PATH: Scheduling
The Scheduling module encompasses tools necessary for creating and managing student schedules.
See the Scheduling Tool Rights article for descriptions of available tool rights for Scheduling.
Course and Section Setup
Topic |
Tool |
Add a new course |
Edit Course Information Add NCES Data to a Course Add Course Description Information |
Add or edit course section information. |
Manage Courses and Course Sections
Topic |
Tool |
Add Scheduling Rules and Planning Rules to Courses |
Restrict Course Placement, Teacher Assignments and Room Scheduling |
Add lunch group options |
Assign Assessments for Teacher-Scored Tests |
Add a fee to a course |
Assign Staff Members to a Section |
Create Scheduling Teams |
Assign a scheduling team to a course section |
Attach Grading Tasks to Courses |
Add Standards to Courses |
Add Categories to Courses |
Add Grade Calculation Options to Courses | Grade Calc Options |
Manage student constraint restrictions. | Student Constraints |
Add Students to Sections
Topic |
Tool |
Create Section Rosters |
Copy Section Rosters |
Assign students to a Scheduling Team |
Assign Start/End Dates, Repeat Status and Credit Status for Students in a Section |
Assign Counselors to Students |
Schedule Students who have Schedule Gaps |
Schedule Students based on Courses and Section |
Print Section Information
Topic |
Tool |
Generate a roster list for a single course section |
Batch print section rosters |
Use the Schedule Wizard
Topic |
Tool |
Create student course requests |
Manage Scheduling Trials |
Move, Build and Delete Course Sections |
Add staff requirements for open periods and ability to teach courses |
Add course information for section placement and teacher requirements |
Build a master schedule |
Load course requests |
Make a Trial Active |
Generate schedule reports for completion |
Record Grades and Attendance
Topic |
Tool |
Record student attendance for a course section |
Assign Student Grades by Grading Task |
Assign Student Grades by Student |
Generate Schedule Related Reports
Topic |
Tool |
Generate a report of seat counts |
Generate a report of sections, terms, periods and rooms |
Generate a report of open rooms for scheduling |
Generate a teacher load report |
Generate a Master Schedule Report |
Generate a report of unmet student course requests |
Generate a summary of student course requests and course requests satisfied |
Generate a batch report of student course requests |
Generate a batch report of student schedules |
Generate a report of potential course request conflicts |
Generate a report of students who have requested particular courses |
Generate a report of students who have an insufficient number of course requests for a complete schedule |
Generate a summary of course requests, course seat max and required section allocation |
Generate a batch report of all teachers' schedules |
Generate a report of teachers assigned to course sections |
Generate a report of section rosters |
Generate a report of planned courses over the next several years | Course Projections Report |