporting > KIDS Collection


Kentucky Eligibility Determination Fix (SIS-145250)

An issue with the Committee Members field within the SLD Checklist on the Kentucky Eligibility document has been fixed.

Article: Evaluation (Kentucky)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Kentucky – Student Participation Report Updated to Include Daily Learning Model Data (SIS-145346)

The following new fields were added to the Student Participation Report:

  • Total Days Remote
    • Counts the number of days the student was attending remotely during the date range.
  • Participation Days Remote
    • Counts the number of remote days with participation during the date range
  • Total Days Remote % Participation
    • Displays the rate of participation on remote days
  • Total Days in Person
    • Counts the number of days the student was attending remotely during the date range.
  • Participation Days in Person
    • Counts the number of remote days with participation during the date range
  • Total Days in Person % Participation
    • Displays the rate of participation on in person days
  • Learning Model for Date Range
    • Indicate which learning model a student was in during the report date range.

For the Total Days Remote, Participation Days Remote, Total Days in Person, and Participation Days in Person fields, if there are multiple ‘attendedStatus’ codes for sections in a single day the hierarchy is to count the day as 1st PP (Physical and Present), then VP (Virtual and Present), then PA (Physical and Absent), then VN (Virtual and Absent).

AttendanceStatus logic has been updated to meet Kentucky state requirements.

Aggregate Participation logic has been updated to tally aggregate totals by learning model:

  • The extract will break out Student Participation by Learning Model during the reporting date range.
    • All
    • Remote
    • Hybrid
    • In Person
  • Students enrolled 100% in Virtual Performance-based courses will only be counted in the ‘All’ learning model row.

The following fields were added to the Aggregate Participation version of the report:

  • Learning Model for Date Range
  • % Participated
  • Days Scheduled Male
  • Participation Days – Male
  • Non Participation Days – Male
  • % Participated – Male
  • Days Scheduled – Female
  • Participation Days – Female
  • Non Participation Days – Female
  • % Participated – Female
  • Days Scheduled – White
  • Participation Days – White
  • Non Participation Days – White
  • % Participated – White
  • Days Scheduled – Black
  • Participation Days – Black
  • Non Participation Days – Black
  • % Participated – Black
  • Days Scheduled – Hispanic
  • Participation Days – Hispanic
  • Non Participation Days – Hispanic
  • % Participated – Hispanic
  • Days Scheduled – Asian
  • Participation Days – Asian
  • Non Participation Days – Asian
  • % Participated – Asian
  • Days Scheduled American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Participation Days – American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Non Participation Days – American Indian or Alaska Native
  • % Participated – American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Days Scheduled – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Participation Days – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Non Participation Days - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • % Participated - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Days Scheduled – Two or More Races
  • Participation Days – Two or More Races
  • Non Participation Days – Two or More Races
  • % Participated – Two or More Races
  • Days Scheduled - Economically Disadvantaged
  • Participation Days - Economically Disadvantaged
  • Non Participation Days - Economically Disadvantaged
  • % Participated - Economically Disadvantaged
  • Days Scheduled - Special Education
  • Participation Days - Special Education
  • Non Participation Days - Special Education
  • % Participated - Special Education
  • Days Scheduled - English Learners
  • Participation Days - English Learners
  • Non Participation Days - English Learners
  • % Participated - English Learners
  • Days Scheduled - Program 504
  • Participation Days - Program 504
  • Non Participation Days - Program 504
  • % Participated - Program 504
  • Days Scheduled – Homeless
  • Participation Days – Homeless
  • Non Participation Days – Homeless
  • % Participated – Homeless
  • Days Scheduled - Foster Care
  • Participation Days - Foster Care
  • Non Participation Days - Foster Care
  • % Participated - Foster Care
  • Days Scheduled - Gifted and Talented
  • Participation Days - Gifted and Talented
  • Non Participation Days - Gifted and Talented
  • % Participated - Gifted and Talented
  • Days Scheduled – Migrant
  • Participation Days – Migrant
  • Non Participation Days – Migrant
  • % Participated – Migrant
  • Days Scheduled - Military Connected
  • Participation Days - Military Connected
  • Non Participation Days - Military Connected
  • % Participated - Military Connected

Article(s): Student Participation Extract (Kentucky)

Path: KY State Reporting > Student Participation

Kentucky – English Learner Logic Update for LEAD Extract (SIS-145451)

Reporting logic for the EL Students field on the LEAD Extract has been updated to the following:

  • At least one student in section must have:
    • An EL record with a status of EL or Exited EL
      • If the status is Exited EL, the Exit Date is >= the Section Start Date.
    • At least one Service AND one Instructional Accommodation valid on the last instructional day of the section.

