Student Programs File (I) (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > Student Programs (I)

The Student Program File (I) reports information regarding student program participation from Flags, FRAM Eligibility, WA Sped (tab), Graduation (State Seal), LAP PLP, and Behavior (Truancy Referral) . 

Student Programs File Editor

Note the following:

Report Logic

  • Students must be actively enrolled on or between the calendar start date and the As-of Date selected on the extract editor.
  • A Program (active range or single date) must be active on or between the calendar start date and the As-of Date selected on the extract editor.
  • A record will not report If the student's enrollment is State Excluded or flagged No Show, or the student's grade level maps to a State Grade Level Code that is State Excluded, or the Calendar of enrollment is State Excluded.

Flags Logic

  • A record reports from Flags for each actively enrolled student who has a state reported program active at least one day on or between the calendar Start Date and the extract As of Date (reporting window). 
    • If the student exits and reenters the same program during the reporting window, two records report.
    • To report, the program must be flagged as State Reported. 
    • Should a student have a reportable service, eligibility, or attribute entered in Campus AND a state reported Flag of the same state code, duplicate records may report.

FRAM Logic

  • A record reports for each actively enrolled student who has a FRAM Eligibility record active at least one day during the reporting window.
    • State Code View on the Eligibility must contain a value to report.
    • Should a student have multiple active FRAM eligibility records, the most recent is reported.

WA BIE Sped Logic

  • A record reports for each active Disability entered on the WA BIE Sped tab.
    • Students identified with a disability report regardless of special education status.

Graduation: State Seal of Biliteracy Earned/Proficient Logic

  • A record reports per WA State Seal of Biliteracy record entered for a student on their Graduation tab.
    • Either Date Earned and/or Date Proficient must fall on/between the reporting range (calendar state date and the Effective Date entered on the extract editor).

LAP PLP: LAP (Learning Assistance Program) Participation Logic

  • A record reports per LAP PLP that is active at least one day on or between the reporting range (calendar start date and the Effective Date entered on the extract editor).
    • Only LAP PLPs are reported.
    • If multiple LAP Student Growth Plans are active, multiple records are reported.
    • Records are reported from LAP PLPs only (System Administration > PLP > Plan Types > Print Format = LAP (current)
    • An active plan is determined by the Student Information > PLP > General > Documents > Learning Assistance Program Plan > Education Plan > Start Date & End Date

Behavior Management: Truancy Action Logic

  • A record reports per student offender / per Behavior Resolution mapped to one of the following Resolution State Codes:
    • 50: Truancy Petition filed with Juvenile Court

    • 51: Referral to a Community Truancy Board
    • 52: Truancy - Other Coordinated Means of Intervention

    • 53: Truancy - A Hearing in the Juvenile Court

    • 54: Truancy - Other Less Restrictive Disposition
    • 55: Truancy - Detention for Failure to Comply with Court Order

      • A Behavior Incident must be entered for the student in Campus with an Behavior Event, a Participant  and a Behavior Resolution assigned where: 
        • The Resolution StartDate must fall on/between calendar start date and the effective date entered on the extract editor.
        • If the Resolution Start Date is null, no record is reported.
      • Mapped State Resolution Codes of 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55; do not report in Student Discipline File P. 

See the Program Codes table for a list of codes that will report records. 

Generating the Report

  1. Enter the As of Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Select which students will be included in the report:
    1. Grade - Select which grades will be reported.
    2. Ad Hoc Filter - Select an Ad hoc filter to further narrow report results.
  3. Select the appropriate Format. Options are CSV, HTML and Tab Delimited (State Format).
  4. Select the Calendar(s) that should be included in the report.
  5. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Student Programs File - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

School Year

The ending year of the current school year for the school where the student participates or receives services for the program. For the school year 2008-09, 2009 reports.

Numeric, 4 digits


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Info > End Date

Serving Country District Code

The county-district code for the district where the student participates or receives services for the program. Reports Serving District from the student's active enrollment if populated, else reports State District Number.

Logic is as follows:

  • If the number of active enrollments is greater than 1, use the primary enrollment.
  • If there are multiple primary enrollments, the enrollment with the highest CalendarID is used.
  • If no enrollments are primary, the partial enrollment with the highest CalendarID is used.

Numeric, 5 digits



Student Information > General > Enrollment > Serving District Code

System Administration > Resources > County

System Administration > Resources > District Info > State District Number

District Student ID

Identifies the locally-assigned student identification number.

