Academic Planner: Use and Management - Study Guide

The Academic Planner allows schools to manage a student's academic plan through their entire school career. Academic Planning is a process that requires the use of several tools in Campus and several roles in a school.

Create Graduation Programs

Create Graduation Programs

Graduation Programs show a student's progress toward graduation based on the requirements entered for the program. Graduation programs can be created for a particular school or all schools, for a particular set of students (based on their cohort year), and can be set to display on Campus Parent and/or Campus Student. Any number of programs can be created.



Course Requirements

The Course Requirements tool determines the actual courses a student can take to meet the requirements of a graduation program.


Test Requirements

Specific tests that students are required to pass can be aligned to a Graduation Program through the Test Requirements tool.



Compound Requirements

Compound Requirements allow the entry of both Course and Test Requirements to evaluate the student on successful passing of a requirement. This is an AND/OR tool. For example, a requirement for passing could be Course 1 AND Course 2 OR Assessment 1.


GPA Requirements

The GPA Requirements editor indicates the minimum GPA and minimum GPA per course credit the student in this program needs to successfully complete the program's requirements.



Academic Program Requirements

Academic Program Requirements can be added for successful completion of a Graduation Program.



Course Plan Templates

The Course Plan template allows counselors/administrators to create course plans for graduation programs. When students are assigned to that program, the Academic Planner automatically adds the courses from the Course Plan Template into the student's Course Plan.


Course Planning Rules

Course Planning Rules

A Planning Rule defines relationships between courses across years and for a single year, allowing students to choose courses and to effectively develop their Academic Plan. This information is used in the Graduation Progress tool on the Portal and when students and counselors are determining an Academic Plan for the student.



Configure Academic Programs

Create Academic Programs

Academic Programs show a student's progress toward completion based on course requirements along with any assessments that need to be completed, or certificates and/or seals that need to be awarded.


Course Requirements

The Course Requirements tool defines the courses a student can take to meet the course requirements of an Academic Program.


Test Requirements

Specific tests that students are required to pass can be aligned to an Academic Program using the Test Requirements tool.



Compound Requirements

Compound Requirements allow the entry of both Course and Test Requirements to evaluate the student on successful passing of a requirement. This is an AND/OR tool. For example, a requirement for passing could be Course 1 AND Course 2 OR Assessment 1.


GPA Requirements

The GPA Requirements editor indicates the minimum GPA and minimum GPA per course credit the student in this program needs to successfully complete the program's requirements.



Course Plan Templates

The Course Plan template allows counselors/administrators to create course plans for Academic Programs. When students are assigned to that program, the Academic Planner automatically adds the courses from the Course Plan Template into the student's Course Plan.



Batch Assignment Tool

Batch Assignment

The Batch Assignment Tool adds, deletes or modifies the selected flag or programs to (or from) the selected students’ Flags, Graduation Program, Academic Programs, Programs, and/or Program Session tab.


Course Plan Admin Tool

Course Plan Admin

The Course Plan Admin tool performs operations to lock and unlock course plans, clear parent/guardian approval, calculate program on-track status, post diplomas, and post planned courses to Course Requests for multiple students at once. Use this tool after students have entered Course Plans and counselors have reviewed them.



Academic Plan Progress Batch

The Academic Plan Progress Batch Report allows counselors and other administrators to view a PDF report of several students' progress on their academic plan.


Academic Plan Status

The Academic Plan Status Report indicates whether a student's graduation or academic program is on-track to meet minimum program requirements to graduate.



Course Plan Batch

The Course Plan Batch Report allows counselors and other administrators to view a PDF report of several students' course plans.


Course Projections Report

The Course Projections Report uses planned courses from student academic plans to make course projections for future years.