Article(s): LEAD Extract (Kentucky)

Path: KY State Reporting > LEAD Extract

Kentucky – State Seals Information Section Added to Graduation Tool (SIS-145618)

A new State Seals Information section has been added to the Graduation tool. This section allows users to track and manage a student’s state seal, the date the student earned the seal, and the language in which the student became proficient and/or earned a state seal.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Student Information > Graduation > State Seal Information

Kentucky – Safe Schools Updated to Include In-District Removal Resolutions (SIS-145759)

Safe Schools sub report SS5: State Resolutions not reported in SS1 - SS4 has been updated to the following requirement:

  • All state event codes not related to assault, violence, deadly weapons, controlled substances, bullying or harassment must have a state resolution of suspension, expulsion, corporal punishment, restraint or seclusion (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, SSP7, SSP8, INDR, INSR, IAES1, IAES2) to be reported in the Safe Schools extract.

Discipline Resolution Category ‘In-School Removal (INSR)’ has been updated to report the sum of distinct In-School Removal (INSR) and In-District (INDR) resolutions by student groups.

Behavior editor validations for resolutions mapped to a State Resolution Mapping ‘IAES – Unilateral Removal by School Personnel – SPED only’ has been updated to no longer prevent saving the resolution if the student lacks an active IEP or Consent to Evaluate within the last 60 school days.

The Removal Reason field has been added to the Safe Schools Detail Report. This new field reports the removal reason associated with the behavior resolution.

Article(s): Safe Schools (Kentucky)

Path: KY State Reporting > Safe Schools


Maine – Conversion Script Run to Populate ProgramParticipationCTE Table (SIS-142616)

A one-time conversion script has been run to populate the dbo.ProgramParticipationCTE table (not already populated). The following logic was used to insert values:

  • If Career Tech Program record contains values in the Participation Detail area, then insert those values in the new fields in the Program Detail area.
    • Fields may convert to more than one record
    • Values will only insert to records where cte=1
    • Do not overwrite existing data in the table, if it exists.

Article(s): N/A

Path: No Specific Path


Massachusetts – SIMS Extract Attendance Calculation Updates (SIS-145012)

The following updates were made to the SIMS Extract:

  • Logic for the Calendar > Calendar > Day Event > Virtual Truancy Days Override has been updated to be included in Attendance logic.
  • Logic for the Days Absent Remote field on the extract has been updated to report the value in the Virtual Truancy Days field as of the date entered on the extract editor.
    • If there is more than one enrollment for a student, logic will calculate each enrollment absent count and then sum across the enrollments.
    • To determine virtual, logic will look at the blended learning group the student is in and the instructional days the blended learning group is added to the calendar as a day event or look to see if there is a Virtual Day Override Event on the calendar.
  • Logic for the Days In Attendance field on the extract has been updated to consider a student as in-person if they are NOT in a blended learning group OR they are in a blended learning group where there is NOT a day event on that instructional day or there is NOT a Virtual Day Override Event on the calendar.

The ‘Copies Forward’ checkbox has been unchecked for the Virtual Truancy Days and Truancy Days fields in the Attribute/Dictionary.

Article(s): SIMS Extract (Massachusetts)

Path: MA State Reporting > Extracts > SIMS Extract

Massachusetts – SIF DisciplineIncident Trigger Logic Update (SIS-145022)

Trigger logic for the SIF DisciplineIncident has been updated to include the following:

Delete - A delete event will send when a Discipline Incident is updated to reflect NO mapped Event State Codes. In other words, a delete should only send if there are 0 state mapped events tied to the incident.

Change - Send a change when multiple Events exist on a Discipline Incident and an Event is either removed or updated to no longer be mapped to a State Event Code and at least one other Event still exists that IS mapped to a State Event Code.