Numeric, 50 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Identifies the state-assigned student identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifier > State Student ID

Location ID

Identifies the school number where student participates or receives services for the program. Reports State School Number based on the student's active enrollment on the As of Date or the program end date, whichever comes first.

Numeric, 4 digits


System Administration > Resources > Resources > School > State School Number

Program Code

Identifies the state-assigned code of the program in which the student is receiving services at any point during the current school year.

Flags: This field reports the student's state reported Flag Code.

FRAM: This field reports a value of 19 for all FRAM records.

WA BIE Special Ed: This field reports a value of 36 for all WA Sped records.

Graduation: Reports as 41 from Seal of record only if State Seal = WA State Seal of Biliteracy and the Date Earned is not null. Reports as 42 if State Seal = WA State Seal of Biliteracy and Date Proficient is not null.

LAP PLP: Reports as follows:

  • Reports as 37 if LAP PLP has a Program Code = 37: LAP English Language Arts
  • Reports as 38 if LAP PLP has a Program Code = 38: LAP Behavior
  • Reports as 11 if LAP PLP has a Program Code = 11: LAP Extended Learning Opportunities (Grad 11-12, Transition 8)
  • Reports as 7 if LAP PLP has a Program Code = 7: LAP Academic Readiness (K-12)
  • Reports as 6 if LAP PLP has a Program Code = 6: LAP Math
  • Repots as 44 if LAP PLP has a Program Code = 44: WA Reading Corps Literary Support

Behavior: Reports the State Code selected (codes 50-55):

  • Reports as 50 if student offender/resolution has a Program Code = 50: Truancy Petition filed with Juvenile Court

  • Reports as 51 if student offender/resolution has a Program Code = 51: Referral to a Community Truancy Board
  • Reports as 52 if student offender/resolution has a Program Code = 52: Truancy - Other Coordinated Means of Intervention

  • Reports as 53 if student offender/resolution has a Program Code = 53: Truancy - A Hearing in the Juvenile Court

  • Reports as 54 if student offender/resolution has a Program Code = 54: Truancy - Other Less Restrictive Disposition
  • Reports as 55 if student offender/resolution has a Program Code55: Truancy - Detention for Failure to Comply with Court Order

See the Program Codes table for values.

Numeric, 2 digits


The rest are hard coded.

Student Information > General  > Flags

System Administration > Programs > Flags > Programs Detail > State Reported

System Administration > FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Status F or R

Student Information > Special Ed > WA BIE Sped (tab)

Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal, Date Earned, and Date Proficient

Student Information > PLP > General > Documents > Learning Assistance Program

Start Date

Identifies the date the student attends or receives services, enrolled in the program, or is identified with a disability.

Flags: The program Start Date is reported.

FRAM: The Eligibility Start Date is reported.

  • Logic looks for the FRAM eligibility that is active on the As-of Date entered on the extract editor. If multiple are active, logic reports from the eligibility with the most recent start date.

WA BIE Special Ed: The SPED Start Date on the WA Sped tab is reported. If SPED Start Date does not contain a value, either the first instructional day in the calendar or the value contained in Start Date reports, whichever is most recent.

Graduation: If the State Seal = 41, the Date Earned is reported. If State Seal = 42, the Date Proficient is reported.

LAP PLP: Reports the Start Date of the LAP PLP.

Behavior: Reports the State Date of the Behavior Resolution.

Date field, 10 characters





Student Information > General > Flags > Student Detail > Start Date

FRAM > Eligibility > Start Date

Student Information > Special Ed > WA BIE Sped tab > Start Date

Student Information > General > Graduation (State Seal) > Date Earned 

Student Information > General > Graduation (State Seal) > Date Proficient

Student Info > PLP > General > Documents > Learning Assistance Program

Behavior Management: Resolution > Start Date

Exit Date

Identifies the date the student exits a program, ceases to receive services, or is no longer identified with a disability.

An end date must fall on or after the calendar start date, and on or before the effective date selected on the extract editor to report.

Flags: The program End Date is reported.

  • Logic looks for the FRAM eligibility that is active on the As-of Date entered on the extract editor. If multiple are active, logic reports from the eligibility with the most recent start date. 
  • Logic reports the Eligibility End Date only if the end date is on or after the calendar start date and on or before the As-of Date on the extract editor.

