Kentucky Immunization Rules

Classic Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

Search Terms: Vaccines

Health vaccines and their associated compliance listings are based on state guidelines. While Infinite Campus maintains standard guidelines for all states, districts have the ability to enter additional compliances. The following information describes vaccine compliance rules as defined by the Kentucky Department of Health and Family Services.

For more information on the creation, modification or deletion of vaccine compliances, see the Vaccines page.

General Compliance

  • 1 month is equal to 28 days.
  • 1 year is equal to the person's birth date, minus 4 days.
  • 6 months is equal to 28 days x 6 - 4 (168 - 4 = 164 days).
  • Two doses of Measles containing vaccine required for students born Oct 1, 1992 or later (first does must be MMR).
  • Hep B is required for all students born Oct 1, 1992 or later.
    • Students born before October 1, 1992 are exempt.


The following tables describe all Kentucky immunization requirements per vaccine.


  • 3 doses of DTaP are required for students age 7 and older if at least one dose is Td or Tdap.

Student Age



3 months1 doseA child must have 1 dose of DTap no less than 38 days of age.

5 months

2 dose

A second dose must be 4 weeks or 24 days after the first dose and the child must b at least 66 days of age.

7 months

3 doses

A third dose must be 24 days after the second dose and the child must be at least 94 days of age.
16 months4 doses

A fourth dose must be no less than 164 days after the third dose and the child must be at least 361 days of age.

Before 4 years5 dosesIf the fourth dose was given before age 4, a fifth booster shot is required. 

Tdap or Td

Student Age



Student entering 6th grade as of July 1st of current year

1 Dose

  • For the 2014-2015 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-9 and has not received a Tdap dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant.
    • But if the student is in grades 7-9 and they have had a Tdap dose, then they will show as No-Requirement.
  • For the 2015-2016 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-10 and has not received a Tdap dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant.
    • But if the student is in grades 7-10 and they have had a Tdap dose, then they will show as No-Requirement.
  • For the 2016-2017 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-11 and has not received a Tdap dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant
    • But if the student is in grades 7-11 and they have had a Tdap dose, then they will show as No-Requirement.
  • For the 2017-2018 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-12 and has not received a Tdap dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant
    • But if the student is in grades 7-12 and they have had a Tdap dose, then they will show as No-Requirement.

Hepatitis B

  • Adolescents age 11-15 years may receive 2 doses of adult Hep B vaccine, no less than 108 days apart. This would be considered a complete series.
  • 3 doses of Pediatric Hep B or 2 doses of Adult Hep B are accepted for compliance.

Student Age



3 months

1 dose

5 months

2 doses

The child must have 2 doses of Hep B separated by no less than 24 days.

19 months

3 doses

The child must have 3 doses of Hep B no less than 108 days from the first dose and must be at least 164 days of age.

The first and third doses must be separated by at least 108 days.


  • If Varicella and MMR are not administered at the same time, the second live vaccine (whichever is given second) should be repeated after 28 days.

Student Age



0-15 months

No requirement

16 months

1 dose

First dose must be given to child no less than 361 days of age.

48 months

2 doses

Second dose must be MMR or measles containing vaccine no less than 24 days from the first dose and the child must be at least 389 days old.


  • If Varicella and MMR are not administered at the same time, the second live vaccine (whichever is given second) should be repeated after 28 days.

Student Age



0-16 months

No requirement

Under 48 months and NOT in K-12

1 dose

First dose should be on or after the child's first birthday (with 4 day tolerance).

At least 48 months of age

2 doses

Second dose should be on or after 389 days of age and at least 24 days since the first dose.

A second dose is only required for those students the meet the following rules based on grade and calendar year:

  • 2014-2015 - If student is in grade Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then they need 2 doses. All other students only require 1 dose. 
  • 2015-2016 - If student is in grade Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10, then they need 2 doses. All other students only require 1 dose.
  • 2016-2017 - If student is in grade Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, then they need 2 doses. All other students only require 1 dose.

