Classic View: Student Information > General > Program Participation > State Programs > Early Reading Deficiency
Search Terms: Early Reading Deficiency
The Early Reading Deficiency tool is used to indicate reading deficiencies in the student. Districts may track data for students with reading deficiencies using this tool.
Early Reading Deficiency record dates may NOT overlap one another.
Michigan Early Reading Deficiency Detail Editor
Start Date
This field indicates the date on which a reading deficiency was identified for the student.
End Date
End date indicates the date on which the student no longer displays reading deficiencies.
Reading Deficiency Identified
Use the drop-list to indicated if a reading deficiency was identified, any time during the current school year, for the student.
Reading Deficiency Continuation
This drop-list is used to indicate if the student's identified reading deficiency still exists at the end of the current school year.
Reading Deficiency Activities
Use this field to indicate the reading activities in which the student is participating. Select as many as are applicable.