Print a Fee Billing Statement for a Household

Classic View: Census > Household > Fees

Search Terms: Fees

To print a report detailing what fees remain unpaid, select the Years to Print then click the Print button.

The Fee Billing Statement generates in a PDF format that can be printed, folded, and mailed to the household's primary address. Beside the address appears a summary of information about the individual and a list of totals, including the number and value of all fees incurred, the district-determined fee maximum if applicable and the total amount paid. The Balance Due follows this list, in larger font and underlined.

The Fee detail section lists the fees assessed to the person, the due date, the fee amount and any adjustments or payments that have been made. The total balance due appears at the end of the list.

Fee Billing Statement Example

Previous Version

Print a Fee Bill Statement for a Household [.2211 - .2219]