Article(s): SIF (Massachusetts)

Path: No Specific Path


Minnesota - STAR LB Extract Course Reporting (SIS-144375)

Courses that are inactive or marked as Exclude from State Reporting are no longer included in the STAR LB extract.

Article(s): STAR LB

Path: MN State Reporting > STAR LB

Minnesota - Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Association Resync Update (SIS-144669)

The resync logic for the Student Special Education Program Association resource has been updated so that when a resync is performed for an individual student and is scoped to one or more schools via the Resync tool editor, any SSEPA records that may be tied to non-selected schools are not deleted.

Article(s): Minnesota Ed-Fi Data v3.1 – Student Special Education Program Association

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration

Minnesota - Early Learning Tab (SIS-145105)

The Early Learning tab has been renamed Early Childhood. The tab has also been updated to allow overlapping records. The Federal/State Program Updater has been updated to allow posting of overlapping records.

Article(s): Early Learning

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning

Minnesota - Ed-Fi Student School Association and Student Education Organization Association Updates (SIS-144848)

The triggering logic for the Student School Association resource has been updated so that if one calendar is mapped to another calendar in the Calendars Override Mapping, and if there are grade levels shared between the two calendars, the mapped-to calendar governs the grade level exclude status for enrollments tied to either calendar in that grade level.

The Migrant and Immigrant logic in the Student Education Organization Association resource has been updated to report based on the enrollment that is mapped to a non-excluded grade level via the calendar override mapping tool.

A resync on the Student School Association and Student Education Organization Association resources needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): Minnesota Ed-Fi Data v3.1 – Student School Association, Minnesota Ed-Fi Data v3.1 – Student Education Organization Association

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration

Minnesota - Digital Equity Tab (SIS-144929)

A new Digital Equity tab has been added for Minnesota. This tab tracks students' access to internet at home and device access.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs

Minnesota - Ed-Fi Student Language Instruction Program Association Updates (SIS-144944)

The beginDate logic in the Student Language Instruction Program Association resource has been updated to consider both the Parent Declined Date and the Service Start Date when determining the value sent to Ed-Fi.

A resync on the Student Language Instruction Program Association resource needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): Minnesota Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Language Instruction Program Association

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Minnesota - Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Association Update (SIS-145094)

The reporting logic for the optOutIndicatorsDescriptor in the Student Education Organization Association resource has been updated so that only FRAM records with a Start Date on or after July 1st of the scope year are considered for reporting.

A resync on the Student Education Organization resource needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): Minnesota Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Education Organization Association

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Minnesota - Deleting Early Education Records (SIS-145499)

Previously, users were unable to delete a saved Early Education record. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Early Education

Path: Student Information > General > Early Education


Missouri - MOSIS CTSO (SIS-128250)

The Sending District Code reports first from the Residing District field on the student's Enrollment record. If that is blank, the State District Number reports.

The Sending School Code reports first from the Residing School field on the student's Enrollment record. If that is blank, the State School Number reports.

Article(s): MOSIS CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization)

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > CTSO

Missouri - MOSIS Student Core (SIS-144507)

Two new fields have been added to the MOSIS Student Core Extract, Stackable Credential 1 and Stackable Credential 2. At this time, both fields report blank.

Article(s): MOSIS Student Core

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core


Montana – Language of Impact Validations Added to Student Locator (SIS-144447)

A validation for MT enrollment records to require the population of Language of Impact has been added to the Enrollment tool and within Student Locator. The warning message that appears will vary depending on the combination of Immigrant, Date Immigrant Entered US School, Home Primary Language, and Language of Impact values selected on the enrollment record.

Also, a validation was added to require the population of the Language of Impact field when the Home Primary Field is populated in Census or within the Student Locator.

