Flags and Programs - Study Guide

Flags and Programs provide ways to add visual alerts to students. Flags appear in the header to the right of the student's name. Graduation Programs, which are part of academic planning and not covered in this lesson, can be flagged when they are assigned to students. Other types of Programs do not appear in the header and can have sessions attached to them indicating the date, time and location students assigned to the program will be participating in it.

Use this Study Guide to learn how to:

  • Create and manage Flags and flag assignments for students
  • Use Ad Hoc to extract Flag-related information
  • Create and manage general Programs and Program Sessions


Create and Manage Flags

Schools can use the tools found at Program Admin > Flags to create any number of flags which can then be used to add labels to student headers. Some examples of flags include food allergies and contact restrictions. 


Manage Flags for Individual Students

Flags are associated with images and are used to add alerts to specific students.


Use Ad Hoc to Extract Flag Related Information

This lesson provides a general overview of how to use Ad Hoc.


Programs and Sessions

Create and Maintain Programs

Programs can have Sessions attached to them to indicate the date, place and time the program is taking place.



Create and Maintain Program Sessions

Program Sessions can be created and assigned to a Program when there is a need to track a specific date, time and location of a program.



Assign a Program to a Student

Programs are assigned to and managed for an individual selected student.




Batch Assign Flags and Programs to Students

Programs and flags can be mass-assigned to students.
