Household Records

The following tools are available for managing Household data for State Edition. 

Tool/Article Description
cCensus Wizard
The Census Wizard is a three-step process that allows the user to assemble the household, add persons as members to that household, and modify relationships.
Household Information

Census Households allows users to review and edit existing households, create new households (if part of district policy), and add additional information to household data.

A household, as used in Infinite Campus, is the designation of a group of people who live in the same dwelling place. It is used for grouping and organization purposes. Households can be as complex or as simple as needed. A household may consist of guardians and students; it may be a group home, a halfway house, or a juvenile detention center.

Address Information

Census Addresses tooling allows users to manage all aspects of addresses within their district (and state). It provides a way to see the household assigned to an address, what school boundaries may exist for the address, and aids in school registration and enrollment. 

Online Registration
Online Registration is a customizable toolset in Campus that provides districts with the ability to manage the registration of new and returning students.                
State Edition Census Tools
Census tools for State Edition provide a way to import course data, staff data, course completion information, section rosters, courses, and contacts.