READ Teacher Training Extract

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The READ Teacher Training Extract is used to ensure all K-3 teachers, as defined by the READ Act and Rule, have completed evidence-based training in teaching reading. It is required that districts annually submit this report to verify that each teacher who provides literacy instruction has completed the training. 

READ Teacher Training Extract

Report Logic

Each staff person who has an active District Assignments record within the entered Start and End Date with an associated Teacher Training Status Code is included in the report. Each distinct record (for those who have multiple district assignment records during the date range) reports.

Report Editor

Start DateBeginning date used to return teacher training information. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
End DateLast date used to return teacher training information. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
FormatSelection determines whether the extract generates in the State Format (fixed width), CSV or HTML format.
Ad hoc FilterWhen chosen, only those staff included in the selected ad hoc filter are reported in the extract, if they meet the requirements of the extract.
Report GenerationThe extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the report.
  2. Select the desired Format for the report.
  3. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  4. Click the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch button. The extract displays in the selected format. 

READ Teacher Training - State Format (fixed width)

READ Teacher Training - CSV Format

READ Teacher Training - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
School District

Lists the CDE-assigned four-digit number for each school district or BOCES.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


School CodeReports the four-digit State School Number associated to which the school employee is assigned.

System Administration > Resources > School > School Editor > State School Number


EDIDReports the 8-digit CDE-assigned employee identification number.

Numeric, 8 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

Staff First NameReports the staff person's first name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > First Name

Staff Last NameReports the staff person's last name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Last Name

Staff GenderReports the staff person's gender (01 = Female, 02 = Male).

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Gender

Staff Date of BirthReports the staff person's birth date.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)
Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date

Staff Primary K-3 Grade LevelReports the code of the grade level the staff person primarily serves (most classes/most time). 
  • 007 - Kindergarten
  • 010 - Grade 1
  • 020 - Grade 2
  • 030 - Grade 3

Numeric, 3 digits

Census > People > District Assignments > Employment Assignment Information > Staff's Primary K-3 Grade Level

Staff Teacher Training StatusReports the assigned code that indicates whether the staff person has completed training in literary instruction.

See the Staff's Teacher Training Status section below for details on these options.

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > District Assignments > Employment Assignment Information > Staff's Teacher Training Status

Staff Teacher Training Not Complete NarrativeReports the explanation for why the educator has not completed training.

This is required for any educator who is assigned the Staff Teacher Training Status of 13: No, this educator did not complete the training due to another reason other than being newly hired.

Alphanumeric, 255 characters
Census > People > District Assignments > Employment Assignment Information > Training Not Complete Narrative


Staff's Teacher Training Status Codes

Yes, evidence submitted by education to CDE via COOL or Secure Transfer confirming course completion
Yes, evidence submitted by district to CDE via Syncplicity confirming course completion
No, Educator did not complete the training as they were newly hired after the deadline.
No, this educator did not complete the training due to another reason other than being newly hired.