Article(s): Student Locator

Path: Student Information > Student Locator

Montana – NCES Course Codes Added (SIS-145248)

The following SCES Course Codes were added:

  • 10021: Computer Science Discoveries
  • 58151: Drivers' Education - Classroom Only
  • 58152: Drivers' Education - Classroom and Laboratory

Article(s): N/A

Path: System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Course > SCED Course Identifier > State Standard

Montana – CTE Concentrator Modifications (SIS-145273)

The following CTE-related updates were made:

  • The Graduation Date field has become a filler field in the CTE End of Year Extract/Upload.
  • State Program ‘CTE Concentrator’ has been renamed ‘CTE Participant’.
    • The CTE Participant tab is available here: Student Information > General > Program Participation > State Programs > CTE Participant
  • The CTE Concentrator Record Summary has been renamed to ‘CTE Participant Record Summary’.
  • The CTE Participant Record Summary has been added as a report available in the Records Transfer process.
  • State Edition users can now see CTE Participant records from multiple districts when All Districts is selected in the Campus toolbar.

Article(s): Montana CTE; CTE End of Year Upload (Montana); CTE End of Year Extract (Montana)

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > CTE Participant; MT State Reporting > MT Data Upload > CTE End of Year; MT State Reporting > MT Extracts > CTE End of Year

Montana – Serving School and Resident School Fields Added to Enrollment (SIS-145338)

The Serving School and Resident School fields have been added to Enrollments.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Montana – KG Under 5 Board Approved Fields Deprecated and Converted to Filler Fields on Fall/Spring Enrollment Count (SIS-145652)

The Fall KG Under 5 Board Approved and Spring KG Under 5 Board Approved fields have been deprecated from the Enrollments tab. Historical data for these fields will remain in Ad Hoc for reporting purposes however, new data will no longer sync to the State Edition.

Also, the KG Under 5 Board Approved field on the MT Fall Enrollment Count and MT Spring Enrollment Count extracts have been converted to filler fields.

Article(s): Spring Enrollment Count Extract (Montana); Fall Enrollment Count Extract (Montana)

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments; MT State Reporting > MT Extracts > Extract Type > Spring Enrollment Count, Fall Enrollment Count


Nebraska - Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Event and Student Section Attendance Event Updates (SIS-142565) [Enhancement] 

The triggering logic for the Student School Attendance Event and Student Section Attendance Event resources has been updated to not send records if there is a day event on the calendar that makes the day non-instructional. The resources have also been updated to remove events previously sent when a day event is added to the calendar that makes the day non-instructional.

A resync on the Student School Attendance Event and Student Section Attendance Event resources needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): Nebraska Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student School Attendance Event, Nebraska Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Section Attendance Event

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska - Ed-Fi New Adviser PersonID Import/Export Tools (SIS-145149)

An Adviser PersonID Import tool has been created to import student state IDs as they appear in the Nebraska Adviser SSID system.

An Adviser PersonID Export tool has been created to export student data that can be uploaded to the Adviser SSID system.

Article(s): Adviser PersonID Import (Nebraska), Adviser PersonID Extract (Nebraska)

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Reports


Nevada - New Ad Hoc Fields (SIS-145028)

The following fields were added to Ad hoc reporting.

System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail

  •  Abbreviated Name
  • Test Coordinator Last Name
  • Test Coordinator Email

System Administration > Resources > School > School History

  • School Level
  • Low Grade
  • High Grade
  • Title 1 Served
  • RCCI School

System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Detail

  • Test Director Last Name
  • Nutrition Director Last Name

A correction was also made to multiple fields to ensure they are reporting from the correct database table.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Ad Hoc Reporting

Nevada - SCED Code Update (SIS-145525)

The word "Secondary" was removed from the following SCED Code:

SCED Code 01: English Language and Literature.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Attribute Dictionary > SCED Subject Area > State Standard

Nevada - Certification Achieved Date Removed (SIS-145683)

The Career Tech Program - Participation Detail box and the Certification Achieved Date field were removed from the Academic Planning > New Academic Program tool. The Certification Achieved Date field is still available in Ad Hoc and will appear in red text.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Academic Planning > Programs > New Academic Program

Nevada - Save on Flags Tab (SIS-146006)

The Save button was not displaying on the Flags tab for districts in Nevada. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): N/A

Path: Student Information > General > Flags

New Jersey

New Jersey - SMART SID Management Remote Days (SIS-144007)

Logic for reporting attendance minutes for students in Virtual Blended Learning Groups has been added to the Remote Days in Membership and Remote Days Present fields.

