Creating and Managing your CampusID

Please share this page with new staff to help them get started with the Campus Community. It is not required for users to be logged into the Community to access links to Knowledge Base pages.

The Campus Community provides users access to news, moderated forums, a knowledge base of product information, online training with Campus Passport, and more. Support and Technical contacts will have access to additional features, including the ability to submit and manage support cases. Technical Contacts will also be able to request updates and/or sandbox refreshes.

District staff who have access to the Campus Application can create an account for the Campus Community. This account is called a CampusID.

Navigating to the Community

Navigate to the Campus Community by using the App Switcher and selecting Community.

Classic Campus

New Look

Creating a CampusID

Click the Community link to create your CampusID. 

  • The first time you click this link, the process of creating a CampusID will begin.
  • If you have already created a Campus ID during a training session, Sign In to link your Infinite Campus account with your CampusID. Use the Forgot Password section if you need to recover your password.

  • Click Continue to create a new CampusID.

Once a CampusID has been linked to your Campus user account, you will be automatically signed in when you navigate to the Community from the Campus Application. 

Read through and accept the Terms of Use. The terms of use can be viewed in a separate window by clicking the link in the bottom right.

Username and Password Entry

  1. Create a Username. This will be visible to other users, primarily as you post on the forums. Usernames must be unique and cannot be changed. They may only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
  2. Create a Password. Passwords must be at least six characters long and should include two or more of the following: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, symbols.
  3. Confirm your password is correct.
  4. Confirm your Registration Information. Please change anything that is not accurate.

Profile Information

  1. Enter your primary Role or Title in the district. 
  2. Select your School District or Organization. If there is more than one, select the one that most accurately meets your affiliation.
  3. Select your City and State.
  4. Select your Time Zone. This will impact the time stamps visible on the forums. For technical contacts, the time zone will be used for any requested updates.
  5. Click Finish when you are done.

Now that a CampusID has been associated with your district login, you will be able to log in directly by going to or by clicking any of the Community links in the Campus Application. 

If your district is going through the implementation process, and does not yet have a production site, users must use the Community URL. Demo, conversion and other non-production sites are not linked to the Campus Community and cannot be used to create accounts.

If you have the Community URL bookmarked, you may be periodically asked to re-verify your account by logging in through the Campus Application.

Modifying User Settings

While your CampusID is linked to your district site, CampusID data is managed outside of your district site. Your CampusID password and other account details need to be managed separately from your Campus login.

To manage your account details, click your name in the header of the Campus Community.

Account Details

Account Details are used to identify you as the owner of your account. Please note that your username cannot be changed once it has been created.

 Changing your First or Last Name 

  1. Select Account Details from the left menu.
  2. Type your First Name.
  3. Type your Last Name.
  4. Click Update Details.

Changing your CampusID Password

  1. On the CampusID page, select Change Password.
  2. Confirm your Current Password for security purposes.
  3. Create a New Password.
  4. Retype your password to Confirm New Password.
  5. Click Change Password to save.


Changing Your CampusID Email 

Your CampusID email address is used to receive notifications on support cases for Support Contacts or to receive notifications from the Campus Forums. 

  1. Select Change Email from the menu.
  2. Confirm your Current Password for security purposes.
  3. Enter the new Email Address
  4. Click Change Email to submit the change.