FRAM: The Eligibility End Date is reported.

WA BIE Special Ed: The SPED End Date on the WA Sped tab is reported.

Graduation: If the State Seal = 41, the Date Earned is reported. If State Seal = 42, the Date Proficient is reported.

LAP PLP: Reports the End Date of the LAP PLP if it falls on or after the calendar State Date and on or before the As-of-Date entered on the extract editor.

Behavior: Reports null for all records.

Date field, 10 characters





Student Information > General > Flags > Student Detail > End Date

FRAM > Eligibility > End Date

Student Information > Special Ed > WA BIE Sped tab > Start Date

Exit Reason Code

Identifies the reason the student exited.

Reports as long as an Exit Date reports for this record and/or a value is selected.

Flags: Reports the Exit Reason from the student's Flag record (as long as the Exit Date is within the reporting range).

FRAM: See the Exit Reason Options for available choices. 

  • Logic looks at records populated from the FRAM eligibility that is active as of the As-of Date entered on the extract editor. If multiple eligibility records are active, logic reports from the eligibility with the most recent start date.
  • If the Exit Date field on the extract is not null, logic looks to see if the student's primary enrollment record on the Eligibility Exit Date is active:
    • If it is not active, a value is reported based on the enrollment End Status:
      • A value of B is reported if End Status = GO or GA
      • A value of C is reported of End Status = Anything other than GO or GA
    • If the student primary enrollment is active on the Eligibility End Date:
      • A value of D is reported if the Eligibility of record's Certified Type = Declined
      • A value of C is reported if the Eligibility of record's Certified Type is not Declined and either a new Eligibility record has not been entered for this student at any time in the remaining school year (i.e., after the As-of Date) OR a new Eligibility record for this student exists at any time in the remaining school year (i.e., after the As-of Date) with an Eligibility value that is not Paid.
      • A value of A is reported if the Eligibility of record's Certified Type is not Declined and a new Eligibility record has been entered for this student at any time in the remaining school year (i.e., after the As-of Date) where the next Eligibility record entered contains an Eligibility value of Paid.

WA BIE Special Ed: Reports NULL for all records.

Graduation: Reports the State Seal Information > Method selected.

LAP PLP: Reports the Exit Reason selected on the LAP PLP.

Behavior: Reports null for all records.

Alphanumeric, 1 character



Student Information > General > Flags > Student Detail > Exit Reason

FRAM > Eligibility > End Date, Certified Type, Type (P)

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Exit Reason

LAP (current) > Enrollment Editor > Exit Reason

Qualification Code

Indicates the reason the student qualifies for program services.

Flags: Reports the Qualification Code selected from the Flag record. If Qualification Code is null, the first 60 characters from the Description field is reported.

FRAM: The State Eligibility Code from the FRAM record is reported.

  • Logic looks at the FRAM eligibility that is active on the As-of Date. If multiple Eligibility records are active, logic reports from the eligibility record with the most recent start date.

WA BIE Special Ed: The Disability code is reported.

Graduation: Reports the Language Code entered on the State Seal record.

LAP PLP: Records null for all records.

Behavior: Reports blank/null for all records..

See the Qualification Code Options for available choices.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Program Participation.need





Student Information > General > Flags > Student Flag Detail > Qualification Code

Student Information > General > Flags > Student Detail > Description

System Administration > Resources > School > School History > USDA Programs > Provision

FRAM > Eligibility > State Qualification Override, else State Code View

Student Information > Special Ed > WA BIE Sped tab > Disability

Exit Reason Options

Exit Reason Codes report based on the type of record reported. State reported Flags records must have a Program Exit Date selected that falls in the reporting range. FRAM records must have an Eligibility End Date that falls in the reporting range. For both Flags and FRAM reporting types, if the student exited their enrollment during the reporting range, Exit Reason reports based on the enrollment end status selected.   



Reporting Logic


Program no longer needed

A new FRAM Eligibility of Paid exists after a reportable Eligibility record.



An enrollment End Status of GO or GA.


No longer enrolled

A new FRAM Eligibility other than Paid is entered after reportable Eligibility record.

An enrollment End Status Other than GO or GA.

A sequential School History record with no Provision status.


Opted out of program

Eligibility Certified Type is Declined.