Article(s): SMART SID Management (New Jersey)

Path: NJ State Reporting > SMART Extracts > SID Management

New Jersey - Updated County Code (SIS-145086)

County Code 10: Cape May Priv Dis is now available for selection in the Resident County, Receiving County and Attending County fields.

Article(s): New Jersey Enrollment

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments

New Jersey - SMART CTE Submission, Student CTE Record (SIS-145450)

Four new fields have been added to the Student CTE Record:

  • Type of College Credit
  • Work Based Learning
  • Type of Work Based Learning
  • Student Learning Environment

These fields have been added to the SMART CTE Submission Extract.

The following fields have been removed from the Extract:

  • Cumulative Days in Membership
  • Cumulative Days Present
  • Cumulative Days Towards Truancy

These fields have been renamed:

  • County Code Assigned to CTE County Code Assigned
  • District Code Assigned to CTE District Code Assigned
  • School Code Assigned to CTE School Code Assigned

Article(s): New Jersey CTE; SMART CTE Submission (New Jersey)

Path: Student Information > General > CTE; NJ State Reporting > SMART Extracts > CTE Submission

New Mexico

New Mexico - Staff Template Update (SIS-144914)

The Staff Template was updated to report only one record per reportable staff regardless of how many District Employment records were/are active in the reporting range.

Article(s): Staff Template & Staff Snapshot Template (New Mexico)

Path: NM State Reporting > Staff & Staff Snapshot_Template

New York

New York - SIRS Student Lite Update (SIS-143705)

Reporting logic was updated to report student address information even if the student does not have an active household membership. If all of the student's household memberships have an end date, the most recent household address now reports.

Article(s): SIRS Student Lite (New York)

Path: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Student Lite

New York - SIRS Programs Fact Update for FRAM (SIS-144759)

The Programs Fact extract was reporting from FRAM eligibility records that ended before the enrollment began. This issue was corrected.

Article(s): SIRS Programs Fact (New York)

Path: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Programs Fact

New York Immunizations Update (SIS-144836)

The Tdap and Hib vaccine immunization compliance rules have been updated for New York.

Article: New York Immunization Rules

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

New York - +SIRS Student Daily Attendance, Student Attendance Code (SIS-145259)

Logic for reporting the following fields has been modified to include a hard coded value of PRSNT (Present) to meet Covid-19 reporting requirements for the SIRS Attendance Codes Extract:

  • Attendance Description
  • Attendance Code Long
  • State Attendance Code
  • State Attendance Description

The District Code reports the School District Code, followed by the first 6 digits of the BEDS code.

The School Year Date field reports a value of June 30 for the reporting school year

The Attendance Code Type always reports a value of Student.

The Student Daily Attendance Extract has been updated for the following:

  • Attendance Instructional Modality reports a value when the student is marked as Present or Tardy. In addition, a record must be reported for all instructional days; missing days default to Absent.
  • If a record includes a suspension, that reports as OSS or ISS.
  • If a suspension record is reported, it also reports whether the student was absent, present or tardy.

Article(s): SIRS Student Daily Attendance; SIRS Attendance Code

Path: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Student Daily Attendance, Attendance Code


Ohio Special Ed Update (SIS-144834)

Several updates have been made to Ohio Special Ed documents. Updates include:

  • The Date field on the OH Progress Report is now required.
  • The Date field on the OH Transition Progress Report is now required.
  • An issue when saving the OH Transition Progress Report has been fixed.
  • A new field has been added to the Statewide & Districtwide Testing editor on the OH 2019.2 IEP.
  • Page breaks have been added to the Measurable Annual Goals sections on the printed OH 2019.2 IEP so each goal displays on its own page.

Article: Individual Education Plans (Ohio)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Ohio - Student Program Record (GQ) State Seal Update (SIS-145122)

The State Seal code list has been updated. The Program Code field on the GQ extract has also been updated to report based on State Seal. If the State Seal Status is IP, the Student Plans to Earn code reports. If the State Seal Status is C, reports the Seal Earned code. When State Seal Status is NC or blank, a value does not report. Only records with a unique Status are reported.

