Course Structure Setup (Texas)

Texas TSDS reporting requires specific setup for course structures. Failing to follow this setup will result in reporting inaccuracies. Be sure to follow the instructions below when implementing new districts or building new courses for existing systems.

Many TSDS reports rely on precise setup in order to accurately report. If this setup is not carefully done, the following reports may generate inaccurately:

Before You Start

Be sure the following items are setup prior to Course Structure Setup:

  • A district comprised of at least one school
    • The school(s) must have calendar(s). Please see the Texas Calendar article for more information.
      • The Calendar(s) must have: grade levels, schedule structure, terms, periods, and days. Please see the Manage Calendar Information article for more information on setting up these fields.  Users must also setup attendance periods and the attendance snapshot time.

Staff District Assignment Setup Required for State Reporting

TSDS Reports require very specific setup on Census. Please visit the Texas Census article for more information.

Grading Tasks Setup Required for State Reporting

TSDS Reports require very specific setup for Grading Tasks. Please visit the Texas Grading Tasks article for more information.

Course Tab Setup Required for State Reporting

TSDS Reports require very specific setup on the Course tab. Please visit the Texas Scheduling Components article for more information.

Staff History Setup in Course Sections Required for State Reporting

TSDS Reports require very specific setup on the Staff History tool. Please visit the Texas Scheduling Components article for more information.