Classic View: Student Information > General > Graduation
Search Terms: Graduation
Fields on the Graduation tool that are specific to the state of Colorado are described below. Fields that do not require unique, state-specific data are described in the Graduation article.
General Graduation Information
Diploma Type
The Graduation Type drop-list allows users to select the type of plan under which the student graduated. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
The State Reporting Graduation fields are unique to the state of Colorado. These fields allow districts to enter graduation-specific data for each student in the state of Colorado.
Guideline Accommodation
The graduation guidelines law provides that students with disabilities (with an IEP), English learners, and students in gifted and talented programs may receive district determined alternative accommodations to the graduation guidelines requirements. Students must be identified by the district providing the accommodation in the Student Demographic File to code a student as receiving a graduation guideline accommodation.
This Guideline Accommodation field allows users to indicate whether the student has been provided an accommodation to the graduation guidelines requirements because they have an IEP, are an English learner, or are in a gifted and talented program. Multiple entries may be added.
Seals and Guidelines
The Seals and Guidelines section allows the addition of State Seals and other graduation-related Guidelines to a student's graduation record. When Biliteracy: CO State Seal of Biliteracy is selected the Guideline met field is disabled.
State Seal Information
The type of Seal or Guideline earned upon graduation to be placed on the student's transcript.
- Biliteracy: CO State Seal of Biliteracy
- Local: Local Measure
Achievement Date
The date the student became proficient so they are eligible to earn a state seal upon meeting additional graduation requirements.
Proficiency Language
The language in which the student became proficient and/or earned a State Seal of Biliteracy.
This field only applies to the CO State Seal of Biliteracy. When the Seal/Guideline field is set to Local Measure, this field cannot be populated.
Guideline Met
Indicates the measure a student has met towards graduation requirements.
This field only applies to the Local Measure Seal/Guideline. When the Seal/Guideline field is set to CO State Seal of Biliteracy, this field cannot be populated.
- EM: English Met
- EMM: English/Math Met
- MM: Math Met