User Account and Groups


Calendar Rights User Groups - Study Guide
Calendar Rights determine what school, year and calendar access is provided to all users within a user group. Calendar rights work in tandem with Tool Rights, where Tool Rights determine which tools user group members can access and Calendar Rights determine which calendars user group members are allowed to view and modify via Campus tools.
Tool Rights User Groups - Study Guide
Tool rights user groups allow you to determine which tools are accessible and what level of data modification is accessible for all users assigned to the user group. Tool rights user groups are an efficient way to assign the same tools and data rights to a similar group of people (e.g, teachers, counselors, attendance clerks) and provides an easy way to remove or modify tool rights for a group of people.
User Account Creation, Maintenance, and Reporting
User accounts manage what tools each user is allowed to access within Campus and what data and calendars they have access to view and report. This guide will walk you through all the tools necessary to create, assign, and maintain user accounts within Campus.