Students must be at least 48 months old.


Student Age



0-2 months

No requirement

3 months

1 dose

Child must be at least 38 days old.

5 months

2 doses

Second dose must be at least 24 days from the first dose and the child must be at least 66 days old.

19 months

3 doses

Third dose must be at least 24 days from the second dose and the child must be at least 94 days old. 

Maximum age is 47 months.

At least 48 months old4 doses

If 3 doses of IPV was given before 3 years plus 361 days of age, a fourth booster shot must be administered.

Fourth dose must be at least 6 months from the third dose and the child must be at least 48 months of age.


Student Age



0-2 months

No requirement

3-4 months

1 dose

Dose 1 must be administered on or after at least 38 days of age.

5-6 months

2 doses

Dose 2 must be administered on or after at least 66 days of age.

Child is compliant if first dose was on or after 7 months of age.

Dose 2 must be at least 24 days after administration of dose 1.

7-11 months

3 doses

Dose 3 must be administered on or after at least 94 days of age.

Dose 3 must be at least 24 days after administration of dose 2.

12 months to 4 years

4 doses

Dose 4 must be administered on or after at least 361 days of age.

Dose 4 must be at least 52 days after administration of dose 3.

Required if last dose was on or after 12 months of age.

HIB Haemophilus influenzae type B

  • If a dose of HIB has been administered to the child after age 1 year plus 2 months and 24 days, no further doses are required.
  • If the child is 4 years and 361 days of age or older, this vaccine is not required.

Student Age



0-2 months

No requirement

3 months

1 dose

Should not be administered until the child is 38 days or older.

5 months

2 doses

Should not be administered sooner than 24 days from the first dose and at least 66 days of age.

12 months

3 doses

Should not be administered sooner than 24 days from the second dose and at least 94 days of age.

This dose is not required if all previous doses were meningococcal protein conjugate.

16 months4 dosesShould not be administered sooner than 52 days from the third or second dose (if all previous doses were meningcococcal protein conjugate) and at least 361 days of age.

Meningococcal MCV4

Student Age



Student entering 6th grade as of July 1st of current year

1 Dose

  • For the 2014-2015 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-9 and has not received a Meningococcal dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant.
    • But if the student is in grades 7-9 and they have had a Meningococcal dose, then they will appear as No-Requirement.
  • For the 2015-2016 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-10 and has not received a Meningococcal dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant.
    • But if the student is in grades 7-10 and they have had a Meningococcal dose, then they will appear as No-Requirement.
  • For the 2016-2017 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-11 and has not received a Meningococcal dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant.
    • But if the student is in grades 7-11 and they have had a Meningococcal dose, then they will appear as No-Requirement.
  • For the 2016-2017 calendar year, if the student is in grades 7-12 and has not received a Meningococcal dose, the student is considered Non-Compliant.
    • But if the student is in grades 7-12 and they have had a Meningococcal dose, then they will appear as No-Requirement.

Booster 16+ 


The student is considered compliant if the student student is at least 16 years (192 months) old and has received 2 doses of the Meningococcal vaccine.

Over 16 shot


The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:

  • student is at least 16 years (192 months) old,
  • student has received 1 dose of the Meningococcal vaccine, and
  • the difference between the last dose and the student's birthdate is greater than or equal to 192 months.

1 dose 16+


The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:

  • student is no older than at least 16 years (192 months) old, 
  • the student is in state grade 6-11, and
  • the student has only received 1 dose of the Meningococcal vaccine.

Hep A

No Requirements under 1Students under the age of 1 year (12 months) old are not required to receive any doses of the Hepatitis A (Hep A) vaccine.

2 doses


Students are considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:

  • student is at least 12 months old, but no older than 216 months,
  • the student has received 2 doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine, 
  • the difference between the first dose and the student's birthdate is greater than 12 months, and
  • the difference between the second dose and the previous is at least 6 months with a 4 day tolerance.

