Classic View: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar
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Michigan Calendar Tabs
Within Calendar, there are nine tabs: Calendar, Grade Levels, Schedule Structure, Terms, Periods, Days, Overrides, Attendance Periods, and Calendar GPA. While not all fields in these tabs are specific to Michigan, some of these fields are critical to ensuring accurate state reporting. These tabs and fields are described below. For all other inquires, please see the appropriate article linked above.
The Calendar tab stores basic information about the calendar, including many fields which impact how the calendar is included within state reports and accountability calculations. Michigan has not defined Calendar fields that are specific to Michigan. Please see the Calendar Details article for more information.
Michigan Calendar Info Editor
Grade Levels
The Grade Levels tab lists the grades that attend the selected school. Only students in the listed grades can be enrolled into that calendar. Fields that are specific to the state of Michigan are defined below. Please see the Grade Levels article for all other inquiries.
State Grade Level Code
State-defined grade level. Each grade level in the district should be mapped to a State Grade Level Code.
MSDS Attendance Model
Use this drop-list to select the type of Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Attendance Model being used.