Article(s): GQ

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal; OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > GQ

Ohio - Student Course Grade (FR) Update (SIS-145660)

The following updates have been made to and in support of the FR extract:

  • Previously, the Term field in the FR extract was incorrectly reporting duplicate record and required numeric values. This field has been updated to no longer report duplicate records and to allow alphanumeric values.
  • A State Score field has been added to the Score Groups tool.
  • The code lists for Semester Code Override on the Section tool and Semester Code on the Course tool have been updated.
  • FR report logic has been updated to report records only if credit is assigned to a Grading Task on the Course.
  • The Term field has been updated to consider the number of terms the section meets and the term that a grade/grading task is being reported. If a grade is not reported, the same logic is used, except the latest term the section is scheduled within the extract date range is used, rather than the term a grade was received.
  • The Grade field has been updated to report as follows:
    • If the record is reported for a grade received on a Grading Task marked as State Reported, this field reports the State Score value selected on the Score Group mapped to the grade the student received. If no State Score exists, reports the grade.
    • If the Grading Task is not marked as State Reported and the student has a Roster End Date prior to the end of the section, reports as W. If the section has ended, reports as I. Otherwise reports as U.
  • The Grade Status field has been updated to report as F if the Grading Task being reported is marked as Final. If not, reports as I. If reporting a record for a student in a course where they do not yet have a grade in a state reported Grading Task, the final term the section is scheduled in is not over, and the student does not have a Roster End Date, reports as P. If the student has a Roster End Date or the last day of the section has passed, reports as F.

Article(s): FR

Path: Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics; Scheduling > Courses > Course > Semester Code; Scheduling > Courses > Section > Semester Code Override; OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > FR


Pennsylvania Immunizations Update (SIS-142301)

The following vaccine immunization compliance rules have been updated for Pennsylvania:

  • Hepatitis B
  • DTaP
  • Tdap

Article: Pennsylvania Immunization Rules

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

Pennsylvania IEP Updates (SIS-145095)

Several updates have been made to the PA 2021 IEP, including:

  • a new option, Cycle, has been added to the Frequency dropdown on the Transition Goals and Services editor.
  • a new option, Gifted Support, has been added to the Secondary Support dropdown on the Education Placement editor.

Article: Individual Education Plan (Pennsylvania)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Pennsylvania IEP Fix (SIS-145465)

An issue where the PA IEP 2020.2 print format was updated instead of the PA 2021 has been fixed.

Article: Individual Education Plan (Pennsylvania)

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Pennsylvania - Table 8A Extract (SIS-145557)

The Table 8A Extract now generates when the Generate Extract button is selected.

Article(s): Special Education Table 8A Extract (Pennsylvania)

Path: PA State Reporting > Special Education Tables > Table 8A Extract

Pennsylvania - PIMS Keystone Exemption Extract (SIS-145597)

The following modifications have been made to the Keystone Exemption Extract:

  • Fields 7-9 and 11-12 are filler fields and report blank.
  • The Ad hoc Filter selection on the Report Editor has been removed. Only the Course Ad hoc Filter selection is available. See the article below for guidance on using the Course Ad hoc Filter.
  • The Location Code Override field on the State Reporting Enrollment fields is now a dropdown list and includes the same values as the Resident School dropdown list.

Article(s): PIMS Keystone Exemption Extract

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extract > 1920 Keystone Exemption Extract


Tennessee – New Ed-Fi Resources (SIS-125636)

The following resources have been activated to report Ed-Fi data:

  • Calendars
  • Calendar Date
  • Local Education Agency Calendar
  • Local Education Agency Calendar Date
  • Grading Periods
  • Sessions

Article(s): Tennessee Ed-Fi Resources

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Tennessee - Ed-Fi Locator Tool (SIS-126214)

The Ed-Fi Locator tool has been enabled to allow districts to assign unique Ed-Fi IDs for students and staff.

Article(s): Enter an Ed-Fi ID

Path: Census > People > Demographics

Tennessee - EIS 040 Student Extract Update (SIS-145594)

The 040 extract has been updated so that if the student's Birth Country is AA, the Birth Country and Birth State fields will report as blank and the Birth County will report 0's.

Article(s): 040

Path: TN State Reporting > EIS Batch Transmission > 040


Utah – Academic Programs Tools Now Available (SIS-144981)

The Academic Programs tool is now available. This tool show a student's progress towards completion of a program, including specific course requirements for the career track and any assessments or certificates that need to be taken in order to complete the program.

