Arizona Ed-Fi Setup Checklist

Classic View: System Administration > Ed-Fi 

Search Terms: Ed-FI

Use this checklist of Ed-Fi tasks to verify you have entered, selected and saved appropriate options for reporting data through Ed-Fi. 

 For more information about setting up Special Ed Plans so that they properly report to Ed-Fi, see the Setting Up Arizona SPED Plans for Use in Ed-Fi article.

As of Release Pack .1749, students are no longer required to have an Ed-Fi ID in order for new enrollment records to be created.

TaskUI Location
Enable Ed-Fi functionality via the Enable Ed-Fi system preference.System Administration > Preferences > System Preferences > Enable Ed-Fi
Enter Connection Configuration.System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration
Set all Resources to 'Off' and map the Ed-Fi Codes to Campus Codes via the Resource Preferences.System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Resource Preferences

Set tool rights for Ed-Fi.

System Administration > User Security > Users/User Groups > Tool Rights
Set Days Per Week value on all reportable calendars.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar

Set Calendar Dates on all reportable calendars

  • Instructional Days report based on the Instruction checkbox on each date; all other events report from the Day Events droplist dictionary values
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days
Set Term Descriptor Override on Course Sections.Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sections > Sections
Set the Ed-Fi Relation Type.System Administration > Census > Relationship Type
Set the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override for all manually added transcripts.Student Information > General > Transcripts > New > Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override
Add a Room to all Course Sections for state-reporting courses.Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sections > Sections
Add an Instruction Setting on Course Sections.Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sections > Sections
Add a Level to a Course, if applicable.Scheduling > Courses > Course
Assign Ed-Fi IDs.Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers
Add a Teacher Role on Staff History for teachers who need to report to Ed-Fi.Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Section Staff History
Toggle Resources to 'On' in Resource Preferences once all data setup is completeSystem Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Resource Preferences


Recommended Sync Order

Ed-Fi v3.X

Resyncing will generate a large volume of items in your event queue, so it may be helpful to plan your resync for an off-peak time period and resync in groups of calendars rather than all calendars.

1Schedule InformationCalendars
2Schedule InformationClass Periods

Calendar Dates
3Schedule InformationCourse Offerings
Staff InformationStaffs
Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations
Student InformationStudents
Student School Associations

Student Education Organization Associations

Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations 

Student Needs

Student Program Associations
Student Special Education Program Associations
4Parent InformationParents

Student Parent Associations

Schedule InformationStaff Section Associations
Student Section Associations
Grade InformationCourse Transcripts
Student Academic Record
5Attendance InformationStudent School Attendance Events
Student Program Attendance Events
6Discipline Information
Note: The Discipline resources are only available in Ed-Fi version 3.5.3 and beyond.
Discipline Actions
Discipline Incidents
Student Discipline Incidents Associations
Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations

Ed-Fi v2.0

1Schedule InformationTracks
2Grade InformationGrading Periods
Schedule InformationClass Periods
Calendar Date Track Events
3Schedule InformationCourse Offerings
Staff InformationStaffs
Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations
Staff Education Organization Employment Associations
Student InformationStudents
Student School Associations
Student Education Organization Associations
Student Needs
Student Program Associations
Student School Association Membership FTEs
Student School Association Special Enrollments
Student School Association Tuition Payers
Student Special Education Program Associations
4Parent InformationParents
Student Parent Associations
Schedule InformationStaff Section Associations
Student Section Associations
Grade InformationCourse Transcripts
Student Academic Record
5Attendance InformationStudent School Attendance Events
Student Program Attendance Events