Homeless Tab (Tennessee)

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

The Homeless tab records basic homeless information as well as district-defined fields.

The Homeless tab for Tennessee

The list of homeless records is sorted by Start Date.

Previously, homeless fields were stored on the Enrollment tab. Using a separate homeless tab allows these records to have more accurate dates representing the student's period of homelessness.

The homeless tab includes the following fields:

Field Description
Homeless Nighttime Residence The nighttime residence of the homeless student.
Unaccompanied Youth Indication of whether the student is unaccompanied by a parent/guardian.
McKinney Vento Indication of whether the homeless student is being served by a McKinney-Vento program.
Start Date The first day the student was considered to be homeless.
End Date The last day the student was considered to be homeless.

Custom Fields and Tabs

Districts have the option of adding district-specific elements to the Homeless tab or district-specific tabs.

The Custom Attribute article explains how to add a field to the Homeless tab. Select Homeless as the Screen Location.

See the Custom Tab article for instructions on adding a district-specific tab. Select Homeless as the Tabset and then use the Custom Attribute tool to add fields to the tab.