Qualification Code Options

From Flags:

This dictionary is unlocked; state codes and descriptions may be edited via System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Campus Attributes/Dictionary Editor > ProgramParticipation > Exit Reason > Exit Reason Dictionary Detail.

Code Description
A Pregnant secondary school student
B Father-to-be secondary school student
C Parenting secondary school student
Code Description USDA Programs
15 Non-base year students attending Provision 2 schools National School Lunch Program (NSLP), Provision, Provision Base Year

From FRAM > Eligibility > State Code View:

Code Description Derived from FRAM Eligibility
 1  Free via household income/family size application Free, Non-Direct, with Certified Type of Income
 3  Directly Certified - Free via migrant student status list Free, Direct, with Certified Type of Migrant
 4  Directly Certified - Free via homeless liaison's list Free, Direct, with Certified Type of Homeless
 5  Directly Certified - Free via runaway status list Free, Direct, with Certified Type of Runaway
 7  Directly Certified - Free via Head Start list Free, Direct, with Certified Type of Head Start
 8  Free via foster child household application Free, Non-Direct, with Certified Type of Foster
 11  Reduced-price (via household application) Reduced, Non-Direct, with Certified Type of Income or Categorical
 14  Directly Certified - Free via Early Childhood Ed and Assistance Prog. (ECEAP) list State Qualification Override 

Free via household application with Basic Food case number

State Qualification Override 
 17  Free via enrollment in a Residential Child Care Institution (RCCI) Free, Non-Direct, with Certified Type of RCCI
 18  Directly Certified - Free via Tribal TANF/FDPIR list State Qualification Override 
 19  Directly Certified - Free via Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Basic Food List Free, Direct, with Certified Type of SNAP
 20  Directly Certified - Free via DSHS TANF list Free, Direct, with Certified Type of TANF
 21  Free via household application with (TANF) Free, Non-Direct, with Certified Type of Categorical
 22  Free Via household application with TANF case number State Qualification Override 
 23  Free via household application with FDPIR case number State Qualification Override 
 24  Directly Certified – Free via FDPIR list Free, Direct, with Certified Type of FDPIR
25 Survey: Income comparable Free State Qualification Override 
26 Survey: Income comparable Reduced  State Qualification Override 

Program Codes

A Program record reports for participating students when State Reported is flagged for the Flag (System Administration > Programs > Flags > Flag Editor > Program).

Program codes are not stored. Records return solely based on the flagged State Reported check box. The Codes as listed below were active on the date of publication. Please refer to CEDARS documentation for a current list of valid state codes. 

Additional set up in Flags may cause duplicate record return for those programs pulled from other areas of the product (FRAM, LAP PLP, WA SPED tab, Behavior Resolution, and Graduation State Seal).

1 21st Century Community Learning Program
6 LAP Math
7 LAP Academic Readiness
9 Title I Targeted Assistance Language Arts
10 Title I Targeted Assistance Math
11 LAP Extended Learning Opportunities Program (Graduation Assistance grades 11,12 & Transition services grade 8)
12 Title I Targeted Assistance Science
16 504 Plan
19 Free/Reduced Meals Participation /Eligibility
23 Title VII Indian Education Supplemental Services
24 Unaccompanied Youth
30 GRADS Program (Graduation, Reality and Dual-Role Skills) 
31 Title I Part A – Services Provided to Local Neglected School Students
32 Gifted – services or programs provided in the general education classroom
33 Gifted – services or programs provided in a unique highly capable program
34 Gifted – services or programs provided through acceleration
35 Gifted – services or programs provided outside the traditional school setting
36 Student Identified With a Disability
37 LAP English Language Arts – Reading Writing and Communication  
38 LAP Behavior 
39 Readiness to Learn (RTL)  
40 Reengagement
41 Washington State Seal of Biliteracy Earned
42 Washington State Seal of Biliteracy Proficient
44 Washington Reading Corps (WRC) Literacy Support
45 Recruiting Washington Teachers
47 Title I Targeted Assistance Career Technical Education
48 Title I Targeted Assistance Other
49 Title I Targeted Assistance Social Sciences
50 Truancy Petition Filed in Juvenile Court
51 Referral to a Community Truancy Board
52 Truancy - Other Coordinated means of intervention
53 Truancy - A Hearing in the Juvenile Court
54 Truancy - Other Less Restrictive Disposition
55 Truancy - Detention for Failure to Comply with Court Order