Article(s): Academic Programs

Path: Program Admin > Academic Programs

Utah – SIF StudentAttendanceSummary Updates (SIS-145263)

Logic for the StudentAttendanceSummary/DaysInMembership element has been updated to include the following:

  • When the enrollment Local Start Status is not mapped to 04 or 05:
    • For any day where the student has either of the following, the day must not be counted as a membership day:
      • Any day that falls on or between the student's locked IEP Start Date and End Date when the IEP Time field = "C"
      • Any day that falls on or between the student's Youth In Care record Start Date and Exit Date when the YIC record has a Time Code field = "C"
        • When the Youth In Care Exit Date is null, any day on or after the Youth In Care Start Date must be excluded

Logic for the StudentAttendanceSummary/DaysAttended element has been updated to include the following:

When DaysInMembership is mapped to ""PVT"", report ""000"".

Article(s): SIF (Utah)

Path: No Specific Path


Virginia - Master Schedule F Records Update (SIS-144194)

Logic for the Virtual Course field was updated.

  • If the Section > Online Course (Override) is blank, the value reports from Course > Online Course.
  • If the Course > Online Course is blank, code "3" reports when the student was in any blended learning group that put them in a seat during the school year at any time from the first instructional day to the effective date of report generation.
  • When Section and Course Online dropdown lists are blank and the student does not meet requirements for reporting code 3, code 4 reports when the student's Digital Equity tab's Parental Remote Learning Decision = Yes, Remote Learning Only and Internet Access for Remote Learning = 4, 5 or 6, as of the Effective Date of report generation. The End Date can be blank, on, or after the report generation Effective Date.
  • When the student does not match any of the previous requirements, 3 reports.

Article(s): Master Schedule Report (Virginia)

Path: VA State Reporting > Master Schedule > F Records - Student

Virginia - New Assessment State Codes (SIS-145564)

The following new Assessment State Codes were added to Assessment > Test Setup > State Test.

  • 9759 - CRE9759
  • 9752 - CRE9752
  • 9791 - CRE9791

Article(s): N/A

Path: Assessment > Test Setup > State Test


Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Configuration Message (SIS-143442)

A message has been added to the Ed-Fi Configuration screen to remind users to remove state configurations that are older than three years.

Article(s): N/A

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration

Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Student Section Association and Grades Resources Updates (SIS-143689)

The Student Section Association resource has been updated to correctly report the sessionName and endDate for a student who drops a class before the end of the year. The Student Section Association resource has also been updated to not report records associated with an enrollment that is marked State Exclude if a student has multiple enrollments in the same school.

The Grades resource has been updated to correctly report the sessionName for a student who drops a class before the end of the year.

A resync on the Student Section Association and Grades resources needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): Wisconsin Ed-Fi Data v3.3 – Student Section Association, Wisconsin Ed-Fi Data v3.3 – Grades

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration

Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Association Update (SIS-145175)

The limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor in the Student Education Organization Association resource has been updated to only report for the enrollment in which the student was EL if the student has multiple enrollments

A resync on the Student Education Organization Association resource needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): Wisconsin Ed-Fi Data v3.3 - Student Education Organization Association, Wisconsin Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Education Organization Association

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Performance Base Conversion Descriptor (SIS-146097)

The Performance Base Conversion Descriptor for the Grades resource mapping was missing from the v3.1 and v3.3 configurations. This issue has been corrected.

Article(s): Ed-Fi v3.X Resource Preferences - Grades

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration


Wyoming - WDE-684 Special Ed File Update (SIS-145143)

The ResidentSchoolID and ServiceSchoolID fields in the WDE-684 Special Education File have been updated to report the Resident School or Service School (respectively) entered on the student's most recent primary enrollment inside the IEP date range. If null, reports the State School Number associated with the enrollment.

Article(s): WDE-684

Path: WY State Reporting > WDE-684

Wyoming - WDE-950 Courses File Update (SIS-145334)

The Instruction Level field in the WDE-950 Courses file has been updated to report from the Section first, or from the Course if a value is not selected on the Section.

Article(s): WDE-950

Path: WY State Reporting > WDE-950