EIS 021 Instructional Program Report Period Extract (Tennessee)

PATH: TN State Reporting > EIS Batch Transmission File

The 021 Instructional Program Report Period extract is used to upload 20 day reporting period information to EIS. This extract reports school calendar information and is used to complete ADA/ADM calculations for the school by reporting the school's 20 Day Report Period schedule to be used by the state.

Districts are required to provide a minimum of 180 days of instruction to students, which include Stockpile Professional Development and Stockpile Inclement Weather days. An Instructional Program Report Period is defined as 20 or less instructional days. The ninth period may contain more or less than 20 days to accommodate variation in the remaining instructional days at the end of the school year.

Typically, districts will upload the 020, 021, and 022 records to EIS after the District Calendar has been uploaded.

See the EIS Batch Transmission article for an overview of the EIS Batch Transmission File, logic that applies to all extracts, and generation instructions.

Report Logic

Nine or more 021 Instructional Program Report Period extracts are uploaded for a school year, each of which include a unique Report Period Number. Typically, a school reports 9 Program Report Periods (01-09). Dates of each subsequent record are dependent on the one that preceded it.

Data is only reported from School calendars that are tied to an active School Year. School calendars are those which have a Type other than D. Each calendar requires a unique Instructional Program Number. Campus recommends using the Trial EIS Batch option to audit Instructional Program Report Periods.

Records are not reported for calendars marked as Exclude. Calendars with a Number of null, 0, or greater than 2 digits are not reported and display in the warning report. If a record was previously reported and then marked as exclude, a delete record will be sent to EIS for each record.

Logic for determining the Record Type (New, Edit, or Delete) is as follows:

Record TypeLogic
NewNew records report when there is not an existing record. A record has a Type of 'New' if the Record Key (which is comprised of the Record ID, Record Version, District ID, School ID, School Year, and Instructional Program Number) does not match an existing record in the EIS Current View.

Edit records contain a change or correct to a previously submitted record. A record has a Type of 'Edit' if the Record Key (which is comprised of the Record ID, Record Version, District ID, School ID, School Year, Instructional Program Number, and Report Period Number) matches an existing record in the EIS Current View and includes differences in individual elements.

DeleteDelete records are sent when a record previously submitted during the school year no longer exists at Campus. Delete records ignore selections made in the extract editor and include all calendars in the Active Year. A record has a Type of 'Delete' if the Record Key (which is comprised of the Record ID, Record Version, District ID, School ID, School Year, and Instructional Program Number) of a record in the EIS Current View does not match a record in Campus, indicating that the record has been removed or excluded in Campus.


021 Instructional Program Report Period Extract Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

Record ID

Identifies the extract - reports as "021"

Numeric (3)



Record VersionIdentifies the extract version - reports as "01"Numeric (2)N/AN/A
Record Type

Identifies the type of extract:

  • N: New
  • E: Edit
  • D: Delete

See the Report Logic section above for more information about how Type is determined.

Character (1)N/AN/A
FillerN/A. Reports as 00.
District IDReports the TN Department of Education assigned District Number.Numeric (2)District.numberSystem Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number
School YearReports the start year of the school calendar.Date (CCYY)SchoolYear.startYearSystem Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year
Instructional Program NumberReports the unique Instructional Program Number of the school, or as 99 if blank.Numeric (2)Calendar.instructional ProgramNumberSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Instructional Program Number
Report Period NumberReports the Report Period Number (01-09), determined based on the presence of previous records.Numeric (2)Calculated, not dynamically storedCalculated, not dynamically stored
Report Period Begin Date

The first day of the report period. Reports based on the Record Type:

The Reporting Window of the extract is the number of days between the first Day Event with a Type of CS and the last Day Event with a Type of CE (must be more than 160 days).


  • 01: The first instructional day on or after the first day of the reporting window.
  • 02-08: The first instructional day following the Report Period End Date of the previous report period.
  • 09: The first instructional day following the Report Period End Date of the previous report period.


  • 01: The first instructional day on or after the first day of the reporting window.
  • 02-09: The first instructional day following the Report Period End Date of the previous report period.
Numeric (8)Calculated, not dynamically storedCalculated, not dynamically stored
Report Period End Date

The last day of the report period. Reports based on the Record Type:


  • 01-08: The 20th instructional day after the Begin Date.
  • 09: The last instructional day of the reporting window.


  • 01: The 20th instructional day after the Begin Date.
  • 02-09: The 20th instructional day after the Begin Date, or the last instructional day if there are less than 20 days in the period.
Numeric (8)Calculated, not dynamically storedCalculated, not dynamically stored






